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Everything is meant to happen. There is no coincidence, no accident. So does this meeting, this talk and these Feelings. It all meant to happen and it meant to happen with us.
The conundrum around creating a life of infinite abundance and everlasting joy is still very real for many who are struggling despite the wealth of knowledge available on conscious creation, including the famous Law of Attraction. While this law has given us a solid foundation, there are multiple layers to deliberate manifestation that influence our quantum creation capacity. The book integrates the various approaches many manifestation masters have taken to share their invaluable insights with the world. The purpose of this book is to highlight, that despite diverse forms of expression of the various laws, the heterogeneous angles from which manifestation is attempted to be understood and tackled, it is important to grasp the underlying principles and the science on which intentional manifestation is based. An understanding of all the theories makes it clear that these are all, in fact, interconnected constituents with strong mutual correlation. Resultantly, it can catapult our manifestation powers to unprecedented heights. The author attempts to give the readers an expansive view of the co-creation dynamics enabling them to identify abundance blocks plaguing their lives and the keys to unleashing their full potential. Kun Fayakun – The Divine Decree is a simple, yet comprehensive guide to harnessing the cooperative and constructive energies of the universe for positive manifestations.
The Apostle Paul writes the Book of Romans as a legal document to justify the believer's freedom. "Free by Divine Decree" takes you inside the court room to witness how the case for your freedom was argued and decided. The final verdict from the Supreme Judge is that "in Christ" you are righteous not by achieving but by believing. The truth in this book will set you free—free indeed. No further appeal! Your freedom is not a feeling it is a fact. The Verdict Is In: Condemnation is OUT.
Nach der Kapitulation Japans 1945 zählte Hongkong 600.000 an der Armutsgrenze lebende Einwohner. 1990 weist die Statistik für eine zehnmal so große Bevölkerung einen durchschnittlichen Lebensstandard aus, der mit dem der südlichen EG-Mitgliedsländer vergleichbar ist und voraussichtlich demnächst höher als der Lebensstandard in Großbritannien liegen wird. Wilson, Korrespondent der "Financial Times" und Herausgeber von "China Quarterly" und "Far Eastern Economic Review", versucht in seiner Arbeit die Faktoren für Hongkongs Wirtschaftserfolg zu definieren. Ein abschließendes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit den Zukunftsaussichten Hongkongs nach dessen Rückkehr unter die Oberhoheit Chinas im Jahre 1997. (Österreich. Forschungsstiftung f. Entwicklungshilfe).
Does God have a plan, or did He just create the world and leave it up to man to see how it will all turn out? Most people believe that life is a series of events that come about by chance.Does man determine his own destiny, or did God make one eternal decree that covers all things? If it is all left to chance, then there is no assurance that any sinner will ever come to Jesus for salvation. If God has a plan, and the messages in this book say "yes," then what is included in that plan and how is it being worked out? The opening chapter points out from Scripture how important it is for man to know the time. In the book the author seeks to show who God is and how He is working all things after the counsel of His own will. Only when one knows God will he acceptably worship and serve Him.Dr Jimmy Henry has the objective to produce in every reader the desire of Paul when He said,"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead." Philippians 3:7-11 Get your copy today!
In Christ and the Decree, one of the foremost scholars of Calvinism today expounds the doctrines of Christ and predestination as they were developed by Calvin, Bullinger, Musculus, Vermigli, Beza, Ursinus, Zanchi, Polanus, and Perkins. Muller analyzes the relationship of these two doctrines to each other and to the soteriological structure of the system. Back by demand, this seminal work on the relationship between Calvin and the Calvinists is once again available with a new contextualizing preface by the author. It offers a succinct introduction to the early development of Calvinism/Reformation thought.