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"Confession: acknowledgment; avowal; admission. Blogger now turned author Marchet Denise Fullum is unafraid, unmoved and unashamed to offer her confessions by opening the volumes of her past and share with you the details that have shaped her into the mighty woman she is today. She steps out in boldness to share with you some innermost thoughts and experiences that will make you laugh, cry, and sigh. A sigh of relief that you are not alone and that other church girls have been there, done that...too! More importantly, you will know that there is calm after the storm, healing after the hurt, joy after the pain, and hope in the midst of destruction and feeling downtrodden. She reminds you that no matter what you've done, there is therefore now no condemnation and that the sun will shine again! She opens her heart and her writing to women and men of all backgrounds, cultures, denominations, and experiences. Marchet inspires us to continue to press onward and to keep smiling! Be aware, the acknowledgments, avowals, and admissions are for all...even for those that have never stepped foot in a church. I encourage you to now step in, suspend all judgment, and focus on the life lessons and words of encouragement that will speak to you through these...The Confessions Of Church Girls!"
Raised in a devout Christian home, Beverly enters an unfamiliar environment when she begins high school in the inner city of Cleveland, Ohio. Faced with drugs and violence, she makes the decision to follow the crowd against the teachings of her faith, and give up her virginity to a drug dealer she barely knew. Little did she realize this one decision would spark a series of events leading to inconceivable pain. Confessions of a Church Girl outlines the true story of a young woman's secret five-year struggle with sexual addiction. Faced with infection and rape, she races to uncover the truth about her faith, and hear the voice of the God. This emotional, yet empowering story is an autobiographic journey entailing love, lies, sex, and drugs, teaching one young woman the true meaning of love and forgiveness.
? Have you experienced valleys in your life you thought you'd never come through? ? Are you a single mom, raising your children alone, wondering if it ever gets easier?? Are you an entrepreneur, torn between building dreams and being misunderstood?Heels and Valleys is the book for you! Pastor Christi Miranda has walked in your heels, and in this book, she shares insights and wisdom to help the woman who has trusted God, yet who has dealt with deep disappointment. Heels and Valleys speak to the woman who has faithfully served in ministry, yet has been overlooked, betrayed, or ignored. If you can identify with any of these women, here's what Christi would like to say to you:Listen, girl, I've been serving Jesus all my life. That sounds so noble and holy but if I'm honest, I've got some confessing to do. I am all these women. I've experienced shame and fear. I've been rejected & dealt with all the "what-if's". Sis, believe me when I say I've made plenty of BAD decisions! Yet, God's goodness toward me never changed. ??No matter what you have going on, God is faithful & He is bigger than your current story! ?You were not intended to stay in the valley forever. Get your heels on, let's go!Heels and Valleys is a strong, empowering book for women that will encourage and inspire you.
You already know the women you'll meet in this book. They may sit beside you in the pew . . . or join you at small group . . . or touch your heart from a speaker's podium. They have all been saved. They all love the Lord. And yet . . . One struggles with sucidal despair Another is involved with adultery, pornography, or a same-sex attraction Another endures regular beatings – or worse – by someone who claims to love her Another is divorced . . . or thinking about it This one drinks secretly or "doctor shops" for pain pills That one wrestles with depression or bipolar disorder And many others feel they can never be thin enough, beautiful enough, successful enough . . . or Christian enough to be loved or accepted They're all good Christian girls who have been broken by sin – their own and others. They all needed the honest, life-giving truth at the heart of this book. Do you? Tammy Maltby addresses issues that aren't discussed much in church circles – private sins that she and other women have battled.
Sound familiar? 1. You spot a cute boy (we’ll call him Boy A). 2. You dream about Boy A. 3. You do whatever it takes to make Boy A notice you. 4. Even though Boy A doesn’t pursue you, you hang on to your dream of Boy A until he (a) moves to the North Pole with no access to a cell phone or computer, (b) dies and is buried or cremated, or (c) begins dating another girl. 5. You mend your broken heart by hating Boy A and finding another cute boy (Boy B). You replace Boy A with Boy B and begin all over again . . . Paula has gone through an entire alphabet—and more—of boys over the years. As she shares her journal entries and stories—the good, the bad, and the ugly—you’ll be encouraged to trust God with your love life and buckle up for the ride! Written for teen girls, Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl will help you on your own journey from neediness to freedom. Part of the True Woman publishing line, whose goal is to encourage women to exude God’s beauty by embracing his design for womanhood
Confessions of a Broken Church Girl is a journey through the life of a Preacher's Daughter, who through pain and brokenness learns how beautiful life can be when you are willing to live beyond the pews. You will... Be moved to laugh, cry and at times question if you are truly living a life of freedom. Be encouraged to seek healing in healthy and meaningful ways. Be provoked to pursue God unconventionally and understand Him beyond lessons learned in Church. By the end of Confessions of a Broken Church Girl, you will be empowered to live a more liberated and honest life while navigating through your faith journey.
Growing up a church kid is tough, and being a Christian in this world is not for the faint of heart. In a spiritual tug-of-war, there is a battle between living for God and finding acceptance. Is it possible to live a set-apart life, and have a seat at the cool kids' table? In a humorous and let's-just-be-honest approach, Elyse Murphy goes on record about struggling through her teen and young adult years just trying to find her place. In Confessions of a Church Kid, Murphy reminds us that Jesus still loves us, awkward mishaps and all. --
Like so many other children who grew up in church, Leesa McFall learned from a tender age that sex outside of marriage was a sin. She knew it was something she should not do. As a church girl spending most of her time in church or at church activities, Leesa learned how to serve her church community well. She also learned how to mimic how the typical church girl should speak, walk, and look. She was also always reminded of the importance of remaining a virgin until marriage. However, after a traumatic life experience that brought about severe emotional trauma, Leesa quickly found herself in a state of promiscuity. Not long after, daughter of a preacher and a Sunday School teacher, praise and worship leader and praise dancer found herself pregnant and unmarried at age eighteen. As she grappled through life, navigating the shame and disgrace that was placed upon her, her emotional state deteriorated. She found herself in and out of toxic relationships for much of her teen and adult life. When she had finally learned to manage her life and suppress her emotions, she found herself pregnant, unmarried, depressed and suicidal again in her mid-twenties. This time, she learned to look for God in the midst of her mess. And she sought the Lord, He made Himself known and embraced her with His love, grace and strength. Leesa's encounter with the grace and mercy of a perfect God saved her life and is the foundation on which she now stands. In this memoir, Leesa discusses how the love of Jesus Christ turned her life around and gave her the hope she needed to begin a new life.