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First published in 1942 under the title 'Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded'. Claims that Louis Pasteur plagiarised and distorted the work of Professor Antoine Bechamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective, and that Pasteur did not realise the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created. Includes references.
NEW COVID-19 CHAPTER! "The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur" is the 21st book in the "History of Vaccination" series. The 25 books in the “History of Vaccination” series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question, “Are vaccines safe and effective?” The 25 books in the “History of Vaccination” series are: 1) The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 1957 2) A Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches William Scott Tebb, MA, MD, DPH 1898 3) Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous From 45 Years of Registration Statistics Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc. 1885 4) Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils Robert A. Gunn, MD 1882 5) Compulsory Vaccination: The Crime Against the School Child Chas. M. (Charles Michael) Higgins 1915 6) The Truth about Vaccination and Immunization Lily Loat, secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination League of London 1951 7) Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination Its Vital Statistics Compared with Those of Other Towns, the Army, Navy, Japan, and England and Wales By J.T. Biggs, J.P. 1912 8) The Vaccination Question Arthur Wollaston Hutton, MA 1895 9) Vaccination a Delusion: Its Penal Enforcement a Crime Alfred Russel Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc. 1898 10) Vaccination a Curse and Menace to Personal Liberty With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality James Martin Peebles, MD, MA, PhD Tenth Edition, 1913 11) Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s Evils of Vaccination C. Charles Schieferdecker, MD 1856 12) The Vaccination Question in the Light of Modern Experience An Appeal for Reconsideration C. Killick Millard, M.D., D.Sc. 1914 13) Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History Charles Creighton, MD 1889 14) The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated Charles M. Higgins 1919 15) Vaccination: The Story of a Great Delusion William White 1885 16) Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960 Robert D. Grove, Alice M. Hetzel US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1968 17) The Mandatory Vaccination Plan National Immunization Policy Council 1977 18) The Fraud of Vaccination Walter Hadwen, JP., MD, LRCP., MRCS, LSA From "Truth," January 3, 1923 19) Vaccination a Curse C.W. Amerige, MD 1895 20) Vaccination a Medical Fallacy Alexander Wilder, MD 1879 21) The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur Originally Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter R.B. Pearson 1942 22) The Vaccination Problem Joseph Swan 1936 23) The Fallacy of Vaccination John Pitcairn, President of the Anti-Vaccination League of America 1911 24) The Case Against Vaccination Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA 1896 25) A Catalogue of Anti-Vaccination Literature The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination 114 Victoria Street, Westminster 1882, 2018 Never Vaccinate Your Child Lessons from Parents, Doctors, Scientists, Media, and HISTORY Trung Nguyen June 2018
Retells the life of the famous scientist, including his early life and education, his work on fermentation and microorganisms, and describes how his work lives on today.
"In the early part of the present year the French original of this work was sent to me from Paris by its author. It was accompanied by a letter from M. Pasteur, expressing his desire to have the work translated and published in English. The translator's task was not always an easy one, but it has, I think, been well executed. A few slight abbreviations, for which I am responsible, have been introduced, but in no case do they affect the sense. It was, moreover, found difficult to render into suitable English the title of the original: 'M. Pasteur, Histoire d'un Savant par un Ignorant.' A less piquant and antithetical English title was, therefore, substituted for the French one. This filial tribute, for such it is, was written, under the immediate supervision of M. Pasteur, by his devoted and admiring son-in-law, M. Valery Radot. It is the record of a life of extraordinary scientific ardour and success, the picture of a mind on which facts fall like germs upon a nutritive soil, and, like germs so favoured, undergo rapid increase and multiplication."--
From the bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, Louis Pasteur tells the story of the the French chemist and the father of modern medicine.
Follows the life and career of the French scientist who proved the existence of germs and their connection with diseases.
Example in this ebook In the salon of a distinguished man, or of a great writer, there is often to be found a person who, without being either a fellow-worker or a disciple, without even possessing the scientific or literary qualities which might explain his habitual presence, lives nevertheless in complete familiarity with the man whom all around him call 'dear master.' Whence comes this intimate one? who is he? what is his business? He is only known as a friend of the house. He has no other title, and he is almost proud of having no other. Stripped of his own personality, he speaks only of the labours and the success of his illustrious friend, in the radiance of whose glory he moves with delight. The author of this work is a person of this description. Intimately connected with the life of M. Pasteur, and a constant inmate of his laboratory, he has passed happy years near this great investigator, who has discovered a new world—the world of the infinitely little. Since the first studies of M. Pasteur on molecular dissymmetry, down to his most recent investigations on hydrophobia, on virulent diseases, and on the artificial cultures of living contagia, which have been converted by such cultures into veritable vaccines—passing by the intermediate celebrated experiments on spontaneous generation, fermentation, the diseases of wine, the manufacture of beer and vinegar, and the diseases of silkworms—the author of these pages has been able, if not to witness all, at least to follow in its principal developments this uninterrupted series of scientific conquests. 'What a beautiful book,' he remarked one day to M. Pasteur, 'might be written about all this!' 'But it is all in the Comptes-rendus of the Academy of Sciences.' 'It is not for the readers of the Comptes-rendus that such a book needs to be written, but for the great public, who know that you have done great things, but who know it only vaguely, by the records of journals, or by fragments of biography. The persons are few who know the history of your discoveries. What was your point of departure? How have you arrived at such and such principles, and at the consequences which flow from these principles? What is the connection and rigorous bond of your method? These are the things which it would be interesting to put together in a book which would have some chance of enduring as an historic document.' 'I could not waste my time in going back upon things already accomplished.' 'No; but my desire is that someone else should consecrate his time to the work. And listen,' added this friend, with audacious frankness—'do you know by whom, in my opinion, this book ought to be written? By a man who, without having been in any way trained to follow in your footsteps, is animated by the most lively desire to understand the course which you have pursued; who, while living at your side, has been each day impregnated with your method and your ideas; who, having had the happiness of comprehending your life and its achievements, does not wish to confine the pleasure thus derived to himself alone.' 'Where, then,' interrupted Pasteur with a kindly smile, not without a tinge of irony, 'is this man, at once so happy, and so impatient to share his happiness with others?' To be continue in this ebook
Chronicling Louis Pasteur's rise from humble beginnings to international fame, Louis Pasteur and the Hidden World of Microbes investigates the complex life of a man who revolutionized our understanding of disease. Alongside Pasteur's pioneering work with microorganisms, his innovative use of heat to kill harmful organisms in food--a process now known as "pasteurization"--and his development of the rabies vaccine, Louise Robbins places Pasteur in the context of his risky scientific methods and his rigid family and political beliefs. Robbins's reveals a man of genius with sometimes troubling convictions. Louis Pasteur and the Hidden World of Microbes is a fascinating look at one of the most important scientific minds of the last two centuries. Oxford Portraits in Science is an on-going series of scientific biographies for young adults. Written by top scholars and writers, each biography examines the personality of its subject as well as the thought process leading to his or her discoveries. These illustrated biographies combine accessible technical information with compelling personal stories to portray the scientists whose work has shaped our understanding of the natural world.
The number of scientific discoveries by Louis Pasteur is astounding. From his work on fermentation that led to the process of pasteurization to the rabies vaccine, Pasteur made a huge impact on industry, medicine, and scientific theory. Detailed biography takes readers through Pasteur’s life as he makes these incredible discoveries, uncovering the original use for pasteurization—in wine! Interesting sidebars enhance the main content with understandable explanations and surprising details. Full-color photographs and historical images highlight Pasteur’s triumphs as a hardworking, influential scientist.