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FROM THE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR – THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES FROM STAR OF AFRICA . . . ‘Deadly conspiracies, bone-crunching action and a tormented hero with a heart . . . packs a real punch’ Andy McDermott
The Bible reveals much about an unseen power that works behind the scenes, shaping our world to its will and agenda. Are you being taken in? -- Inside this booklet: -- The Enemy of Mankind -- Is the Whole World Deceived? -- Did God Create the Devil? -- The Word "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 -- Why Does God Allow Satan to Influence Mankind? -- Following the Footsteps of a Different God -- Almighty God: Ruler of the Universe -- Satan's Work in Our World -- Satan's False Advertising—Even in Christianity -- How Can We Resist the Devil? -- God and Satan: Truth and Life vs. Lies and Murder -- The Spirit World's Dangerous Dark Side -- What if You Are Confronted by the Dark Side of the Spirit World? -- What Is Channeling? -- The Fall of Satan's Kingdom -- The Great Counterfeiter -- The Good News of a World Set Free
This highly readable--and useful--examination of Satan and spiritual warfare was written out of necessity. In recent years, pastor and teacher Dennis McCallum found himself fielding more and more questions about Satan. He wanted to recommend a book on the subject, but those he found either reflected extreme beliefs, contained little biblical instruction, used fear tactics, or were poorly written. In Satan and His Kingdom, McCallum clarifies what is true and what is false about Satan, demons, and demonic control--both historically and today. He shows readers how to effectively battle the enemy individually and corporately, all the while keeping their focus on Christ, not Satan. A reliable resource for pastors, lay leaders, and any Christian wanting to know more about evil in the world.
Where can you find answers for an uncertain world? The answers have been waiting for you all along. They're in the pages of the Bible. By studying Bible prophecy, you can learn crucial information about future prophetic events - the time of the end. Whether you are unsure of the value of the Bible's prophecies or regard them with deep respect, this Bible Study aid, "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy", is meant to help you accurately understand Bible prophecy. We want you to see the true scope of prophecy - how it links mankind's past, present and future. Learn how a knowledge of prophecy can provide you with a balanced perspective and the details of God's wonderful plan for humanity. Chapters in this ebook: -- Why Prophecy? -- The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy -- Jesus Christ's Life and Death in Prophecy -- Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy -- God Confirms His Credibility to the World -- History Proves the Accuracy of Bible Prophecy -- The International Scope of Prophecy -- The End of 'This Present Evil Age' -- The Coming "Abomination of Desolation" -- What Is 'the Lord's Day'? -- The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ -- Beyond the Millennium Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "God inspired much of prophecy to relate to the first and second appearances of Jesus as the Messiah." "Another purpose of prophecy is to urge repentance and offer everyone forgiveness through Jesus Christ’s suffering and death." "The history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah is a powerful testimony to the accuracy and precision of Bible prophecy." "Many prophetic passages describe the time of God’s preparation of the world to accept the rule of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God."
Those people in uniforms who ring bells and raise money for the poor during the holiday season belong to a religious movement that in 1865 combined early feminism, street preaching, holiness theology, and intentionally outrageous singing into what soon became the Salvation Army. In Pulling the Devil's Kingdom Down, Pamela Walker emphasizes how thoroughly the Army entered into nineteenth-century urban life. She follows the movement from its Methodist roots and East London origins through its struggles with the established denominations of England, problems with the law and the media, and public manifestations that included street brawls with working-class toughs. The Salvation Army was a neighborhood religion, with a "battle plan" especially suited to urban working-class geography and cultural life. The ability to use popular leisure activities as inspiration was a major factor in the Army's success, since pubs, music halls, sports, and betting were regarded as its principal rivals. Salvationist women claimed the "right to preach" and enjoyed spiritual authority and public visibility more extensively than in virtually any other religious or secular organization. Opposition to the new movement was equally energetic and took many forms, but even as contemporary music hall performers ridiculed the "Hallelujah Lasses," the Salvation Army was spreading across Great Britain and the Continent, and on to North America. The Army offered a distinctive response to the dilemmas facing Victorian Christians, in particular the relationship between what Salvationists believed and the work they did. Walker fills in the social, cultural, and religious contexts that make that relationship come to life.
The kingdom of darkness and of satan is the kingdom where satan, the devil, rules and controls. Those in this kingdom are subject to the devil and obey him. In this kingdom are the fallen archangels and angels, demons, agents of darkness, witches and wizards, unbelievers, and all beings who are under the command of satan and are his servants and worshippers. This kingdom is a kingdom of darkness, because the devil is darkness.
You can understand the mysterious book of Revelation. The book of Revelation—the last book in the Bible—is, to many people, its most confusing. They find its strange symbols and images puzzling and mysterious. But you can understand it. The book's very name mean a revealing, a way to gain understanding. Its first verse tells us it was written to reveal "things which must shortly take place." If you are confused by the book of Revelation and would like to know what it all means—and how it's cast of mysterious characters all fit within Bible prophecy—then read the Bible Study Aid ebook The Book of Revelation Unveiled. This study aid will take you through the major themes of the book of Revelation helping you to understand what Jesus Christ revealed to the apostle John and how it all fits together. Discover the major trends and future prophetic events that will shape this world—and your life—in the days ahead. Chapters in this ebook: -- The Book of Revelation: Is It Relevant Today? -- Keys to Understanding Revelation -- The Story Flow of the Book of Revelation -- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation -- God's Church in Prophecy -- What Is the Church? -- Duality in Bible Prophecy -- The Book of Revelation's Divine Authority -- The Seals of the Prophetic Scroll -- The Day of the Lord Finally Arrives -- Satan's War Against the People of God -- The Mark and Number of the Beast -- The Two Women of Revelation -- The 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' -- The Destruction of Satan's Kingdom -- Satan: The Great Seducer -- The Everlasting Kingdom of God Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "The name of the book, Revelation, is a translation of the title in the original New Testament Greek, Apocalypsis—the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the Apocalypse. The Greek term denotes an unveiling or uncovering—thus, a revelation." "Here is the key to understanding the book. Jesus alone can unlock the meaning of its symbols, visions and descriptions...Christ reveals its meaning. He unlocks its seals. But how does He do it?" "Most of Revelation—about two thirds of its content—is devoted to the seventh seal. The contents of the first six seals are found in chapter 6 alone." "How will the two witnesses and their message be received?" "The book of Revelation reveals, from more than one perspective, the emergence of this vast end-time empire governed from a great city God labels “Babylon the great”, the reference here being to Rome." "Jesus Christ will return to establish that Kingdom on earth (the Kingdom of God) at His second coming, at last bringing the peace mankind has always longed for but never achieved."
The Devil has fascinated writers and theologians since the time of the New Testament, and inspired many dramatic and haunting works of art. Today he remains a potent image in popular culture. The Devil: A Very Short Introduction presents an introduction to the Christian Devil through the history of ideas and the lives of real people.
THE SENSATIONAL ADVENTURE FROM THE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR ‘Deadly conspiracies, bone-crunching action and a tormented hero with a heart . . . packs a real punch’ Andy McDermott