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This book is the continuation of the series; with the first book being the signs of the Judgement Day. In the previous book, we have talked about the major and signs the minor signs. We talked about all of the issues up until the coming of the Dajjal and the coming of Isa Ibn Maryam AS and Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Then we mentioned all signs until the Trumpet is blown. Now, we will continue from where we left off. We're going chronologically This book begins the next section of this series. Which is going to be a very, very detailed discussion of this topic, that will turn to the Quran and Sunnah. And we'll discuss what we know about one of the most fundamental pillars of our religion. That is the Day of Judgement itself.So, we'll discuss the reality of Qiyamah from the beginning of Qiyamah. Meaning the Trumpet being blown, up until the very end, which is when people will be taken to their final destination.either Jannah or Jahannam.
In this book on the signs of Judgment Day, all of the major and minor signs are discussed one after another, in a chronological way. This Book is a detailed review of all important signs of Judgment Day. Book will be narrating Quran and Sunnah. Book will also be narrating other sources. Then book will derive from those sources. Because we need to really think deeply about these things. There are major issues discussed. Like Ya'juj and Ma'juj. What do we say about them? Where are these billions of people? Where are they living? Dajjal is he alive or dead? What supernatural power does he have? Does this mean that Dajjal is some mystical force? Or is he an actual entity? These are various theories around them. And all of them are discussed in this book. In the genre of signs of judgment, you have these phrases that might be difficult to unpack. One of the wisdoms might be that, you only recognize it after it happens. And Allah knows best. The book mentions the minor signs and the major signs of Judgment Day. The minor cover categories of specific incidents and number general trends that will be events towards the end of times. Book mentions societal changes that will occur, including change in culture, the way people live and the way people interact with one another. Now, there are many Hadiths that are predicting signs of the Day of Judgement. There's entire section of hadiths that are not authentic. But book will be mentioning every hadith that is authentic. And to cover all bases, Book will inform on what unauthentic Hadiths say on that specific subject.
An introductory text on the fundamentals and spirit of Islam from a Shi'a perspective describing the basic principles as well as the common practices. This text is especially beneficial to those who are new to Islam, or are considering becoming Muslim.
In 1105, six years after the first crusaders from Europe conquered Jerusalem, a Damascene Muslim jurisprudent named ’Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami (d. 1106) publicly dictated an extended call to the military jihad (holy war) against the European invaders. Entitled Kitab al-Jihad (The Book of the Jihad), al-Sulami’s work both summoned his Muslim brethren to the jihad and instructed them in the manner in which it ought to be conducted, covering topics as diverse as who should fight and be fought, treatment of prisoners and plunder, and the need for participants to fight their own inner sinfulness before turning their efforts against the enemy. Al-Sulami’s text is vital for a complete understanding of the Muslim reaction to the crusades, providing the reader with the first contemporary record of Muslim preaching against the crusaders. However, until recently only a small part of the text has been studied by modern scholars, as it has remained for the most part an unedited manuscript. In this book Niall Christie provides a complete edition and the first full English translation of the extant sections (parts 2, 8, 9 and 12) of the manuscript of al-Sulami’s work, making it fully available to modern readers for the first time. These are accompanied by an introductory study exploring the techniques that the author uses to motivate his audience, the precedents that influenced his work, and possible directions for future study of the text. In addition, an appendix provides translations of jihad sermons by Ibn Nubata al-Fariqi (d. 985), a preacher from Asia Minor whose rhetorical style was highly influential in the development of al-Sulami’s work.
An excellent introduction to 'What is Islam?', the main Islamic beliefs and practices, religious texts, as well as other Islamic issues such as marriage, social life, women and law.
A detailed account of humanity's experience of death, and the stages beyond it, including the status in one's grave, Barzakh, the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah), and the final recourse in Heaven or Hell.
The five principles, namely the Quran; Hadith; Ijma; Kiyas and common sense makes and stabilizes the whole of Islam. I have observed that the writings and commentaries of a few who are ignorant or are not fully versed in the knowledge of the Quran and Hadith are taken as the root by a few, who by their writings, commentaries and orations are propagating ideas that are a distortion of and in complete variance with the religion of Islam and thus create "Bid`ah" amongst the public. To those who seek genuine and authentic ideas of the Quran and Hadith, these expositions have become stumbling blocks. Therefore, I seek to expostulate the basic facts and ideas with supporting evidences that constitute Islam that I gained by years of painstaking and difficult research. The style of writing in this book is much against the traditions and style adopted in normal book writing. It is not divided into chapters but mere orations; some ideas are repeated several times and that too in many different angles. I, therefore seek your indulgence and patience to read and understand and do not come to conclusions by just going through parts of the book. The contractual obligations between you the reader and me is that if you are a Mumin who fully believes in Allah and Rasool (Quran and Hadith) then study this book, if not do not lay hands on this book.
This excellent book is translated from the original Arabic book 'Nidham ul Islam' by Sheikh Taqiuddin An Nabahani, an Islamic jurist, 'alim, writer and the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir - the largest Islamic global political party under a single leadership. It lays out the fundamentals to develop a strong Islamic personality and da'wah carrier. It begins with laying the foundation by explaining the correct way to belief. It proves the existence of a creator intellectually and the Quran as the final revelation sent to humanity by Allah (swt). It then goes on to clarify the important creedal concept of Al-Qada wal Qadar (fate and destiny), which is often held in a vague or confused manner. The third chapter, its largest concentrates on explaining the different ideologies that exists namely Capitalism, Communism and Islam highlighting the differences between them giving the reader a clear framework to understand the world that we live in. After having laid the basis for the correct belief, intellectual and political thinking, it then moves onto address the key Islamic legal principles. The short chapters are intended to focus on the most important aspects such as Usuli subjects like the meaning of Hukm Shar'i, the types of ahkam shariah, Sunnah and emulating (ta'assi) the actions of the Messenger (saw). The last section of the book also clarifies misconceptions regarding spirituality and morals according to Islam as well as articulating the need for a constitution for the future Islamic state.
Discussions on Resurrection and life after death from Islamic perspective.