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Continuing with the saga of the family Taelmann (anglicized to Talman, Tallman, Tollman, Talma, etc.), GOD BLEW AND THEY WERE SCATTERED, BOOK II, Peters People (The Colonial Years), the author, Genevieve Tallman Arbogast, has, from extant records, laced together events that would have defined the lives of descending generations. This narrative begins in Denmark, in Schleswig-Holstein. As the map changes years later, with the end of the Thirty Years War (1614-1648), Denmark will be sharing a political life in common with Germany and Sweden, as will the formerly independent city-state of Hambrough. However, when the allied families of Talman and de Lichte arrived in Schleswig-Holstein, it was under the jurisdictional rule of a German prince, Duke John Adolphus, who would within five years of their arrival ascend to the throne of Scandinavia as Christian IV of Denmark. For the purposes of this undertaking, however, it will suffice to say that Holsteins records, then and now, can claim a German heritage. The allied families of Taelmann and de Lichte arrived in Schleswig-Holstein about 1583, following their narrow escape from the Spanish Netherlands. Prior to their migration, they had been threatened by the rejuvenated Spanish Inquisition, revived during the Counter-Reformation movement of the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century. As disclosed in Book I, the Jesuits of that movement were responsible for the burnings of so many so-called `Protestant heretics that their crimes against humanity have been compared to that of Hitlers modern day holocaust. As time elapses, the children of the next generation are caught up in the wars of Scandinavia, which evolves to eventually draw them into the conflicts of the `Thirty Years War. As might be expected, several members of the Taelmann family are lost on the battlefield. As a result, the elder Peter Taelmann tries to convince his fourth generation sons to leave Schleswig for opportunities in the New World. That begins an adventure for young Peter Taelmann (Talman), which, in 1647, takes him to the Island of Barbados, where he accepts a position on Island Plantation, under the employ of Philip Hill. During his tenure of almost three years, in the capacity of physician and apothecary, he strives to rehabilitate abused and injured African captives, who are being brought to the island by Captain le Blanc, the slaver. The care-for-work agreement, between the planter and the captain of the Africaneer, makes it possible for failing Island Plantation to continue growing tobacco. The struggle to return the traumatized victims to health, while running a plantation, brings many poignant moments, introducing such delightful characters as Matilda, Prissy, and Mingoe. Rudie Braithewaite and his wife Evie, who operate a tavern on the wharf at Surinam, bring color to the narrative as they introduce the young physician to the island and its history, before they become victims of the burgeoning slavery business. As matters become intense on the island, safety for the inhabitants of Island Plantation becomes a concern. Mistress Hill urges her husband to return with her and their daughter to their former home in Newport, Rhode Island. However, obsessed with the idea of again making the plantation profitable, Hill, instead, begins to search for backing to convert his cash crop from tobacco to sugar cane. Those plans include the development of a shipping service, necessary to transport sugar and its by-products to the North American mainland for exportation to Europe. In the interim, the young physician becomes attracted to the planters beautiful daughter; and, as the attraction is reciprocal, Miss Ann manipulates Peter into riding with her to exercise her fathers thoroughbred horses. As he is taught the skills of an equestrian, many evenings are spent riding along a sandy stretch of beach, which separates Island Plantation from the Atlantic Oc
GOD BLEW, AND THEY WERE SCATTERED is the saga of the Taelmann family, who were found in the Spanish Netherlands, (todays Belgium) during the 16th century rejuvenation of the Spanish Inquisition, reinstated by the Catholic Church, under the cruel rule of Philip II of Spain (1556-1598). As the story unfolds, the reader will detest the army commander; fear the Jesuit priests; abhor the meddling viceroys; applaud Cook Verhult; weep for Lily; revel in the romance of Jacques and Anna; and, fall in love with a black stallion, called Noble.
I have often wondered why the United States came into being and why it became the greatest nation on earth. Also, over the years I have wondered about why other things happened around the world and why other events that affected me personally occurred. I turned to the Bible to try to find the answers to these things. I discovered that the answers to most problems and most questions are in the Bible. One just has to search for them. I found in the Bible the answer to why the United States was formed and also what is going to happen to the United States. It is very exciting to discover who we are and why we are. There is no true knowledge except that knowledge that is revealed from God. How is knowledge revealed? The Bible says to search the Scriptures daily with all readiness of mind like the Bereans did and knowledge will be revealed to you (Acts 17:10-12; Isaiah 28:9-13). It takes many months of study for knowledge to be revealed to a person (Proverbs 28:5). People don't seem to realize that the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets in the Old Testament of the Bible apply for all time, not just for those olden times. Jesus did away with the animal sacrifices, rituals, and circumcision, but the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Bible were retained. The commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Bible apply to our modern times now. Anyone who wants to be a Christian and be saved must follow the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Old Testament which were reinforced in the New Testament of the Bible (John 12:44-50). Which Bible? The Bible that was assembled by Jesus Christ's disciples; namely, The King James Bible. Any other so-called bible written by men/women with an agenda is not worth reading. God (Jesus Christ) made a new covenant with his people on earth. That new covenant is that God's commandments, statutes and judgments are to be embedded in the hearts and minds of those people who accept Jesus Christ as their savior (Hebrews 8:6-13). The old covenant of Moses' time of do's and don'ts and animal sacrifices was changed.