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Sometimes the soul needs to be colored with love, power and motivation in order for one to keep pushing toward greatness. Colorful Expressions provides affirmations, quotes and sayings to feed the soul granting it a bit of healing and encouragement along the way. With over 300 affirmations, there is surely something to connect with everyone on their perspective levels. Turn the pages and allow our words of power to color your soul today!
Crystal Simpelo has been in love with art ever since she could hold a crayon. In "The Colorful Expressions of Your Soul," she writes about balancing your chakras with the tool of meditative Mandala art. With the use of simple visualizations and these 21 one-of-a-kind hand drawn Mandalas to color. She has transferred her love into these drawings for others to enjoy and be creative. She hopes that by following these simple tools you will have a positive impact on your life. Each Mandala includes a positive affirmation to meditate on as well as a journal page for you to write down your thoughts from each experience.
Just days before her mother's death in 1995, Viki Hart is approached by four archangels and invited to visit the Angelic Realm through her mother's open doorway. Among the angels, Viki experiences oneness, her own colorful soul, Earth from an angelic point of view, and chooses to bond with Archangel Michael. Back on Earth, Michael provides the love and tools needed for Viki to heal her wounds and finally achieve the happiness she has sought all her life. Then in 2006, Michael suddenly tells Viki that her divine path is complete and offers her another alternativestay on Earth and join the angelic movement! Viki reluctantly agrees and soon discovers an ability within her to open permanent doorways between Earth and the Angelic Realm. This gift takes Viki and Michael on a journey from the Colorado Rockies to the British Isles, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, and the underwater world of Molasses Reef. As Viki finally finds the courage to totally commit to Michael as her life partner, Michael humorously teaches her about the greatest expansion of love Earth has ever known, and reveals the mysteries of 2012 and of what humanity is about to become!
Creative writing tends to have secrets. Many of my poems do. My belief is that the writer should have surprises ... Poetry also feels. How do you know what it feels like? Only the reader can provide the answer to such a question. A poem may become a puzzle that cannot be broken into pieces without destroying its meaning. Poetry should have secrets! Writers have tremendous powers within themselves, even if they are the only ones that can see them. As for me, every poem I compose is done differently. Just take a moment to recall the games Scrabble and Boggle ... the letters must formulate into the best words possible and/or most words that can be found. So it is with creating another masterpiece!
My name is Cedric also known has Ced Tha Poet. This book has a very Therapeutic message for those in need of inspiration. Life for me has been very interesting and I must say thank you God for helping me make it through the good and bad times. I´ve given myself to my talents which are writing, poetry, music, and inspiration. I believe in seasons and everyone has their season´s in life and one must learn to react at the right time and use all of his training to do whatever it is that must be done. So don´t trip if I spill the truth the way a mystic might deep into the night, because in the end everything will be alright. I can´t just give you basic words about my life, because my life is not basic. So just remember this "about me" section as one of a kind, because my "about me" is the key to my soul and we all know my words are from tha soul. These lines are readable, just read them.
This present collection mainly includes texts about develop-ment and the right attitude to growth of mind and com-passion. Bob Moore's teachings are essentially an oral transmission which included numerous exercises, meditations and practices. These are not part of this book. They are transmitted by his students
Painting the Landscape of Your Soul engages and reawakens your innate creativity as a path to self discovery. This book is a step-by-step journey of empowerment, reclaiming your inner self with paint and paper. It incorporates trusting your intuitive voice with deep, underlying principles of healing such as energy medicine and shamanism. It's a journey toward integration and wholeness and will bring a twinkle to your eyes again! No artistic skill is required."
Blue is the color of peace. Violet is highly spiritual. Red is a forceful color, and represents passion. We express ourselves with color, and color and tell us something about ourselves. The Color of My Soul journal guides you through an exploration of what various colors represent in your life. Use this journal to learn your own true colors!
Words That Inspire Beauty The words of Jesus soothe the soul like no others. Let His wisdom wash over you as you fill these beautiful pages with color, using your crayons, colored pencils, watercolors, or markers. Delight in Him as you reflect on 37 beloved Scripture verses like these: I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6). Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). I am the vine; you are the branches (John 15:5). Coloring is a relaxing way to spend a quiet afternoon, unwind after a long day, or simply take a short time-out from the busyness of life. Share your pages on social media using the hashtag #colorthebible. We'd love to see what you create!