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The diffusion of mobile-first investing apps, like Robinhood, has increased retail investor participation in financial markets, particularly from the Millennial and GenZ generations, and has increased the diversity of retail investors. However, mobile-first investing apps are not free from controversy. In Regulating Democratized Investing, Abraham Cable tackles the debate on regulating mobile-first investing apps and largely opposes paternalistic regulation, which would raise unsurmountable barriers at the entrance of the stock market for retail investors. But it concedes to a form of regulation that in Cable's own words “serves ultra-retail investors a modest portion of what they really want.” We strongly appreciate the subtle analysis that Cable carries out in his article as well as his well-thought-out proposal. However, we are not entirely persuaded that a solution that “serves ultra-retail investors a modest portion of what they really want” would be fully satisfactory. In addition, we fear that Cable's proposals would further discourage investors with limited financial means from participating in the stock market and, through that, in the corporate sector.We believe that the stock market can be a strong saving technology for retirement and a good source of income. Furthermore, a more accessible stock market facilitates a more demographically heterogeneous share ownership. This, in turn, has positive impacts on diversity in corporate governance. Moreover, citizen involvement in the stock market and in corporate governance increases citizens' agency and can promote social cohesion. Accordingly, we propose an alternative approach which relies heavily on investing education and engagement. In our response, we briefly survey the personal finance education in the United States and then we propose that investing education should be mandatory at least at the high school level for all. This is not an overnight remedy and will take time to implement. However, investing education should be nurtured to ultimately achieve a more inclusive corporate sector which would help to restrain the growing income, wealth, and influence inequality.Investing education should encompass classes on personal finance, financial markets, and corporate governance. Including corporate governance in investing education curricula not only completes the set of knowledge necessary for investing in companies' shares, but also enhances the agency of investors as citizens. Investing education bridges the gap between citizens and Wall Street. It also provides citizens with the tools to engage with the companies in which they invest.
What happens when a young Wall Street investment banker spends a small fortune to have lunch with Warren Buffett? He becomes a real value investor. In this fascinating inside story, Guy Spier details his career from Harvard MBA to hedge fund manager. But the path was not so straightforward. Spier reveals his transformation from a Gordon Gekko wannabe, driven by greed, to a sophisticated investor who enjoys success without selling his soul to the highest bidder. Spier's journey is similar to the thousands that flock to Wall Street every year with their shiny new diplomas, aiming to be King of Wall Street. Yet what Guy realized just in the nick of time was that the King really lived 1,500 miles away in Omaha, Nebraska. Spier determinedly set out to create a new career in his own way. Along the way he learned some powerful lessons which include: Spier also reveals some of his own winning investment strategies, detailing deals that were winners but also what he learned from deals that went south. Part memoir, part Wall Street advice, and part how-to, Guy Spier takes readers on a ride through Wall Street--but, more importantly, provides those that want to take a different path with the insight, guidance, and inspiration they need to carve out their own definition of success.
"The Retail Investor" will give you an insight on the basics of stock market investing, and how to analyze stocks as a business.THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU IF YOU ARE CLUELESS ABOUT INVESTING, and would like to start learning. The contents of this book is easy to read, and very powerful in equipping readers with the knowledge on stock market essentials: from how the stock market works, to reading and understanding financial statements, analysing them, coming up with financial metrics and finally, valuation models and concepts on how to determine the price of any stock that you're researching on. It is imperative that as an individual, whatever vocation you are in, to understand financial markets because everyone needs money, and everyone needs to know how to grow their money using investments. As legendary investor Warren Buffet once said, "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." If you're in your 30s and 40s and have not started investing yet, I urge you to take charge of your finances, by first, investing in yourself through this book. Don't settle for where you're at now financially, and don't let outside forces decide your financial destiny. Do something about it and pave your own path to live the life you want to live! The cost of this book is a small price to pay for knowledge that will last you a lifetime. We have the sole responsibility to take charge of our own lives and learn about investing, and the easiest investment medium to get into is the stock market. This is your ticket to not worrying about finances ever again. Think about all the freedom you can experience, the choices you can make on your own terms, if you had the money for it. Freedom isn't free, it is bought, by those who are willing to pay the price; and that price is really simple, just learn to invest on your own. BUY IT NOW, and you would have gained for yourself essential knowledge on how to invest in stocks prudently and wisely!
This book combines the 1st and 3rd volume of The Retail Investor series. Don't you wish that you were more confident with money? Isn't it frustrating that there is so much information about investing on the internet that you don't know where to start? Don't you just HATE being overwhelmed and stressed about how to plan for your financial future? Don't you feel like you're missing out, that you have some money in your savings account and not knowing what to do with it? I get it, you feel like... you don't know what you don't know. I have some good news for you. THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU IF YOU ARE CLUELESS ABOUT INVESTING and would like to start learning. Book 1: How to Analyze Businesses and Invest your Money like a Pro in the Stock Market The contents of the first volume of "The Retail Investor" series is easy to read, and very powerful in equipping readers with the knowledge on stock market essentials: The true purpose of a stock market and why it is an essential part of our lives How to find good investments like a seasoned financial analyst How to avoid bad investments and protect your hard-earned money Why capital appreciation of your investments is NOT the way to getting financially free How legendary investors like Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch, Walter Schloss and Seth Klarman make tons of money by investing in the stock market 6 simple steps to making your first investment in the stock market Book 2: How to Analyze REITs and Invest your Money like a Pro in the Stock Market In this concluding volume of "The Retail Investor" series, discover all you need to know about REITs: Be a real estate mogul without buying a single physical property Own real estate with as little as 100 dollars Gradually build a steady stream of income through REITs investments How you can hedge your investments with different types of REITs How to find profitable REIT investments in the stock market How to avoid bad REITs It is imperative that as an individual, whatever vocation you are in, to understand financial markets because everyone needs money, and everyone needs to know how to grow their money using investments. As legendary investor Warren Buffet once said, "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Do yourself a favour and discover about the wonderful world of investing. BUY THIS 2-VOLUME SET NOW. Equip yourself with knowledge that will last you a lifetime. May your days ahead be profitable and productive! God Bless!
This book is dedicated to the education of the home gamer, an amateur stock market investor/trader who buys and sells individual common stocks through online brokers such as Fidelity, Schwab, and others. The focus is on helping you make the important decisions required to successfully select, buy, and sell individual stocks. The strategies described do not include high-risk activities such as short selling and options trading. In fact, the methods presented are designed to minimize financial risks and avoid high-anxiety situations. For those of you who have decided to delve into stock trading, this book is intended to span the knowledge gap between the occasional stock buyer and the serious retail investor who is pursuing financial independence and a comfortable retirement. Think of this as a guide in developing the ability to take advantage of financial opportunities and become financially savvy. The process of buying and selling stocks is largely about balancing risk and reward. Those who seek financial independence are well-advised to use methods that minimize risk and maximize reward. Since retail investors cannot control stock market movements, success is achievable by taking advantage of what the market will give you. The reader will learn how to recognize these opportunities and maximize them in order to build a portfolio without exposure to high risks.
In recent years, investors' attitudes towards the securities industry plummeted, in reaction to both the conflicted research and the mutual fund scandals. In both instances, Congress and the regulators responded by asserting the need for reforms to restore the confidence of the retail investor.This paper first reconsiders the importance of investor confidence and argues that, in an era where adults are required to invest in the markets, the government has a moral obligation to assure that investor confidence in the markets is warranted. This paper examines the SEC's reforms, as well as its investor education initiatives, through the lens of morality and assesses whether they have improved the environment for retail investors. It concludes that the most optimistic assessment is that the SEC has plenty of unfinished business to attend to.
If you are a beginner and thinking about getting into trading and investing this book was written just for you. This book details all the best information that brand new beginner investors and aspiring traders need in the beginning of their educational journey. The information in this book can save you a lot of time in the learning curve for the trading business which can sometimes be long and very expensive if you start off the wrong way from the first day. Making high profits in the financial markets on a daily basis is not that hard if you know what to look for and where to look for it. I talk about a method of trading and investing in this book that can be used on any liquid market on any time frame you desire to look at. Using this method for your investing and trading is wise because it is the only thing that can tell you with a high degree of certainty when the market is going to turn, and can also tell you with a high degree of certainty where the market is likely to go to kind of like having your own crystal ball. There are people in the live markets willing to walk over dead bodies to make money and they are certainly willing to invite you the novice retail trader into the market. They are there to get paid and the brand new retail traders who have made the mistake of not getting the right information and not doing the proper education and training from their first day in the business are the traders who they get paid from. Ask yourself this question before you start out in this business. Do I want to be the one who is paying the smart money or do I want to be the one who gets paid? This book is written to give you a fighting chance in the live markets by telling you just what it takes to become a high profit money making professional who can compete with the best professional money makers in the world. I encourage you to make this the first book you purchase for your pre education in the trading and investing business and then use it as a reference book in your library if needed throughout your entire career. There are zero shortcuts to becoming a consistently profitable investor and trader; you simply must do the time to prepare yourself to be able to work in the live markets against the best participants in the world. You owe it to yourself to do the right education and training from the start. The result of not doing it the right way from the first day is not an option and could cause a brand new trader to have a catastrophic unfavorable financial outcome and no one wants that. Click on that Orange button in the upper right of the page you are on and get started learning today!
The information and advice in Trading Stocks Online can save beginners a lot of learning curve time and also hopefully save you some of your hard earned money on lost positions if you just take the time to think what is being presented to you logically. If you have zero experience I suggest you pay close attention to what Trading Stocks Online tells you to do if you want to make money right away. I am going to give you a concise order to learn what you need to do to learn to trade and invest in today's markets the right way the first time that is going to take you the shortest amount of time to learn. That order is not set in stone however what I am telling you will put you on the fast track to learning only what you need to know right away to make money right away. What you can learn from this book takes most self-directed traders years to uncover themselves. You can know this information for the small cost of this book and read it all in less than 100 pages. Trading Stocks Online contains the very beginning information you as a beginning investor and trader must have to become successful and consistently profitable on a daily basis. I don’t know about you, but I am in this business to make money. It is a risk taking, money making business, if you are not prepared for that then stop reading now. If you have done all of the right preparation and studied the right information from the very beginning your business, the mistakes will be minimal and not repeated over and over and over because you’ll know better from having read this entire book what not to do. I am not saying it is going to happen overnight, however it can happen! It’s all up to you though. If you are ready to make money then let’s do this!
In this time of financial turmoil, more investor education is highly required from all parties, specially for retail investors.
Retail Investor is a how to guide for individuals who invest their own money in financial markets. The book provides resources gathered from practical experience and knowledge gained through decades of personally handling my investments. The book outlines the best and worst practices, common mistakes the retail investor makes and how to avoid them. This book outlines means to identify when a stock or commodity is showing technical signs for a run or the opposite and what financial vehicles are available to profit from either scenario. This book explores possible scenarios for the future financial outcomes, the head and tail winds that can direct you, the retail investor, into the correct investment to better your situation. Practical solutions and advice of how to determine position sizing, use of risk limiting techniques, market expectations, what financial vehicles are available to you and when to invest in them and why. This book delves into expert opinions, their prognostications and the different outcomes they are proposing. Timing of events to come and a plan for the next two years, hence the title 2024 to 2025 and beyond.