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The pioneer of modern dance discusses her choreographical and teaching methods, providing a complete but highly readable primer for any student of dance.
Join in the glorious uproar of creation with The Riot and the Dance Adventure Book, adapted from the boisterous new nature documentary by bestselling children's author N.D. Wilson. Now you can follow along with Dr. Gordon Wilson as he traverses our planet, basking in God's masterpieces whether he's catching wildlife in mountain ponds or in the jungles of Sri Lanka. (Yeah, he did get bitten, but not by the cobra.) Beautiful photos and powerful narration will open your eyes to the extraordinary glory found all over the animal kingdom, starting with your own back yard. As a student, Gordon Wilson was told he'd never be a "real" biologist unless he stopped blabbing about all that Creator-creature nonsense. Now, Gordon is the Senior Fellow of Natural History at New Saint Andrews College and the author of The Riot and the Dance, a textbook for high school and undergraduate biology students.
This 3rd ascension literary offering is a lighter and fluid ride through the Divine entanglement and weaving that all life within Creation are sewn with, yet only those awakened can atune to and enjoy the subtlties of its love. A special note from the Author ~ 'When I write, I commune. And this culmination tenth year of awakening path work, I have recognized that the Universe seems to know, God seems to know exactly who will benefit from these high frequency books, and so the All and its wisdom offerings and energetic love, along with our human collective energy, are all imprinted within the pages in loving exploration.I walk with this truth, and with every book that flows forth in the many private moments with spirit, I know in some way we are healing and coming together in spirit.'Entanglement is the Divine presence with spirit in any form that one can experience. We can begin to create greater intimacy with all aspects of our reality experience that will assist in changing the paradigm that we perceive. The human dance, the Divine and elegant dance is the grander and far deeper elegance of light and love and how we are golden threads of the infinite Source Divine, and how may we create in this profound knowingness and expression of unconditional love. Better understand who you are as elegant beams of light, creating and co-creating your own personal light field that enmeshes and entangles within the grander dance within Creation. This book is soaked with intentions to lighten up and dance the dance with all that is limitless potential and offers profound end of chapter invocations and prayer offerings, as well as Joanna's personal channeld writings from her teams.Open to Source, open to self-love, and tune in to the brilliance and majesty held within every moment. This book has been lovingly written with intent to assist in re-discovering the whole self, Source, self-love, and heal the many factured soul aspects requiring recognition and acknowledgement as we ascend into a greater light body and light fields of potential. Soften into the dance of love dear lighted ones, for you are worthy to claim this extraordinary birthright and know Source, know your eternal gifts and stored wisdoms, and sing the song of reunification and peace.
Multiverse presents a new kind of theater, one in which dancers, choreographers, musicians, designers, artists, architects, and even scientists collaborate to create extraordinary multisensory, mind-expanding experiences. Centered on the avant-garde film Gravitation: Variation in Time and Space, starring Diana Vishneva, principal dancer for the American Ballet Theater in New York and the Mariinsky Ballet in St. Petersburg, the fully illustrated book presents interviews with choreographers William Forsythe and Carolyn Carlson, photographer Nick Knight, artists Bill Viola and Olafur Eliasson, architects Toyo Ito and Santiago Calatrava, robotics inventor and artist Raffaello d'Andrea, and other creators who actively stretch the conventional limits of their fields.
This book is about the folk: the folk in folk dance, the folk in folklore, the folk in folk wisdom. When we see folk dance on the stage or in a tourist setting, which is the way in which many of us experience folk dance, the question arises are these the “real folk” performing their authentic dances? Or are they urban, well trained, carefully-rehearsed professional dancers who make their livelihood as representatives of a specific nation-state acting as the folk? Or something in between? This study delves more deeply into the folk, their origins, their identities in order to know the source of inspiration for ethno identity dances - dances prepared for the stage and the ballroom and for public performances from ballet, state folk dance ensembles and their amateur emulators, immigrant folk dance group performances, and tourist presentations. These dances, unlike modern dance, ballet, or most vernacular dances, always have strong ethnic references. It will also look at a gallery of choreographers and artistic directors across a wide spectrum of dance genres.
with a Postcript coauthored by Michael W. Goheen In print for two decades and translated into eight languages, Albert Wolters's classic formulation of an integrated Christian worldview has been revised and expanded to reach new readers beyond the generation that has already benefited from this clear, concise proposal for transcending the false dichotomy between sacred and secular. Wolters begins by defining the nature and scope of a worldview, distinguishing it from philosophy and theology. He then outlines a Reformed analysis of the three basic categories in human history -- creation, fall, and redemption -- arguing that while the fall reaches into every corner of the world, Christians are called to participate in Christ's redemption of all creation. This Twentieth Anniversary edition features a new concluding chapter, coauthored with Michael Goheen, that helpfully places the discussion of worldview in a broader narrative and missional context. Praise for the first edition"This is the best statement I have come across of the 'reformational' Christian worldview. It is lucidly written, includes a lot of helpful analogies and illustrations, and is throughout generous in its spirit." -- Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University"Translates the central insights and categories of the neo-Calvinist tradition into fresh, nontechnical language and clarifies them with a generous sprinkling of apt illustrations and images. . . . Highly recommended to all those desiring a crisp introduction to a Christian worldview in general or the neo-Calvinist tradition in particular." -- "Christian Scholar's Review"Outstanding. . . . Deserves a wide readership not only in a specifically academiccontext among teachers, preachers, and students, but also among the larger group of believers who are concerned with issues involving Christian worldview, theology, and philosophy." -- "Calvin Theological Journal
Originally published in 1982, this brilliant study provides a perceptive and up-to-date assessment of the novels of Iris Murdoch, up to and including Nuns and Soldiers, published in 1980. The Fire and the Sun, her book on Plato, is also considered in depth. It is not a critical biography, but rather shows how massive Murdoch’s literary career was at the time and what her contribution has been to aesthetics, literary criticism, the realistic novel, and to the possibilities of ethical and religious action in a horror-filled and secular age. Above all, the book is interested in forwarding Murdoch’s cause among her readers. It is not aimed simply at those who have read and studied all of her novels, the text will appeal to the readers of only a few of them, as well as literary scholars and students of contemporary fiction and modern culture.
Zbornik ('Ponovni premislek o ustvarjanju znanja in vključevanje/izključevanje v plesnih skupnostih, Zbornik 32. Simpozija ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, 29. julij–5. avgust 2022, Brežice, Slovenija') vsebuje izbor prispevkov, predstavljenih na 32. simpoziju ICTM Študijske skupine za etnokoreologijo, osrednji mednarodni konferenci s področja etnokoreologije, plesne antropologije in sorodnih disciplin, ki je potekal v Brežicah od 25. julija do 5. avgusta 2022. Prispevki, predstavljeni na simpoziju in vključeni v zbornik, obravnavajo dve ključni temi: ponovni premislek o ustvarjanju znanja v raziskavah plesa in vključevanje/izključevanje v plesnih skupnostih. Poleg tega je poseben razdelek namenjen plakatom, predstavljenim na simpoziju, dodatek pa ponuja vpogled v utelešeno izkušnjo dogodka, čeprav so ga nekateri doživeli le prek spleta. Zbornik, ki obsega 49 prispevkov 53 avtorjev, sta izdala Mednarodni svet za glasbene in plesne tradicije (ICTMD) in Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU.