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In this book, teacher and prophetic songwriter Lori Wilke boldly reveals God's requirements for being entrusted with an awesome power and authority. She speaks directly from God's heart to your heart concerning the most costly anointing. This is a word that will change your life!
"Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13)""that is exactly what Jesus done for us. Jesus gave his life to pay the debt that we owed and could not pay, and he paid the debt that he did not owe, which was our debt to sin. Now that is costly. One Sunday while preaching, I heard God say, "Look to your left." I did, and there was some writing on the wall that said, "Your debt to sin has been paid in full: it was written in blood." I stopped, and I screamed. I read to the congregation what was written on the wall. Some tried seeing it, but they couldn't""they had to receive the vision that God had given unto me. The blood of Jesus paying our debt to sin is the costly anointing. Jesus made himself a curse to redeem us from the curse of the law. Jesus bore our sins in his body as he hanged on the cross; he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. The writer of Hebrews said, "For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities." That is costly. After writing my book, I Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, I heard God say, "You obtained my anointing by the things that I suffered you to go through. I want you to title this book The Costly Anointing." There is nothing that can compensate for the shedding of Jesus's blood.
But my horn you have exalted like a wild ox; I am anointed with FRESH OIL. Psalm 92:10 The Anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit effecting eternal changes in our lives and ministries. It is a vital necessity for any pastor, teacher or spiritual leader who wants the demonstration and evidence of Kingdom authority. Lori Wilke boldly reveals God's requirements for being entrusted with such awesome power and authority. She speaks directly from God's heart to your heart. She shares a word that will radically change every aspect of your calling. If you want to enter into a bold, radical relationship with the King of Kings, then learn the price of The Costly Anointing.
The Cost of the Anointing was written to uplift and inspire believers in Christ who earnestly desire to become spiritually elevated. We are not exempt from trials, tribulations, hardships and difficulties but we can learn from them and earn the anointing by effectively overcoming them. This book expounds upon the purification process needed to go through the fire, the wilderness experience required to earn the anointing, the proper use of Spiritual gifts, and many more truths revealed about the Christian walk.
In her new book, The Cost of The Anointing, Yukie Pritchett uncovers what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. She demonstrates that discipleship comes at a price, and the price is suffering. The Cost of the Anointing is a compelling book that will shift your perspective about suffering and your "yes" to Christ. True surrender comes at a price, and Yukie dispels the myth that Believers are exempt from pain--from life's ups and downs and twists and turns. In fact, Christians are called to suffer. It is a part of the Christian faith. In an effort to deliver a clear message to her audience, Yukie shares a difficult and challenging time in her life, where her "yes" to Christ cost her. She uncovers and reveals the price of the anointing, which is suffering. In complete transparency, she reveals the price she had to pay to reach the next dimension in Christ, by paying the price of suffering.
THE PROCESS FOR DIVINE PURPOSE... Are you experiencing a press out of measure propelled by life circumstances, emotional wounds, heartache, levels of pain, human sufferings, or stemming from your gifts, and divine call? Do you understand the will of God for your life as it relates to the divine process, your purpose, and destiny? Whether you are afflicted from the cost of the endowment bestowed upon you by God, or from the sheer anointing upon your life, it is for your empowerment, comfort, consolation, and salvation. T.O.P. — The Olive Press imparts helping interventions for God’s people in a hurting world experiencing pain, pressures, sufferings, or distresses, by turning these elements into power. A highly inspirational memoir by author Melveena D. Edwards who exposes intricate levels of her personal life, feelings, pain, pressures, and sufferings endured. T.O.P offers hope, healing, encouragement, and empowerment through Biblical counsel by delving into areas of life truths. Based on the premise of Biblical principles, and the “Word of God,” Dr. Edwards proclaims that this book will illuminate thinking as she parallels the life of an olive with the anointing power—and asserts that no matter the cost for the anointing, you will reap divine benefits. After reading this book individuals will understand and gain knowledge regarding: • Typology of the olive and olive oil as it relates to the anointing • Godly principles that will facilitate heighten empowerment for the believer or minister • Dimensions of healing, health, wellness, and wholeness
Throughout the Scriptures, we find this phrase over and over again, “And the Spirit of the Lord God came upon Him”. Well, this book is about the anointing of God. I want by the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit to show you what the Spirit of the Lord God really is and what Him coming upon you means. So many people confuse the anointing with talent or the anointing with the way a preacher preaches a sermon and it is not really the Spirit of God but rather just some kind of mental ascent that they’ve given to it. Listen, when God anoints something, it is drenched in His presence. It is manifestly all about Jesus and not about a man or something else. This book was written that you might know that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you! Yes you! Because He has anointed you! If God is going to anoint anybody, He needs to anoint you and me for all the people whom we touch and have influence in our lives. As you read this book, you will understand Biblically that the anointing comes through great suffering, great travail, great stripping, a great foundation, and a great humbling. By the time you finish this book, I promise you will know what the anointing of God means and then it is up to you to pay the price and so that it can be said of you, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me...” To this end was this book written.