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This book reviews all aspects of boron research in recent years and is based on the Third International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. This includes B sorption mechanisms in soils, deficiency and toxicity of B, B fertilizer application and basic research on the physiology and molecular biology of plant B nutrition, and nutritional function of B in animals and humans.
Boron and Its Role in Crop Production provides a broad perspective on this subject by experts from around the world. The book offers in-depth coverage of the chemistry of boron, the extraction of boron from various soils, methods for determining boron in soil and plants, and the role of boron in the physiology of plants and seed production. It also examines the technology and application of boron fertilizers for crops, the response to boron of various crops, boron deficiency and toxicity in plants, and boron distribution among plant parts. Modeling of boron adsorption and desorption to provide a description of chemical systems in soils is explained, and models for detoxifying boron in irrigation water high in boron content are described.
Many agronomic reference books either focus on a single crop, several related crops, or specific soil topics but not on a full range of both crop and soil subjects. This unique handbook covers both major agronomic fields. Containing essential data and information on the culture of the world's major agronomic grain, oil, fiber, and sugar crops grown
The economic significance of boron (B) in agriculture, horticulture, and forestry has been beyond dispute for several decades. Even in the last two decades, the areas where B deficiency limits plant production has grown with increased reports from China, south Asia and southeast Asia. The present volume is reflective of the growing awareness of the significance of low soil B with reports from Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, north, central and southern China, India, Nepal, and the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan contained herein. Boron deficiency also continues to be a problem for crop yield and quality in areas where B deficiency has been known for some time, for example in Germany and the USA. The problem of low soil B is not limited to effects on field crop yield, with papers reporting on depressed wood yield and quality in timber trees (Lambert et al. ), and depressed fruit quality (Dong et al. ; Smith et al. : Zude et al. ) also appearing in the present volume. Globally, Shorrocks (1997)1 estimates that ?? tonnes of B fertiliser is applied annually in agriculture. The economic benefits from the use of B fertiliser have not been quantified but are clearly enormous. Paradoxically, the clear economic imperatives for using B fertiliser on low B soils are not matched by a similar clarity of understanding of the role and functions of B in plants.
Several crops grown in the Willamette valley of western Oregon respond to applications of boron fertilizers. The acid, highly-leached soils of this area are naturally low in plant-available B. Application of B to the soil annually or at less frequent intervals is currently recommended, but the fate of applied B and the residual effect on plant growth has received little attention. In studying boron in these soils a more convenient and more accurate method for determining hot-water-soluble B based on the azomethine-H procedure was developed and adopted to replace the curcumin method. Substitution of 0.02 M CaC12 for distilled water for extraction of soil B resulted in clear, colorless solutions which permitted accurate colorimetric determination of B.A greenhouse experiment was established to investigate 1) the influence of soil properties on the mobility and plant-availability of B, 2) the magnitude of the loss of B from the surface soil by leaching, and 3) the residual effect of applied B on plant growth and the B supplying power of soils. Soil samples from sixteen locations representing five agriculturally important soil series were studied. The percentage of B from a 2.0 mg B /kg application recovered in 25 cm of leachate decreased as soil organic matter, clay, and free iron and aluminum oxide content increased. The results clearly indicated the importance of organic matter in reducing the mobility of B, and suggested that free Fe and Al oxides, and perhaps clay, may also be important. Soil acidity over a pH range of 5.4 to 7.5 did not influence the mobility of B. Dry matter yields for three cuttings of New Zealand white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were not significantly affected by B soil test level or B applied at planting. Plant tissue concentrations of B were high compared to field-grown forage legumes and, while these concentrations were affected by extractable soil B level or B application, the correlations between soil test level of B and plant content of B were low. A balance-sheet approach, where the amounts of leachate, plant, and extractable soil B were tabulated, indicated a B supplying power for the soils studied. All sixteen soils released B to leaching and cropping with minimal decreases in hot-water-soluble B content. When B was applied to the soils, only those higher in organic matter and/or free Fe and Al oxides tended to "fix" B in a form not recoverable by leaching, cropping and hot-water extraction. The capacity of the soils to maintain soluble B levels under cropping depended both on the individual soil and the amount of B present (i.e., check vs. B applied). The results are in agreement with a small body of literature suggesting the importance of intensity/capacity relationships in the availability of B to plants.
This symposium on 'Boron in Soils and Plants' completes a quartet of reviews of the behaviour in soils and plants of four trace elements, copper, manganese, zinc and boron, selected for their importance in agriculture. The series had its genesis in a suggestion from Professor Robin Graham of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute that it would be appropriate in 1981 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the publication in 1931 of the first definitive evidence for the essentiality of copper in plants. The previous decade had seen a resurgence of interest in copper deficiency and toxicity in agriculture and an expansion of our understanding of the behaviour of copper in soils and plants. We therefore decided to promote a review of our understanding of the behaviour of copper in soils and plants by inviting appropriate authors to prepare reviews of 14 topics for publication in a book and presentation at a Golden Jubilee International Symposium on 'Copper in Soils and Plants'. Posters of current research were also displayed and published. Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia was chosen as the venue because of its then current research on copper, the importance of copper in Western Australian agriculture, and the presence in Perth of many international nutritionists due to the fortuitous scheduling in 1981 of the 'Fourth International Symposium on Trace Element Metabolism in Man and Animals'.