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Few know the peerless Lord Agastya and His Consort, Devi Lopamudra, who lived through countless ages, upholding righteousness on Earth and vastly contributing to its knowledge and human evolution. Lord Agastya remains anonymous, hiding His true stature from the world. His Consort, Devi Lopamudra, is even more secretive, concealing Her role as the Universal Mother nurturing Earth and humankind. At fifteen, They blessed me by becoming my spiritual parents. It took six and a half decades for Them to finally relent and reveal a tiny sliver about Them and Their lives to the world. Their endless grace and bountiful mercy made Them give this lifeline to humanity, desperately struggling to be free from suffering. I feel incredibly fortunate and deeply grateful to present Them in Their true majesty and grandeur, hoping genuine seekers will connect to Them with trust and faith as I did, taste Their Divine Nectar and march toward immortality.
Karl Marx spoke about the have and the have nots. A third kind always existed in Bharat (ancient India) since time immemorial and continues to this day - those who could have anything but wanted nothing. The Məsts. Remaining always in inner ecstasy and living in complete freedom and abandon, they walk the earth to remind you of your lost glory. To go within. To be in ecstasy within yourself. To be You. To be a Məst. Learn about these amazing Məsts and the grand Tradition that they represent, through the fascinating life of Atmananda Chaitanya. Atmananda is not just a person. He is a wake-up call. This book may awaken people from the illusions of activities into the lap of beingness, totality and completion. This is the story of a possible journey of an ordinary man from a unit to the Universe. He is everybody. He is everything. He is YOU.
Siddhas were mystics of ancient India. They believed that human race was created to excel in knowledge and help human societies form an advanced civilization on the Earth. They knew that they needed to live longer and even become immortals to achieve this goal. In Indian context Siddhas were considered as doctors but in Western context, such people were called Philosophers. Nevertheless, a deeper understanding of Siddhas' poetic scripts reveals their different faces such as scientific thinkers, social reformers, priest kings, pioneers of advanced cultures, etc. Siddhas speak about spirit, soul and body in their scripts. They also compare cosmos, nature and earth in their science. The unique attainment of Siddhas could be their mastery over physical and cosmic sciences. Siddhas believed that physical science is comparable with cosmic science. Thus, through their physical and cosmic observations, they succeeded in inventing ambrosia of Gods and many became Gods themselves.
The groups of people from various walks of life who travelled with Mohanji to experience this enigma called Kailash. This is their story. This book could open up doors and windows and bring new light into the minds of spiritual seekers, curious thinkers, travellers to Kailash or even a casual reader. p>Mount Kailash - the most powerful energy portal of earth. Kailash stands tall in the horizons of various religions and spiritual paths as an ultimate goal and destination for its seekers. It challenges man to test the death of his spiritual conviction. It literally moves mountains in endurance. Man versus Kailash could mean the ultimate realisation that every man is indeed Kailash - in depth and mystery. The mystery and power of the yogi God, called Shiva overwhelms a man to take up this journey of a lifetime against all odds. This is a life changing expedition. This is the ultimate test of faith. This is the ultimate pilgrimage of man to his own eternal abode. 85 people travelled with Brahmarishi Mohanji in 2016 to Kailash, of which 18 pilgrims performed The Inner Kora. This is a compilation of their death defying stories filled with amazing grace that enabled them to complete the journey and experience the ultimate joy of being in the lap of Shiva.
Know the Rishis and RishikÄ s, the early creations and their descendents, the wise men and women of the unknown and unfathomable eons, that were the embodiments of knowledge and sublimity, purity and humanity and compassion and humility. They were great scientists, discoverers, and research guides; and inventors of food-grain to fruits and flowers; of ploughs and yoke to Ä€yurveda and herbal medicines; from boats and ships to road-transports and planes; of everything that we possess today, from celestial bodies to metaphysics, geometry, trigonometry, algebra and photography, and numerous other things. We are proud of them and their gifts. Know the Rishis and RishikÄ s that knew and taught all about the earth and universe; planets and constellation; climate, seasons and meteorology, clouds, rain, water, fire, space and soil. They gave us the ways of constructing huts and Ä shramas to temples and palaces, and made us know the physical body and spiritual self, the outer reality and the inner truth, and taught us the ways of health, wealth, peace, pleasure and prosperity.
The Rigveda is the oldest Sanskrit text, consisting of over one thousand hymns dedicated to various divinities of the Vedic tradition. Orally composed and orally transmitted for several millennia, the hymns display remarkable poetic complexity and religious sophistication. As the culmination of the long tradition of Indo-Iranian oral-formulaic praise poetry and the first monument of specifically Indian religiosity and literature, the Rigveda is crucial to the understanding both of Indo-European and Indo-Iranian cultural prehistory and of later Indian religious history and high literature. This new translation represents the first complete scholarly translation into English in over a century and utilizes the results of the intense research of the last century on the language and the ritual system of the text. The focus of this translation is on the poetic techniques and structures utilized by the bards and on the ways that the poetry intersects with and dynamically expresses the ritual underpinnings of the text.
ONCE UPON A TIME… Marriage was forever. It was a covenant that knit one man and one woman together. This weaving made both stronger, nobler, and more vibrant expressions of who they were created to be. They were better together than either had been on their own. The wedding ceremony was but a beginning. It was the gateway to build their happily ever after. Each choice and action was designed to construct the life their union represented. Husband and wife walked into the great unknown with hearts, hands, and voices intertwined to express the love of their Creator. How did we lose touch with this profound love story? In The Story of Marriage, John and Lisa Bevere invite you to rediscover God’s original plan. Whether you’re married, single, or engaged, your story is a part of His. Interactive book includes: - Daily devotionals - Questions for group discussion - Tools for mapping your dream marriage - Steps for writing your story well
This book, a sequel to the bestseller Autobiography of an Avadhoota, covers memorable experiences of Avadhoota Nadananda’s childhood and his later life as a sanyasi (renunciate monk), Guru, Avadhoota and a social worker. The reader travels with him as he determinedly journeys through the vicissitudes of his early life, climbing the lofty peaks of the Himalayas to Gyanganj, the land of the Avadhootas, sharing his overflowing joy in serving fellow human beings and eventually finding his successor. It outlines the multifaceted life of Avadhoota Nadananda through his memories as an Avadhoota with a vision, a sadhaka (spiritual practitioner) with a mission, a dreaming social activist with great love for the world, a guru with experiences to share, and a human being who only wanted to see his fellow beings live in eternal harmony and mutual love. Welcome to the journey of a lifetime that takes us through the mind and life of a simple man, a staunch spiritualist, a man of uncanny tenacity and conviction, a super human, a complete disciple who never asked his Master “WHY?”. The exceptional story of a living master, Avadhoota Nadananda. The Man. The Vulnerability. The Tenacity. The Determination. The Grace. The Purpose. The Miseries. The Masters! "A Masterpiece beyond definitions! The journey of a thinking man into the unthinkable realms of true spirituality, guided by his powerful guru, chiseled through unforgiving lifestyles in the toughest terrains of Himalayas, to great heights of superconscious existence! A modern-day epic. A must-read indeed" - Mohanji
Who am I? Where have I come from? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Why do people suffer? What is karma? What is reincarnation? Such burning existential questions have intrigued many since time immemorial. It is not for the faint of heart to pore over abstruse and often cryptic scriptures, or perform intense spiritual practices to get a glimpse of the truth. A panacea for seekers, The Power of Purity is a compilation of Mohanji's spontaneous answers to questions posed during various satsangs (spiritual discourses) and interactions across the world. With razor-sharp clarity and wit, Mohanji provides the reader with deep, subtle, yet easy-to-understand insights into the varied aspects of human existence, uniting the seemingly contrasting goals of spiritual mastery and worldly success. Many can use this book as a guide to finding solutions to life's myriad problems by randomly turning to one of its pages. In Mohanji's words, 'This book has been compiled to aid you to find your SELF and stay with your own soul. Those who are not eligible to read this book will not get to see it. Those who are casual readers will not understand this book. Those who were awaiting this message will take the cue and the next step . . . Nothing is accidental.'