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Every police force in England and Wales uses the same national application form and assessment centre. This book tells you not just about the process, but what you need to do to impress the assessors. Now in a revised new edition to reflect the recent changes in the six core skills by which all police applicants are assessed, it provides:
Aimed at new recruits or HE students thinking about a career in policing, this book provides a clear overview of and insight into the many and varied roles available. From a neighbourhood police officer or a detective, to a crime scene investigator gathering evidence or an analyst collating intelligence, the book examines what each role entails, the skills required, and the best pathway to securing the job. An extended case study runs through the book, demonstrating how the different roles are involved in and contribute to a single investigation, and self-assessment questions relating to each role check the reader′s understanding.
Unlike most jobs, becoming a law enforcement officer involves far more than completing an application and interview. Agencies run their applicants through a comprehensive series of tests and exams, each designed to narrow the field of applicants to advance only those who are most qualified. This book is the new definitive guide to the Passing the Police Selection process. Includes the NEW Competencies and is the most informative guide available for serious candidates who want to become a UK police officer.
Unlike most jobs, becoming a law enforcement officer involves far more than completing an application and interview. Agencies run their applicants through a comprehensive series of tests and exams, each designed to narrow the field of applicants to advance only those who are most qualified. This book is the new definitive guide to the Passing the Police Selection process. Includes the NEW Competencies and is the most informative guide available for serious candidates who want to become a UK police officer.
Police Promotion Preparation is dedicated to preparing police, firefighters, and corrections officers for advancement to the next level of supervision. Prepare yourself for promotion by taking advantage of this training. These techniques will enhance your chances for promotion and make you more desirable as a promotional candidate. It details specific techniques used to both develop and evaluate candidates during a promotional process. This book covers specific training in communication, academic testing, scenario-based training and interviewing. Learn the skills necessary to communicate your knowledge and preparation to an evaluator. Often, it is not a lack of skills which inhibits a candidate's chances for promotion, it is their ability to communicate the possession of those skills. Academic testing informs the reader of methods used in academic test development. It also gives the reader tools to incorporate while taking the exam. Learn the skills needed to perform better in an essay or multiple-choice testing environment. Test taking is a skill set which can be improved upon with the right technique. Scenario based evaluation is one of the key ways for an evaluator to determine a candidate's ability to respond during critical incidents in an artificial environment. Learn organization and presentation skills which put you at the top of the list. Our approach provides you with insights that improve your chances for promotion. Along with the other skills needed for promotion, learn interview techniques. Many promotional processes have an oral interview component. Police Promotion Preparation teaches you how to get as many points possible during this stage.
How To Pass the Police Officer Selection Process - The new definitive guide to Passing the Police Selection process. Includes the NEW Competencies and is the most informative guide available for serious candidates who want to become a UK police officer. This short sharp guide has been constructed to provide you with tips and advice based on the new core competencies of serving the public, openness to change, service delivery, public service, professionalism, decision making and working with others. Free from pages and pages of rehashed ideas on tests and sample responses, this guide provides razor sharp tactics and strategies to provide the best responses to the new 2017 competency based interview questions, interactive exercises, the new tests, report writing and interviews.
Are you pursuing a career in law enforcement but find yourself intimidated by the rigorous hiring process? If so, this manual is for you! Written by a police officer, "From Citizen to Cop" breaks down every step of the process in clear and concise language. This book provides valuable resources, critical tips, warnings against common pitfalls, and oral board answers that will drastically improve your chances of getting hired.
Joining the Police, offers a well paid and secure occupation. However, both the competition and process are difficult with only about 5-10% of those that apply securing a position. This book is the most up to date recruitment guide from a serving police officer involved in recruitment. The book takes you through the whole process from the application form, through to the assessment centre, final interview and fitness tests. Each of the latest six core competencies - used throughout the process are described in detail with techniques on how best to use them along with examples to aid in your understanding. Know how to write your competency questions on the application form and go from a grade D or C to an overall B which is a pass. Understand the marking scheme, process and what the assessors are looking for - you can increase your assessment centre score by 10%. The key to success is understanding the process and expectations along with preparation. Finally, showing the assessors what they need to read in the application form or see during the assessment centre phase. Just remember the three Ps - Prepare, Practice and Pass!!