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When we think of the ministry of discipleship (or what I call “disciple investing”), we often conclude that the focus of discipleship involves one individual intentionally helping only one other individual (often called “one-to-one” ministry). We think we have to choose one person to whom we must give our attention. However, as we observe the Apostle Paul’s ministry, the reality is that he devotes time and effort with all sorts of people, both individuals and groups, people whom he meets in various contexts. The Apostle Paul willingly and actively invests in multiple relationships, as seemingly he is open to most anyone the Lord sends his way. And Paul goes out of his way both to lead others to Christ, as well as to deepen believers in their walks with Christ. The Disciple Investing Apostle: Paul’s Ministry of Relationships provides an overview of the many and varied relationships that the Apostle Paul develops as he helps others grow in Christ. In the book, you will meet the people Paul meets and you also will watch him build meaningful disciple investing relationships with these friends. And in doing so, you may learn some lessons for your personal ministry with others as well.
When we think of the ministry of discipleship (or what I call "disciple investing"), we often conclude that the focus of discipleship involves one individual intentionally helping only one other individual (often called "one-to-one" ministry). We think we have to choose one person to whom we must give our attention. However, as we observe the Apostle Paul's ministry, the reality is that he devotes time and effort with all sorts of people, both individuals and groups, people whom he meets in various contexts. The Apostle Paul willingly and actively invests in multiple relationships, as seemingly he is open to most anyone the Lord sends his way. And Paul goes out of his way both to lead others to Christ, as well as to deepen believers in their walks with Christ. The Disciple Investing Apostle: Paul's Ministry of Relationships provides an overview of the many and varied relationships that the Apostle Paul develops as he helps others grow in Christ. In the book, you will meet the people Paul meets and you also will watch him build meaningful disciple investing relationships with these friends. And in doing so, you may learn some lessons for your personal ministry with others as well.
Every follower of Jesus Christ should be able to answer two simple questions: Who is investing in me? Who am I investing in? God desires to pour an abundance of spiritual and emotional capital into your life. And he wants to use you to pour spiritual and emotional capital into others. Along the way, you'll be changed. Others will change. You will experience God and his community in a new and personal and supernatural way. And so will others. God calls this process of spiritual investing “making disciples.” It’s the heart of the Great Commission. It’s the vision of a great local church. It’s the secret of a healthy joyful, secure, and significant life.
If you are involved in the local church or any ministry that wants to create an ethos of Christian growth and education, or disciple investing, Christ Changing Lives: Digging Deeper into the Practice of Disciple Investing, is a book that will assist you in thinking through a philosophy of how to invest in followers of Christ. Following up on the introductory material of its earlier companion book, The “Disciple Investing” Life, Christ Changing Lives will take the reader into a thoughtful treatment of systems of discipleship, the art of diagnosis, situations one might encounter in the discipling process, and how to create balanced disciples. The book will also conclude by providing some helpful ideas about how to disciple others in a local church or campus ministry setting. Both church and ministry leaders, as well as those seriously interested in the task of disciple investing, should profit from the practical ideas contained in this insightful publication.
Have you ever wondered if you could help another person become a stronger, more consistent Christian? At some point in your own Christian walk, you probably received help, guidance, instruction, and encouragement from another believer in order to seek Christ and become more like him. How grateful we are for those who invested themselves in us! I believe that you personally can help someone else understand and live out their faith in Christ. The "Disciple Investing" Life is written to help you invest your life in another person who wants to grow as a Christian. Read it and discover how God can use you in someone else's life in their journey toward Christlikeness.
One of the wealthiest places on earth is the local cemetery, where people have left behind their wisdom, experience, insight and counsel. Too many fail to invest what they know and believe into others; instead, they carry it with them to the grave. Their treasures went into the heart of the earth rather than into the hearts of men and women. They did not make eternal investments!A great attack against the Body of Christ today is in the area of intentional disciple making. Recent statistics show that 80-90% of new believers backslide within a year of meeting Jesus. Tragically, many believers have no one to answer their questions, to teach them how to pray effectively or how to study the Bible and apply it to their lives. They have no one to invest in them personally as Jesus invested in His disciples. With the influx of new believers worldwide and with increasingly difficult times coming, we must be strategic and intentional about obeying the Lord's commission to make disciples. Many of you have walked with the Lord for years. You have learned how to avoid the potholes in life and jump the hurdles. But others have not known Him as long as you have, and they need you to invest in their lives. They need to hear your words of wisdom, your testimonies, and your victories over struggles. You have hurdled issues that they are still tripping over. Invest in the next generation of believers!
This book is an invitation to join Jesus in an exciting journey of financial discipleship. A disciple is a person who has an ongoing, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and who gladly shares what he or she has learned with others. Financial discipleship is so important because what we do with our money reflects our heart's priorities. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also." A financial disciple has a clear vision, to see every follower of Christ in every nation faithfully living by God's financial principles in every area of their lives, both personally and in their work, family and community. He or she desires to know Christ more intimately, to be free to serve, and to help fund the work of the church. Join us in the journey of financial discipleship!
What Are Apostles and Prophets and What Is Their Critical Role in an End-Times Church? These ministry gifts did not pass away with the last of Jesus' disciples. Christ gave them to the Church for all time, and they are still "alive and well" today. But what are apostles and prophets? Why is there so much controversy, error, and abuse in the Church concerning these ministry callings? In Apostles and Prophets — Their Roles in the Past, Present, and Last-Days Church, Rick Renner defines these ministry offices biblically and historically, tracing their roles from the Early Church all the way to the present. Filled with vivid illustrations that recount Church history as you have perhaps never seen it, this book answers such questions as: What signs accompany true apostles and prophets? What defines false apostles and prophets? Why does Scripture refer to the Church as a vineyard, a body, and a temple? Why you have a priestly ministry to fulfill How apostles and prophets equip you for priestly ministry What is God's real intention for a last-days Church? Are you weary from being tossed around by mind-bending doctrines that leave you weak and disappointed? Would you like to participate in fulfilling God's masterful plan for the age? This book will fortify you with revelation you can build on! It will equip you to better understand and cooperate with the ministry of the apostle and prophet in this critical hour of the last-days Church.