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The Army Navy Prayer Book of the Confederate States is the Episcopal Prayer Book for the Armed Services of the Confederacy. It went through annual editions from 1861-1865, and was the official military prayer book of the Confederate States. As an Afterword, some additional prayers by Bp. Thomas Atkinson, bishop of North Carolina, have been included. Also added are national calls to prayer by President Jefferson Davis throughout the War, and a sermon by Bp. Stephen Elliot delivered upon the Day of National Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer in 1861. This work is printed for ease of carrying, and daily use by Christians who want a Prayer Book that connects us to our Southern ancestors and their cause of freedom.
A facisimile reproduction of the complete Confederate Prayer book in its original size of 3.25 by 5.25 inches, designed for fit in a soldier's pocket.
In the 1980s, the Army Chaplain Corps adopted the credo 'Nurture the living/Care for the wounded/Honor the dead'. It summarizes more than 200 years of chaplain ministry with soldiers during war and peace. This title presents an expression of the hope and faith on which the credo is built.
The bedrock of the Southern American culture was that the Bible was indeed the infallible word of the God who created the heavens, the earth, and all that is therein; and that Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption. Therefore it should not be surprising to anyone that at the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression many of the political, military officers, and soldiers were Christians. As a result they knew the great need for those going into battle to possess the Bible, New Testaments, tracts, and hymn books, especially for those who were unsaved. It was simply amazing how politicians, army commanders, preachers, churches, chaplains, and the people of the Confederacy immediately set into motion whatever was necessary to supply the troops with God's word. This small prayer book was originally published in Charleston, SC, early in the War to be distributed to Confederate soldiers marching off to war or already in the field. Hopefully, this book played a part in bringing comfort to the men in the field as they faced the horrors of war.
The Confederate States of America in Prophecy, by Rev. W.H. Seat, a Southern Methodist Minister. This work examines Daniel's prophecy of the Five Governments; with the United States as the Fifth Government and the Confederate States as the little stone cut from the mountain, as a revived Government of Judah. The Eschatology of the United States as Restored Israel, and the Confederate States as a Restored Judah, is a secular prophecy of the people of North America as God's special chosen people. In the heady days of Southern victories over Northern armies, Rev. Seat posits the future history of the Confederate States based upon the Prophet Daniel.
Bp. McGill examines claims of various groups to be the true Christian Church. He holds these claims up to scripture, history, tradition and reason to ascertain the truth of their claims. He then contrasts these claims against the claims of the Catholic Church to show why they fall short; and why the Catholic Church is the One, True Church of Jesus Christ.