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Our Most Dangerous Enemy Think it's ISIS? Think again. Iran is the terrorist powerhouse of the world—made all the more dangerous by the disastrous "nuclear deal" that restricts Iran's nuclear ambitions hardly at all. The Iranian government is an open enemy of the United States—and of anyone who dissents from Shia Islam. Iran confronts U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf "on a near daily basis." It executes more of its citizens than any other nation. It is a country torn by hypocrisy—lectured by mullahs, and with brutally enforced Islamic religious laws, but rife with alcoholism. Once America's ally, Iran now claims leadership of the global jihad, and the ayatollahs' aim is nothing less than world conquest for Islam. In his extraordinary new book, The Complete Infidel's Guide to Iran, New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer reveals: How the Iranian "nuclear deal" is sheer capitulation to the mullahs, allowing Iran to inspect its own facilities and pursue nuclear weapons Iran's long-standing support for terrorists—including shocking evidence that Iran helped plan the 9/11 attacks Why Iran wants nuclear weapons—clue: it's not about deterrence American diplomatic folly—why the Obama administration has grossly underestimated the Iranian threat A new grand strategy: how Iran's Shi'ite terrorism might be contained and its threat to the United States reduced The Islamic Republic is already at war with America. If we refuse to recognize that fact, we are only falling prey to the mullahs' campaign of duplicity. The Complete Infidel's Guide to Iran exposes the true nature of the threat, lays out what America must do to defeat it, and gives you all the information you need about America's least understood yet potentially most lethal foe.
ISIS rocketed onto the world stage seemingly out of nowhere, beheading American hostages, bulldozing international borders, routing the American-trained Iraqi army, and carving out a new state that rules eight million people and a territory larger than the United Kingdom. But who are they? Where did ISIS come from, and how did they rise to power in so little time? What is driving them—and how can they be stopped? New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer reveals the blood-drenched history and inner workings of the Islamic State—its military conquests, how it is financing its expansion, and the ideology that is driving its success. As Spencer reveals, the Islamic State has taken the first steps on the path to becoming a serious world power—steps that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda dreamed of but were afraid to take. The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISISis your one-stop easy reference for all you need to know about ISIS—and how "infidels" can stop its reign of terror.
The Complete Idiot's GuideR to Understanding Iran , explores the country's origins, from its long and turbulent beginnings as ancient Persia and its transformation into modern Iran. The author covers the rise of the Ayatollahs and Islamic fundamentalism; the 1979 revolution and the subsequent hostage crisis; the Iran-Iraq war; the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration; Iran's sponsorship of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas; and how evidence of Iran's nuclear weapons program affects its relationship with the world in general - both now and in the years to come. With a younger generation now chafing under the hard-line mullahs' social repression, the situation grows more volatile each day. The Complete Idiot's GuideR to Understanding Iran will be a detailed, comprehensive, and unbiased overview of this complex but often fascinating land.
The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran exposes how the Koran incites hatred and violence and is anti-democratic, anti-freedom, and intolerant of any other ideology. Stripping out the obsolete debate, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran focuses on the decrees toward Jews and Christians, how they were viewed by Muhammad, what “the infidels” have done wrong and what the Koran has in store for them. The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran is the essential primer to comprehending one of the most cryptic and misunderstood religious texts. Robert Spencer sheds light on the violence inherent in the Koran and reveals the frightening implications for the War on Terror, the U.S. and the world. In The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran you will learn: The true meaning of celebrated and seemingly benign verses, such as “Strive in the way of Allah” and “Persecution is worse than slaughter” How the Koran sanctions domestic abuse, honor killing, and murder How the Koran not only discourages Infidels from reading it, but mandates that they don’t even touch it Why Obama, Clinton, and others are dangerously close to supporting a multiculturalism based on an ideology that aims to destroy the principles America holds dear
An eye-opening personal account of an epic human drama, Embracing the Infidel takes us on an astounding journey along a modern-day underground railroad that stretches from Istanbul to Paris. In this groundbreaking book, Iranian-American Behzad Yaghmaian has done what no other writer has managed to do–as he enters the world of Muslim migrants and tells their extraordinary stories of hope for a new life in the West. In a tent city in Greece, they huddle together. Men and women from Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, and other countries. Most have survived war and brutal imprisonment, political and social persecution. Some have faced each other in battle, and all share a powerful desire for freedom. Behzad Yaghmaian lived among them, listened to their hopes, dreams, and fears–and now he weaves together dozens of their stories of yearning, persecution, and unwavering faith. We meet Uncle Suleiman, an Iraqi veteran of the Iran-Iraq war; once imprisoned by Saddam Hussein, he is now a respected elder of a ramshackle tent city in Athens, offering comfort and community to his fellow travelers…Purya, who fled Iran only to fall into the clutches of human smugglers and survive beatings and torture in Bulgaria…and Shahroukh Khan, an Afghan teenager whose world at home was shattered twice–once by the Taliban and again by American bombs–but whose story turns on a single moment of awakening and love in the courtyard of a Turkish mosque. A chronicle of husbands separated from wives, children from parents, Embracing the Infidel is a portrait of men and women moving toward a promised land they may never reach–and away from a world to which they cannot return. It is an unforgettable tale of heartbreak and prejudice, courage, heroism, and hope.
Presents a critical analysis of the differences between Christianity and Islam and maintains that Islam contains a political agenda which endorses violence and aggression against non-Muslims.
In "Islam Unveiled," Robert Spencer dares to face the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches--and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West. Going beyond the shallow distinction between a "true" peaceful Islam and the "hijacked" Islam of terrorist groups, Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world's fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism. "Islam Unveiled" evaluates the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and "mainstream" Islam; the fixation with violence and jihad; the reasons for Muslims' disturbing treatment of women; and devastating effects of Muslim polygamy and Islamic divorce laws. Spencer explores other daunting questions--why the human rights record of Islamic countries is so unrelievedly grim and how the root causes of this record exist in basic Muslim beliefs; why science and high culture died out in the Muslim world--and why this is a root cause of modern Muslim resentment. He evaluates what Muslims learn from the life of Muhammad, the man that Islam hails as the supreme model of human behavior. Above all, this provocative work grapples with the question that most preoccupies us today: can Islam create successful secularized societies that will coexist peacefully with the West's multicultural mosaic?
In "Onward Muslim Soldiers," the author of "Islam Unveiled" reveals why the threat of violent jihad is growing daily, despite America's recent victory in Iraq. Spencer uncovers the cause of global violence as he goes straight to Muslim sources
Yours"re no idiot, of course. You know that the countries of the Middle East-Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and more-are in the news daily because of failed peace initiatives, suicide bombings, or threats to our security. However, the nations contained within this desert region have fought one another long before it was broadcast on CNN-and even long before the state of Israel existed. Understand the ancient animosities and modern tensions that continue to plague this troubled region. The Complete Idiotrs"s Guidereg; to Middle East Conflict, Second Edition, shows you exactly why the Holy Land continues to remain a war zone despite the efforts of peacemakers. In this newly updated and revised Complete Idiotrs"s Guidereg;, you get: --The birth of the empires established under the Muslim and Christian faiths. --The division of the Middle East into new nations after World War I-including the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. --How the United States became involved in the region-and the many alliances formed and broken over the decades. --The history of terrorism in the Middle East-and the formation of the U.S.led coalition to combat it.
Jacqueline Saper, named after Jacqueline Kennedy, was born in Tehran to Iranian and British parents. At eighteen she witnessed the civil unrest of the 1979 Iranian revolution and continued to live in the Islamic Republic during its most volatile times, including the Iran-Iraq War. In a deeply intimate and personal story, Saper recounts her privileged childhood in prerevolutionary Iran and how she gradually became aware of the paradoxes in her life and community--primarily the disparate religions and cultures. In 1979 under the Ayatollah regime, Iran became increasingly unfamiliar and hostile to Saper. Seemingly overnight she went from living a carefree life of wearing miniskirts and attending high school to listening to fanatic diatribes, forced to wear the hijab, and hiding in the basement as Iraqi bombs fell over the city. She eventually fled to the United States in 1987 with her husband and children after, in part, witnessing her six-year-old daughter's indoctrination into radical Islamic politics at school. At the heart of Saper's story is a harrowing and instructive tale of how extremist ideologies seized a Westernized, affluent country and transformed it into a fundamentalist Islamic society.