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Have you ever wondered, "Why aren't things going the way I want them to? Why can't I create the change I long for? How can I move into a place of love, inner peace, and joyfulness?" The Divine Journey offers a unique combination of thought-provoking ideas, real-life stories, targeted exercises, and guided meditations to catalyze your higher intuition and help you find your answers. Drawing from such diverse sources as the Ageless Wisdom teachings of Alice Bailey, A Course in Miracles, The Urantia Book, Seth, and the Christian Bible, author Janet Myatt offers a modern interpretation of complex spiritual concepts that can be applied to your daily experience. The Divine Journey takes you on a path of spiritual discovery to learn how the forces of creativity work within you and help you move out of painful ways of thinking and feeling into an awakened awareness that is limitless, loving, and powerful. You'll find tools to help you: - Discover the divinity within you. - Understand how your thoughts and desires determine your experience. - Heal the mental and emotional patterns that cause suffering. - Experience a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the world around you. Whether you are newly on the path of spiritual awakening or an experienced traveler, the concepts and techniques offered provide fertile ground for a transformational shift into your unlimited self.
Through the persona of Tori Litchfield, author Nikki Friedlander uses fiction to tell a deeply personal story of the alchemy of spirit. Both Tori and Nikki are women who came of age in the 1950s. Both are fueled with an unconventional drive to understand the deeper meanings of life; the challenges of balancing career, home life, children, and personal imperatives were no easier back then than they are today. Tori is a successful fashion designer in New York City. We meet her as she is ready to go to Malta for a career-critical photo shoot with fashion photographer Luca. The seeds of change are sowed on this trip, as Tori first meets the mysterious Gabriella, and Luca faces a life-changing decision. And for Tori, a visit to the Hypogeum, a pre-historic underground temple and sacred resting place of the Sleeping Goddess, opens a new door that lead her to many teachers and teachings, including Baba Muktananda, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gurumayi, St. Germaine and Archangel Michael. Throughout the book, Nikki alternates between story and reflection, as she speaks with humility and piercing honesty in the Interludes about marriage, partnership, the friendship of women, and the unexpected joys, gifts, and miracles of The Divine Journey.
A Jungian psychoanalyst with a background in Judaism and Zen Buddhism explores the history of God concepts in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. This book is about the Abrahamic God’s inner journey, an epic that begins in the Hebrew Bible—the common source of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This God emerges as a living, textured personality as tormented as a Shakespearean character and as divided against humanity as the devil who personifies his dark side. Yet in heroic fashion, he embarks on a journey to greater consciousness, stretching into himself in the Talmud, New Testament, Qur’an, and Gnostic writings. Then finally, with and through the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mystics, he discovers his true self as the absolute Godhead. He takes up residence in their psyches as their own Divine Mind or true self. The book suggests that what God learned from his journey might be something that we in turn could learn from and that could help us at the dawn of the twenty-first century. In this way, God’s inner journey becomes a metaphor for our own. Michael Gellert, a Jungian psychoanalyst, treats this story and the sacred writings that convey it as psychological facts—as expressions of the human psyche—regardless of whether or not God actually exists. He shows how the Hebrew Bible presents God as a primitive, barbaric tribal war god while centuries later the mystics portray him as their innermost essence and emptied of all projected, external, anthropomorphic images. Thus, God’s inner journey and the evolution of human consciousness—his story and ours—parallel each other and are integrally related. Rich in historical detail and psychological insights, this is a book that will be welcomed by seekers of every background and orientation.
Have you ever wondered, Why arent things going the way I want them to? Why cant I create the change I long for? How can I move into a place of love, inner peace, and joyfulness? The Divine Journey offers a unique combination of thought-provoking ideas, real-life stories, targeted exercises, and guided meditations to catalyze your higher intuition and help you find your answers. Drawing from such diverse sources as the Ageless Wisdom teachings of Alice Bailey, A Course in Miracles, The Urantia Book, Seth, and the Christian Bible, author Janet Myatt offers a modern interpretation of complex spiritual concepts that can be applied to your daily experience. The Divine Journey takes you on a path of spiritual discovery to learn how the forces of creativity work within you and help you move out of painful ways of thinking and feeling into an awakened awareness that is limitless, loving, and powerful. Youll find tools to help you: Discover the divinity within you. Understand how your thoughts and desires determine your experience. Heal the mental and emotional patterns that cause suffering. Experience a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the world around you. Whether you are newly on the path of spiritual awakening or an experienced traveler, the concepts and techniques offered provide fertile ground for a transformational shift into your unlimited self.
The final trip we all must take...Is it all so cut and dry'. Do only the good pass while the sinners perish in flames? or is there more to it'.. Could our brief time on Earth be all there is..or is it only the beginning? A young boy seeks the truth while being persued by The Darkness...
MET AGAIN - From times immemorial several questions were asked by mankind. Who am i ? why i am here? What happens after we die? Is there life after death ? Are we born as human beings or as an animal? Many such questions have been in every humans mind at some or other time in our lives. This book answers many such questions with great depth and also on the movements of divine energy across successive births have been narrated in an exemplary model . The concept universal metamorphosis of divine energy , the connection between man and nature, human reaction to cosmic events are explained in simplest ways. This book takes us to a deeper understanding of the events in our lives and explains why they are happening in such a way.