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The Common Sense Manifesto provides an examination, both broad and deep, into the current political situation in America, and how it came to be. It chronicles the disturbing deterioration of the Republican Party into an extreme and corrupt mechanism ready to receive and incorporate a destructive force that it welcomed wholeheartedly when it appeared in the bombastic, and completely self-centered, form of Donald Trump. Calling for a "blue tsunami," the Manifesto outlines the way forward, out of the insanity. It notes political realities and thus accepts the need to work within the two-party system. It argues for a rational and comprehensive "Modern Political Economy" that recognizes environmental imperatives, corrects severe income and political inequality, expands Social Security, implements universal health care, protects the rights and dignity of all the people, improves America's sagging infrastructure and transportation up to world-class and responsible standards, and ensures full participation in the national bounty in ways that protect the world and all its current and future inhabitants.
The Common Sense Manifesto aims to contribute to sustainable development: the process aimed at creating a society that is economically and socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. It offers the outlines of a Fourth Way: an alternative to right and left wing ideology that aims to rebuild economics to lead the global economy out of the 2007 economic and financial crisis, by using the world's productive potential for addressing society's social, environmental and economic problems. The manifesto summarizes the shortcomings of traditional economics and presents a framework for a new economics: a social science that gives better insight in how economies function. Moreover, a set of policies is sketched that will help unlock humanity's productive potential for meeting society's social, economic and environmental challenges.
Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the Following Interesting Subjects, viz.: I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the Present Ability of America, with some Miscellaneous Reflections
This book is a manifesto of reformed Stoicism. It proposes a system of life which is bullet-proof, universal, viable and effective in every cosmic setting. It holds in every possible universe, under any government and within any economic system. We can be reformed Stoics no matter what we believe in. Reformed Stoicism is about enjoying and exercising our agency. In other words, it’s about the flow of making autonomous and right decisions, and about celebrating our ability to make them. With no reliance on nature, with the recalibration of metaphysical positions, with skepticism towards grand discourses and universal answers, with an emphasis on the usefulness instead of truthfulness of narratives, with no reference to the vanity argument, with criticism of both conservative and ascetic misinterpretations of Stoicism, with an overall softer and more empathic approach, we can no longer be defined by the generic term “Stoicism”. Our time, in short, calls for a fresh interpretation of Stoicism. It is time for a new generation of Stoics. Thus: reformed Stoicism.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “We need a new idea of how to govern. The current system is broken. Law is supposed to be a framework for humans to make choices, not the replacement for free choice.” So notes Philip K. Howard in the new Afterword to his explosive manifesto The Death of Common Sense. Here Howard offers nothing less than a fresh, lucid, practical operating system for modern democracy. America is drowning—in law, lawsuits, and nearly endless red tape. Before acting or making a decision, we often abandon our best instincts. We pause, we worry, we equivocate, and then we divert our energy into trying to protect ourselves. Filled with one too many examples of bureaucratic overreach, The Death of Common Sense demonstrates how we—and our country—can at last get back on track.
Americans are being led down this primrose path unknowingly as politicians disguise, and even hide, the consequences of the policies they are pushing on America. The title of this book is a play on the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" written in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel in London. The reason I chose this title is because I believe America is becoming a socialist society. Signs of communist tendencies are appearing in more and more of our politicians. Americans may ultimately choose to adopt policies and philosophies that are consistent with the beliefs of Marx and Engel, but they should do so knowingly and with an educated intent of adopting this type of government.
A volume of Thomas Paine's most essential works, showcasing one of American history's most eloquent proponents of democracy. Upon publication, Thomas Paine’s modest pamphlet Common Sense shocked and spurred the foundling American colonies of 1776 to action. It demanded freedom from Britain—when even the most fervent patriots were only advocating tax reform. Paine’s daring prose paved the way for the Declaration of Independence and, consequently, the Revolutionary War. For “without the pen of Paine,” as John Adams said, “the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.” Later, his impassioned defense of the French Revolution, Rights of Man, caused a worldwide sensation. Napoleon, for one, claimed to have slept with a copy under his pillow, recommending that “a statue of gold should be erected to [Paine] in every city in the universe.” Here in one volume, these two complete works are joined with selections from Pain's other major essays, “The Crisis,” “The Age of Reason,” and “Agrarian Justice.” Includes a Foreword by Jack Fruchtman Jr. and an Introduction by Sidney Hook
Glenn Beck, the New York Times bestselling author of The Great Reset, revisits Thomas Paine's Common Sense. In any era, great Americans inspire us to reach our full potential. They know with conviction what they believe within themselves. They understand that all actions have consequences. And they find commonsense solutions to the nation’s problems. One such American, Thomas Paine, was an ordinary man who changed the course of history by penning Common Sense, the concise 1776 masterpiece in which, through extraordinarily straightforward and indisputable arguments, he encouraged his fellow citizens to take control of America’s future—and, ultimately, her freedom. Nearly two and a half centuries later, those very freedoms once again hang in the balance. And now, Glenn Beck revisits Paine’s powerful treatise with one purpose: to galvanize Americans to see past government’s easy solutions, two-party monopoly, and illogical methods and take back our great country.
Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809) was an Englishman and American political activist. He authored pamphlets which helped motivate the American colonists to declare independence in 1776. Common Sense is his most famous of such pamphlets.
The authors of this work wish to acknowledge first and foremost the sacrifices made by Our Veterans, the American Patriots who have served in our Armed Forces since the Inception and Founding of our Great Nation. It is because of their service and sacrifices that we, as a Nation, enjoy the freedoms and liberties that we do today. Without their sacrifice and service, we would not today be blessed with the Greatest World Leader America has ever known--DONALD J. TRUMP. Is Donald J. Trump perfect? In a simple word--YES. He is Exactly the Leader this Country NEEDED in the disastrous aftermath of Barrack Hussein Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro. This Manifesto isn't about Backwards Barry, though. Real Americans know the damage the Beltway Bumbler caused, not just in our own land, but all around the whole world. It would suffice to say that Barack Hussein Obama was the worst President we have ever had since Herbert Hoover and the most divisive incompetent since James Buchanan. To anyone with historical sense, knowledge, and a passion for Keeping America Great, this is Common Sense. To the Misguided Media and the Liberal Left who infect our nation with their lies, Hussein Obama might as well be the second coming of Lincoln. This Manifesto is a direct challenge to the Liberal Left who so ardently try to besmirch Our President. We see you, Loser Lefties. We know your garbage tactics. You will not win. You cannot win, because you cannot suppress the Truth from True American Patriots, no matter how hard you try to spin it. Your fictional world will eventually come crashing down around you as it always, without fail, does. Your true colors will be revealed for all to see, and your hypocrisy and blatant Anti-Americanism will be on display and you will be judged accordingly, not only in the eyes of your Fellow Americans, but also in the eyes of God come Judgment Day. This Manifesto is a presentation of the important facts as we see them, and as every Good, Patriotic American should see them. The Truth will always come out. We hope to shine a light on this Truth, and give hope to every American Patriot that our Great Nation will continue to flourish with another 4 years for President Donald J. Trump as our leader. The authors don't hope to convert anyone here, only to enlighten and give Hope and Faith to those who support the American Patriot Donald J. Trump. Should someone read this and come to their senses, then we will have done our job far better than we anticipated. To the Good and True Patriots reading this Manifesto: we thank you for your support. Without YOU, none of this would matter. Without your undying and unwavering Patriotic Spirit, all would be lost. Keep the Faith, Patriots. Be in Good Health and in Good Cheer for: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE STAND UNITED WITH YOU IN OUR VOCAL, UNEQUIVOCAL, AND ABSOLUTE SUPPORT OF THE GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOT PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP.