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The Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib, (1290/1871 - 1391/1972), is a masterful transmission of the essential teachings of the tasawwuf based squarely on the Book and the Sunnah, in a clear and accessible classical Arabic, and in this edition accompanied by an uncluttered English translation.
The Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib, (1290/1871 - 1391/1972), is a masterful transmission of the essential teachings of the tasawwuf based squarely on the Book and the Sunnah, in a clear and accessible classical Arabic, and in this edition accompanied by an uncluttered English translation. This edition contains only the Wird and Qasidas.
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"This small treatise of Ibn Taymiyya (661/1263-728/ 1328), the extremely influential medieval Hanbali jurist, has an importance belied by its size since it is, in fact, an investigation into the origin and nature of the Prophetic Sunna. In it he discusses the value of the consensus of the people of Madina and its standing as evidence. He also deals with the lawful and unlawful, food and drink, usury, acts of worship and other matters, and compares the school of the people of Madina regarding all these things with the other schools, making it clear that the Madinan school is the soundest of all of them and the closest to the Sunna and the practice of the Salaf. Although usually associated with hadith-based legal reasoning, in this work Ibn Taymiyya demonstrates the unquestionable authority of the practice of the people of Madina, showing how it remained indisputably the authentic expression of the Sunna of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, during the first three generations of Islam when it was definitively recorded by Imam Malik ibn Anas. The conclusion he reaches is that: "In the time of the Companions, the Followers and their Followers, their school was the soundest of the schools of the people in all the lands of, Islam, east and west, both in respect of its fundamentalprinciples and its secondary rulings"."--
Kitab Ash-Shifa bi ta'rif huquq al-Mustafa, (Healing by the recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), of Qadi 'Iyad (d. 544H/1149CE) is perhaps the most frequently used and commented upon handbook in which the Prophet's, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, life, his qualities and his miracles are described in every detail. Generally known by its short title, Ash-Shifa, this work was so highly admired throughout the Muslim world that it soon acquired a sanctity of its own for it is said: "If Ash-Shifa is found in a house, this house will not suffer any harm... when a sick person reads it or it is recited to him, Allah will restore his health." Ash-Shifa gathers together all that is necessary to acquaint the reader with the true stature of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the esteem and respect which is due to him, and with the verdict regarding anyone who does not fulfil what his stature demands or who attempts to denigrate his supreme status - even by as much as a nail paring. QADI 'IYAD His full name was Abu al-Fadl 'Iyad ibn Musa ibn 'Iyad ibn 'Imran ibn Musa ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah ibn Musa ibn 'Iyad al-Yahsubi, the famous Imam. He was born in Ceuta in the month of Sha'ban, 496 AH and lived there although his family originated from Andalusia. According to his son, Muhammad, his ancestors originated in Andalusia and then moved to the city of Fes, staying in the Qarawiyyin at some point. 'Imrun moved to Ceuta after having lived in Fes. Qadi 'Iyad was the Imam of his time in hadith and its sciences. He was a scholar of tafsir and its sciences, a faqih in usul, a scholar in grammar, language and Arabic speech, as well as in the battles and lineages of the Arabs. He had insight into judgements and had the legal competence to write contracts. He preserved and knew the Maliki madhhab. He was an excellent poet, familiar with literature and an eloquent orator. He was steadfast, forbearing and a good companion. He was generous and gave a lot of sadaqa. He was constant in action and tenacious in the truth. He died in Marrakesh in the month of Jumada al-Akhira or Ramadan in 544 AH. AISHA BEWLEY Aisha Abdurrahman at Tarjumana Bewley is one of today's most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. For more than thirty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical Arabic works more accessible to English-speaking readers. She is co-translator of The Noble Qur'an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English. Other works include Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, The Meaning of Man, Mu'awiya - Restorer of the Muslim Faith, A Glossary of Islamic Terms, Islam: The Empowering of Women and Muslim Women, a Biographical Dictionary.
The Nasiri Du'a This supplication has been tried, tested and proven to relieve distress and to avert difficult situations, especially when they are societal and concern the affairs of all the Muslims. The people of Fez call it "The Sword of Ibn Nasir." They used to teach it to the pupils in the Qur'anic kuttabs and they used it to seek refuge with Allah, using various tunes, in the time of the French oppression and occupation of Morocco. That is the custom of the Muslims: to seek refuge with Allah Almighty in times of hardship. Your Lord says, "Call on Me and I will answer you." (40:60) Shaykh Ibn Nasir Shaykh Muhammad - Fatha - ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Nasir ibn 'Amr ad-Dar'i al-Aghlabi (d. 1085 AH). He is buried in his zawiya in Tamagurt. He was involved in many areas of knowledge such as fiqh, Arabic, kalam, tafsir and tasawwuf. He was a man of worship and of great devotion, scrupulous, and a zahid, a man who established the tariqa and drank from the source of the Reality.