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The Creator is a story born of imagination. In my eternal journey through these lands, I learned what it is to enjoy, laugh, suffer and cry, I had joys and ventures, I also saw the enjoyment and suffering of half the world, moreover, I have seen the suffering of many thousands and the enjoy of few, looking at the sky I asked many questions, but never find an answer, taking my own initiative I intend to witness the beginning of the Apocalypse, I intend to contribute to this event. With little knowledge of religious events, drag characters that marked milestones in the biblical story, put them on the way to save the world where we live, a world called "land" to which a man named Pedro wants to call "paradise." The man called Pedro has a second chance in his life, in his impotence of facing so much abuse, he tries to mediate with the creator, he also asks many questions to this one, who only responds "so I do things, nobody can reproach me" "non-mortal dare to disobey," "so would his design" "so he did and so it will be forever", because that is his law. Peter does not agree, "you are wrong" "you seem to hate your subjects" "you make a good soul suffer and you give pleasure to the perverse soul" he continues saying "your believers are losing faith in you", they are losing faith in the "creator". That seems to matter little to the creator who only strives to punish the one who dares to challenge his will. The man named Pedro, ignoring the creator's request, launches himself towards the earth, his task, ridding it of evil, he will not be alone, a lot of Angels go with him. As the creator can not avoid his decision he covers them with his grace, he asks not to commit the same error of the fallen angels, he asks that they teach to love their neighbor, but that is not the intention of Pedro, he will be more severe in his desire to make the earth a paradise.
Daily Warrior is made up of 365 inspirational daily entries―one for every day of the year. Whether you are facing indecision, frustration, or adversity, Daily Warrior has something to raise you up, and remind you of your own strength and potential. It will help you to realize that you are true warriors. Whether you read an entry every morning, every night, or simply at some point in between when you're struggling, within these pages you will find the encouragement to overcome whatever ails you, confronts you, or drags you down.
Justin was a Nephlium. His father was an angel and his mother human. His race was often referred to as light warriors. Justins race was the stuff of myth and legends and most beings believed that they did not exist. They will be born with several unique talents and abilities, one of which will be a shield around their souls which will hide their gifts, talents and abilities from angels, demons and humans. These warriors of light will walk among each race unknown and unseen until they need or choose to reveal themselves. Every one is operating under a misconception because they believe or assume that the battle of good and evil will be some epic future battle. Only the battle rages now; as we speak it is being fought, won or lost within each human soul. Justin was given a new and urgent assignment: a crossroads soul. These rare beings hold a great amount of power and could be an asset to either side. Justin was shocked beyond belief to find that this new crossroads soul was his mate.
For years, tales of DRAGONS from another world kidnapping and enslaving humans have been circulating in Jason Masters’ world, while for a slave girl named Koren, the stories of a human world seem pure myth. Together, these two teens will need to bridge two planets in order to overthrow the draconic threat and bring the lost slaves home. The Dragon Prince Has Hatched The stakes are raised when the foretold prince is crowned. While Koren and Jason race to the Northlands of Starlight to find the one person who can help them free the human slaves, Elyssa and Wallace strive to locate Jason and assist his quest. Soon, all four discover that the secrets of Starlight extend much further than they had imagined. Meanwhile, Randall and Tibalt have returned to Major Four and find themselves teamed with the dragon Magnar, who has arrived to help thwart the governor. No one knows how the prophecy will be fulfilled, but one thing is clear: more than ever, the survival of the dragons depends on humankind, and they will do anything to prevent the slaves from escaping.
We all have within each of us, a warrior spirit who wants to live free at our highest potential. This warrior spirit within each of us is timeless, fearless and has the power to take action on all of the amazing talents, strengths and opportunities that we have unique to our individuality. Our mind controls our body and when we tap into the mind and activate our warrior within, we have the courage, strength and self-discipline to take action and stay on course with our unique destiny. Why aren't most people living out their Dharma and fulfilling their Destiny with all of the boundless opportunities available today? Most people are so distracted with everything going on out there and in their day-to-day lives that they never gain true clarity, oneness and direction. They were never taught the principles and laws of destiny that you will learn in Activate The Warrior Within. Our warrior spirit within usually lays dormant until it is activated, strengthened and harnessed. Activate The Warrior Within blends the Yin (soft) and the Yang (hard) of mental toughness and being at one with yourself, living a life full of love, health, happiness, wisdom, wealth, prosperity, success and abundance on your own terms. It is designed with exercises throughout the entire book that you can take action on, to strengthen and improve your mental and physical health, strength and discipline, to not only create and start living your dream life, but to have the inner strength and the tools to keep living it and fulfilling your unique destiny.
Quest narratives are as old as Western culture. In stories like The Odyssey, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter, men set out on journeys, fight battles and become heroes. Women traditionally feature in such stories as damsels in need of rescue or as the prizes at the end of heroic quests. These narratives perpetuate predominant gender roles by casting men as active and women as passive. Focusing on stories in which popular teenage heroines--Buffy Summers, Katniss Everdeen and Disney's Princess Merida--embark on daring journeys, this book explores what happens when traditional gender roles and narrative patterns are subverted. The author examines representations of these characters across various media--film, television, novels, posters, merchandise, fan fiction and fan art, and online memes--that model concepts of heroism and girlhood inspired by feminist ideas.
Warrior Up is written to speak to an innate warrior nature that many are born with. This nature has a tendency to be beaten down or lessened over years of life's experiences. When life gets hard finding and living by the creed that runs through the blood of all warriors past, present and future is what takes a person to a new level of living. This creed begins to shape the very thoughts, speech and action of a person for the good. This ancient call when unlocked ignites a fire that changes the world around a warrior which then impacts those around us.
Keys to Becoming a Divine Warrior encourages you to become an instruments of peace in your world. Every word in this book works toward one purpose: to help you to discover wisdom in a modern world. The main thrust of the book centers on the value of a well-developed spiritual relationship between you and your higher power. It assists you in living an enlightened way of life by using the powers of discernment that lies within you. It suggests ways to express life more fully. The book supports your expansion through meditation, right-living, devotion, selflessness, coupled with building an optimistic attitude. It provides techniques for eradicating anger and resentment. Ethical behavior is encouraged by cultivating self-discipline, virtue, and compassion in what you say and do. The book gives rise to the concept; the work you do and your spiritual beliefs are connected. Keys to Becoming a Divine Warrior will help you to be like a ship, remaining constantly on course. A ship meeting the storms of life bravely and fearlessly.