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The most definitive guide to Cuban cigars: The Cuban Cigar Handbook profiles the history of cigars in Cuba and features an extensive guide to over 200 varieties. For more than two centuries, Cuban cigars have been heralded as the best cigars in the world. More than just a cigar, they're an art form, with tobacco growers and hand-rollers considered artists. Today, there are more than 200 varieties to discover, and this essential guide highlights each one. Featuring insights from industry experts like Gary Korb and Denis K. Toulouse, The Cuban Cigar Handbook presents an in-depth look at a wide range of fascinating topics, including: - a complete history of Cuban cigars - how to spot fakes - stories of celebrated cigar aficionados from Ernest Hemingway to Rudyard Kipling - the best Cuban rum to pair with a cigar - vivid descriptions of Cuba and its environs - dynamic profiles of growers, hand-rollers, and producers - and so much more! The Cuban Cigar Handbook tells the history of cigars in Cuba and includes an extensive guide to over 200 varieties. Tasting notes for all varieties of cigars explain what makes each type different from the others, and how to spot fakes. And should you get thirsty, this book also includes a guide for how best to pair Cuban cigars with Cuban rums. Light up a cigar, sit back, and read fascinating stories about notable cigar aficionados to learn what attracted the likes of Ernest Hemingway and Rudyard Kipling to Cuban cigars. The Cuban Cigar Handbook is the ideal gift for the cigar smoker in your life. This is the ultimate handbook for any burgeoning cigar enthusiast or seasoned connoisseur.
First published in 1993, The Ultimate Cigar Book has become a classic in its field, and is generally credited with having helped launch the current cigar smoking craze. It has been reprinted numerous times in the United States, and is now sold worldwide. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting been has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future! Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars. Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak! The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.
The Cigar Companion is the perfect study-side guide to unlocking the delicate intricacies and delicious undertones of handmade cigars—including the history of cigars, a buyer's guide, and profiles of 70 current top brands of quality cigars complemented by full-color photographs. Much more sophisticated than their slimmer, machine-made counterparts, a good cigar offers a certain levity and celebration. Often compared with fine wine, the way that good cigar products are made and the quality of the ingredients are reflected in the flavor of the final product. The rich history of enjoying cigars has seen many changes, yet hand rolling remains a valued practice among cigar aficionados—there are just some things that machines cannot copy. The time-treasured practice of harvesting, drying, and curing the leaveshas a deep traditional background and has shown innovative developments that offer new experiences to cigar smokers. There are many different ways to make cigars, and even more ways to discern its quality once it is in the hands of the consumer. If you're curious about any aspect of cigar culture, The Cigar Companion covers: The origin story of cigars A cigar directory of fan favorites Best practices for buying cigars Storage techniques for maximum preservation Directory of reputable cigar merchants to get you started A comprehensive directory of every brand of cigar, this book lists all the major brands, such as Havana and Dominican, as well as many lesser-known brands. Information on origin, smoking qualities, flavor and aroma, and buying and storing fine cigars is included. Consider The Cigar Companion your invitation into the fascinating world of cigars.
This Title Is Aimed At Both The Cigar Novice And The Aficionado. Arranged Into Four Chapters, The Book Provides A General History And Overview Of Tobacco And Cigars, Its Discovery By Columbus, Today'S Cigar-Producing Countries As Well As An Indepth Look A
Learn the ins and outs of luxury tobacco use, from cigars, pipes, and more! As we live in the “golden age of cigar making,” there is more to know and appreciate than ever before. Great cigars and pipe tobaccos take years to grow, nurture, age, blend, and construct, yet their destiny is to return to dust; it is an extraordinary transformational and artistic journey that yields priceless moments and memories for the aficionado. But where do things begin? Where to start? From Jorge Armenteros, founder of Tobacconist University®, you will learn everything you want and need to know about cigars and pipes. From seed to cigar, Armenteros will teach not only the history of tobacco, but what the future holds. The Tobacconist Handbook exists as a resource for lovers of luxury tobacco to enhance our knowledge, appreciation, and quality of life. Included in this handbook are numerous important lessons, including: Learning the different types of tobacco Which cigar best suits you How to taste luxury tobacco Making the perfect cut Setting up a humidor And much more Great cigars and pipes help us ruminate, decompress, gather our thoughts and emotions, revitalize ourselves, and savor our time. Furthermore, through education you will learn that luxury tobacco products are used by choice and not out of habit. They are products created by great craftsmen and women who honor thousands of years of traditions and history. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or someone looking to learn more about the history and becoming a cigar aficionado, The Tobacconist Handbook is the perfect place to start.
For some, nothing is as pleasurable as the smell and taste of a great cigar. For them, Playboy The Book of Cigars will be the next best thing to lighting up. Whether you want to learn the ?ner points of cutters, cutting, or humidors, or want to understand more about how ?ne tobacco is grown and ?ne cigars rolled, it’s all here for you. Learn why Cuban cigars are so sought-after, what ?ne cigars from the Dominican Republic and Honduras have to offer, and whether cigars from Cameroon and the Canary Islands are worth your time. With a foreword by artist and bon vivant LeRoy Neiman and an afterword by award-winning actor Joe Mantegna, there is more than a touch of the good life here. Sprinkled with photographs from around the world, enlivened by sexy Playboy beauties, and featuring illustrated images of celebrities by Risko, there has never been a cigar book offering more of the good life than Playboy The Book of Cigars. It’s the perfect book to keep next to your humidor.
Tours the world's finest private collection of humidors, exploring the history of cigar accoutrements from cutters to ashtrays, in a sumptuously photographed edition by the editor and publisher of Cigar Aficionado.
First Published in 2016. If scholarship on Cuban studies after the 1959 revolution focused on the historical and cultural aspects of the construction of a socialist order, the post-1989 crisis of socialism in Central and Eastern Europe raised questions about the island’s state as a socialist model. The scholarly gaze gradually began to focus on possibilities for alternative transformations at various levels of social life rather than on the deepening of traditional twentieth-century state socialism. This volume explores the newly emergent themes and debates about Cuban society and history.
Winner, 2020 Herbert H. Lehman Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in New York history Honorable Mention, 2019 CASA Literary Prize for Studies on Latinos in the United States, given by La Casa de las Américas The dramatic story of the origins of the Cuban community in nineteenth-century New York. More than one hundred years before the Cuban Revolution of 1959 sparked an exodus that created today’s prominent Cuban American presence, Cubans were settling in New York City in what became largest community of Latin Americans in the nineteenth-century Northeast. This book brings this community to vivid life, tracing its formation and how it was shaped by both the sugar trade and the long struggle for independence from Spain. New York City’s refineries bought vast quantities of raw sugar from Cuba, ultimately creating an important center of commerce for Cuban émigrés as the island tumbled into the tumultuous decades that would close out the century and define Cuban nationhood and identity. New York became the primary destination for Cuban émigrés in search of an education, opportunity, wealth, to start a new life or forget an old one, to evade royal authority, plot a revolution, experience freedom, or to buy and sell goods. While many of their stories ended tragically, others were steeped in heroism and sacrifice, and still others in opportunism and mendacity. Lisandro Pérez beautifully weaves together all these stories, showing the rise of a vibrant and influential community. Historically rich and engrossing, Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution immerses the reader in the riveting drama of Cuban New York. Lisandro Pérez analyzes the major forces that shaped the community, but also tells the stories of individuals and families that made up the fabric of a little-known immigrant world that represents the origins of New York City's dynamic Latino presence.