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Following in the footsteps of one’s family is never easy—especially when that family runs a traditional coppersmithing business in rural Japan. This is a tough lesson for Shuu, who must now decide whether to follow the path his father walked or find his own. But that’s not the only thing he must learn. A coppersmith must meet the expectations of their clients—and the clients themselves—something with which the reticent Shuu struggles. Somehow life has become more complicated than simply hammering away on copper. With his loving fiancée Shiina as his anchor, can the smithing nut rise to all the challenges his vocation presents?
Shiina, a freshman in college, is enjoying a cozy life in Niigata Prefecture dating her coppersmith boyfriend, Shuu. She’s grown used to the rhythmic sound of his hammer, inwardly dubbing him the “smithing nut” for his obsession with hunkering down in the workshop, even on his days off. What she’s not ready for is a sudden proposal out of nowhere! Barely out of high school, is she ready for the next step? And more importantly, can she really hack marrying into a prestigious smithing family?
What's the natural next step in a relationship before marriage? For Shiina and Shuu, it’s moving into an apartment together! But each up comes with its own down, and the couple is surprised by the roadblocks popping up alongside the conveniences and fun of sharing a cozy abode. This is especially true for Shuu, who has a habit of not voicing his emotions, complaints or otherwise. Can the two of them hold on to their lovestruck bliss and successfully navigate the challenges that come with cohabitation?
Daily life continues for Shuu and Shiina. Shuu trains a new mentor in coppersmithing, Shiina dives into her training to become head clerk of the shop, and the two enjoy the coziness of their home together. But as the days go on, the stoic Shuu struggles to communicate his love and appreciation to Shiina. Then he finds his moment: a romantic couple’s getaway to Sado Island! With everything planned out down to the most intricate of details, Shuu should have this in the bag—but he soon runs into an unexpected problem. Can Shuu still pull this trip together and show Shiina what she really means to him?
Once a feared mercenary, Tahn Dorn has abandoned his old ways and is building a new life. But his heart is still heavy. Haunted by confusing dreams and uncertain of his growing attraction to Netta Trilett, Tahn knows he must come to terms with his past before he can look to the future. And that means returning to his birthplace of Alastair--a journey he knows will not be easy. And so begins Tahn's search for truth, where he encounters old adversaries, deadly threats, a long-lost sister, and the distrust of an entire town. Return to Alastair is the continuing tale of an unlikely hero who must learn the power of forgiving others--and forgiving himself--in order to accept the love of a good lady.
This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the six messages given during the 2007 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts on November 22-25, 2007. The general subject of the conference was "Closely Following the Present Vision of the Lord's Recovery." The burden of these messages can be summarized in the following four statements: 1) To live out and work out the New Jerusalem is to live out and work out God's complete salvation according to the intrinsic essence of the unique New Testament ministry for the reality of the Body of Christ and a new revival; 2) God became man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce and build up the Body of Christ for the fulfillment of God's economy to close this age and bring Christ back to set up His kingdom; 3) God's intention is, through the universal woman, to bring forth the man-child--the stronger part of God's people--whom He will use to defeat His enemy and bring in His kingdom; and 4) We must closely follow the present vision of the Lord's recovery by holding to the teaching of the apostles to remain in the essence of oneness. The Reports and Announcements section includes a schedule concerning the upcoming conferences and trainings for 2008.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India is a four-volume ethnological study of the caste system written by Robert Vane Russell. The book is the result of the arrangement made by India's Government for the preparation of an ethnological account, dealing with the inhabitants of each of the principal Provinces of India. Although being a four-volume study, the study is basically divided in two parts. The first part, consisting of volume one, contains articles on the religions and sects of the people of the Central Provinces and the glossary of minor castes and other articles, synonyms, subcastes, titles and names of exogamous septs or clans. The second part, consisting of volumes two, three and four, contains descriptive articles on the principal castes and tribes of the Central Provinces.
Isaiah 2:4 “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” AKJV (Psalms 67:4). The Holy Bible is the most widely distributed, least understood book in the history of creation. Due to early understandings and handed down traditions of world renowned teachers, the Holy Bible was falsely interpreted in many areas (James 3:1-6). To this day, many of the past, incorrect teachings are still being upheld and taught (2 Peter 3:15-16). The spreading of misinformation, throughout the world, has failed the masses (Jeremiah 8:8-16, Matthew 7:24-27, Romans 2:24-25). Since the beginning of time, mankind has searched for the meaning and purpose of life, to gain understanding of the very purpose of existence (Acts 17:21-23). Knowing the true destiny of humanity enlightens the conscience in the way of true reality (Luke 11:34-36). Discovering the very origin and voyages of life, removes all non essential searching. Oneness with the origin of life, brings one to a place of true comfort and healing for the entire body (Proverbs 3:7-10, 22). Humanity is more than ever before seeking connectivity and oneness with alien spirits of higher dimensions, energies, forces of the earth, universe and realms beyond (Deuteronomy 4:19, 2 Chronicles 28:22-23, Daniel 12:4, Romans 1:25). The existence and condition of the creation before the earth was created, the realm beyond the universe, the fulfillment of the destiny that awaits mankind, causes of the human condition, are made known. Is GOD MALE AND FEMALE? etc. This book clearly and thoroughly brings out the revelent facts of such topics and much more (Jeremiah 33:2-3). This book, without leaving any doubts, reveals how to invoke and have proper communion with THE CREATOR, how THE CREATOR is blessing, saving, glorifying the Gentiles (Romans 3:29-30) and how GOD chooses HIS first fruits (Leviticus 27:32). Inspiration received is to provide true doctrine which leads to understanding (Luke 24:28-32), regarding matters such as transcendency through fire, the milllenial ages, the last days etc. Understanding numerical values, patterns and alignments etc, as written in the Holy Bible, unlocks essential information regarding the physical and spiritual purposes for life on earth, relationships between humanity and the unseen spirit, alien world, the generations, closing of the ages, the afterlife (John 18:36, Acts 1:9-11, Revelation 3:21). For the first time in history, many unknown mysteries of THE CREATOR, hidden from ages past, are made known (Isaiah 46:9-10, Ephesians 1:3-10). THE VISION OF THE CREATOR consists of the revealing of HIS very CHARACTER and works, through HIS creation (Psalm 22:19-25, Jonah 2:2-10). Proof of what the writings of the Holy Bible actually reveal, through the SPIRIT of the letters, is obtainable in this must read book (Matthew 23:34, Ephesians 3:1-9). Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” AKJV (Psalm 22:27-31).