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Chi Sun Rhee’s work of four volumes, The Phantom of Greatness, is a masterpiece of twentieth century epic fiction. It consists of Book One (The Phantom of Greatness), Book Two (The Way to Greatness), Book Three (The Devastation to Greatness), and Book Four (The Triumph to Greatness). Like a thunderbolt in broad daylight, the tempestuous North Korean People’s Army (NKPA) roars down into S. Korea and pushes the U.S. Stationary Army and Republic of Korean Army (ROKA) to the surrounding Naktong Perimeter. Chief Police Kim Byunghong with his police troops must retreat to Pusan. He beseeches Mija to go with him because he forebodes Mija’s imminent danger, but his attempt fails. Being a wartime governor chosen by the People’s Committee of the S. Cholla Province, Changyul prevents people from bloody vengeance among civilians and cooperates with the Sixth Division Commander Pang of the NKPA. Mija works as a teacher at the Attached Middle School. Both the school principal and head of Chosun University Student’s Association force Mija to be in important leadership posts. She has persistently been resisting accepting their menace. The UN Forces’ Inchon Landing severs long supply lines of the NKPA and drives the NKPA out of S. Korea to the north, into the depth of a freezing snowy winter. UN Forces including the ROKA are trapped by the outnumbered ambushed Chinese Red Army. Gov. Rhee asks his trustworthy relative Mansin to find a hideout for Ilyoung and Mija at his place until the return of Chief Police Kim Byunghong. Sending all the communist leaders to the north, Gov. Rhee shares his lot with his sinking ship. Mansin, at the last minute, betrays Gov. Rhee and sells his soul for the price of Mija and Ilyoung’s life to the police. Author Chi Sun Rhee is a retired gynecologist/obstetrician. She is the mother of two sons and a daughter and is the author of several acclaimed novels. Her desire to write this unusual history of Korea in a four-part series of books, is a dream she has had for several years. A resident of Toledo Ohio, where she resides with her husband, John, she pursues gardening as her primary avocation. Keywords: Korea, History, Culture, Japanese, Invasion, Romance, Fiction, Documentary, Struggle, Education, Family, Youth, War, Korean War
BOOK SUMMARY OF AMERICAN GREATNESS The theme of this book is a concise history of our country, from Columbus to Reagan. The purpose is to show what made America great. The many people, who were at the right place at the right time, preserved the spirit that made the United States not only free but unknowingly helped it become a great nation. What they said and accomplished should be preserved for all future generation to know and appreciate. It has been chronicled in numerous ways, but bears repeating. As John Dewey said in 1916, “Democracy must be reborn in each generation and education is the midwife.”
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The Good Society is a critical text in the history of liberalism. Initially a series of articles published in a variety of Lippmann's favorite magazines, as the whole evolved, it became a frontal assault against totalitarian tendencies within American society. Lippmann took to task those who sought to improve the lot of mankind by undoing the work of their predecessors and by undermining movements in which men struggle to be free. This book is a strong indictment of programs of reform that are at odds with the liberal tradition, and it is critical of those who ask people to choose between security and liberty.The Good Society falls naturally into two segments. In the first, Lippmann shows the errors and common fallacies of faith in government as the solution to all problems. He says, "from left to right, from communist to conservative. They all believe the same fundamental doctrine. All the philosophies go into battle singing the same tune with slightly different words." In the second part of the book, Lippmann offers reasons why liberalism lost sight of its purpose and suggests the first principles on which it can flourish again.Lippmann argues that liberalism's revival is inevitable because no other system of government can work, given the kind of economic world mankind seeks. He did not write The Good Society to please adherents of any political ideology. Lippmann challenges all philosophies of government, and yet manages to present a positive program. Bewildered liberals and conservatives alike will find this work a successful effort to synthesize a theory of liberalism with the practice of a strong democracy. Gary Dean Best has provided the twenty-first century reader a clear-eyed context for interpreting Lippmann's defense of classical liberalism.The Good Society is the eleventh in a series of books written by Walter Lippmann reissued by Transaction with new introductions and in a paperback format. As
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