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An overview of agricutlural development in Punjab. The conceptual framework. Estimates of the short-run yield area responses. The long-run response.
A brief summary of the analytics of price stabilization; Some operational aspects of food price stabilization policies; Alternatives to price stabilization: crop insurance and futures markets; Price stabilization policy: rationale and objectives; Design and implementation of stabilization policy; Impact of stabilization policy on price variability over time and across countries; Some quantitative estimates of the benefits of stabilization; Rethinking price stabilization policy.
The prospects for continuous growth in rice yields have been examined within the context of a simulation model where demand parameters for both rural and urban populations and for different income groups have been used. Coupled with available estimates of supply response parameters, the prospects for a rice surplus in year 2000 appear moderate. On average, only 157,000 metric tons of rice surplus would result if current prices were to prevail. If prices were allowed to adjust, only a negligible price decline would result. That is also the case in the more favorable scenario of high growt of rice yields. Domestic demand would be capable of absorbing the increased rice surplus without an appreciable decline in price. The analysis of the proposal to support rice prices through procurement of domestic production has led to the conclusion that even massive increase of domestic procurement would result in very small price increases while at the same time causing serious storage capacity and budgetary problems for the government.
The integration of traditional agriculture into local, national, and international markets is part of a development strategy oriented toward growth. Crop specialization and market integration are seen to hold the promise of wider employment opportunities, larger incomes, and improved consumption and nutrition for the rural poor. Such agricultural development also leads to the emergence of a rural service sector that provides additional employment. But whether the poor obtain a fair share, directly or indirectly, of the gains from commercialization of agriculture is largely determined by the policies and programs adopted. In Commercialization of Agriculture Under Population Pressure: Effects on Production, Consumption, and Nutrition in Rwanda, Research Report 85, Joachim von Braun, Hartwig de Haen, and Juergen Blanken examine the driving forces and the effects of commercialization in a study site in Rwanda, one of the most densely populated areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. This study represents part of IFPRI's continuing research on ensuring food security and alleviating poverty through agricultural commercialization. The present study assesses the interaction of increased commercialization with population growth and the results for production, household real income, family food consumption, expenditures for nonfood goods and services, and the nutritional status of the sample population. It also develops a long-term perspective for agricultural, employment, and nutrition policies.