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cuore e il coraggio di riportare il mondo alla normalità con la non violenza. Ma chi è questo pagliaccio nel mondo reale? E come è cambiata la realtà in favore del Dio alieno? Cosa sta realmente accadendo in questa satira surreale ed esistenzialista? Il Clown alla fine del mondo (Jester di Dio) è il primo di una serie di novelle che si svolgono nei mondi da sogno delle persone con disturbi del sonno. Questi disturbi del sonno li disabilitano, ma nei regni della serie Alla ricerca di Lucia, queste persone con disabilità trovano rivelazioni nei loro sogni bizzarri che li aiutano a far fronte alle proprie realtà. (scritto in inglese)An alien invasion overtakes the world. The alien claims to be God because He has powers over all reality, but only one cowardly clown is capable of standing up against this alien God. He has no power to fight and he has no memory of who he is. He falls in love with a 3-foot-long mermaid named Lady Miriam. Lady Miriam gives this coward the heart and courage to return the world to normal with non-violence. But who is this clown in the real world? And how did reality change in the alien God's favor? What's really happening in this surreal, existentialist satire? The Clown at the End of the World (God's Jester) is the first in a series of novelettes that take place in the dream worlds of people with sleep disorders. These sleep disorders disable them, but in the realms of the Searching for Lucia series, these people with disabilities find revelations in their bizarre dreams that help them cope with their own realities.
People are not trash. People have dreams.Lily has lost her job because of her malpractice against her patient Paul. Paul, however, intends to forgive her.... and, with the help of his wife, return Lily to happiness. (Part One of The Clown at the End of the World trilogy)
Paul is getting re-married to Shayla, and both are very happy to become newlywed again. Lily has lost her job and her nursing career because of her malpractice while nursing Paul while he was disabled. Lily is also pregnant with Paul's baby. Will love prevail over these circumstances? Paul cares for Lily, but Paul's disgusted by the circumstances. Paul wants to take care of Lily also, but Shayla is angry and jealous, even though he loves her and even though Paul was a victim. The marriage is next month. This is part two of The Clown at the End of the World.
In this spinoff from the April Almighty series, the Happytown clowns are back! The clowns are more terrifying than ever and ready to spin their own tale of death and mayhem. Icy Kate is on the the loose after escaping from Jericho Systems. Her mentor, Mad Maxwell is imprisoned somewhere beneath one of Jericho's facilities. Nolan Collinsworth is a washed up child actor. Now 45 years old, he's hanging on to what little celebrity he has left. After accepting an invite to a horror convention in Odessa, Texas he thinks he's on the way to a comeback. Except Icy Kate and her band of clowns decides to crash the convention, turning it in to her own personal Funhouse of horrors. Damien Carter is a Tracker with Jericho Systems. The only way he can stop Katy is with the help of Mad Maxwell. Can he get inside the deranged clown's head in time to find Katy and save the people of Odessa? Or will Mad Maxwell turn him into a pawn in another of his silly games? Can anyone stop the forthcoming Clown Apocalypse?
Acclaimed entertainer Hans Schneir collapses when his beloved Marie leaves him because he won’t marry her within the Catholic Church. The desertion triggers a searing re-examination of his life—the loss of his sister during the war, the demands of his millionaire father and the hypocrisies of his mother, who first fought to “save” Germany from the Jews, then worked for “reconciliation” afterwards. Heinrich Böll’s gripping consideration of how to overcome guilt and live up to idealism—how to find something to believe in—gives stirring evidence of why he was such an unwelcome presence in post-War German consciousness . . . and why he was such a necessary one.
Paul Carano is permanently disabled under the care of his personal nurse Lily Cho. Paul had strange nightmares when he was drugged up by Lily and forced into an affair. And now Lily is pregnant with his baby. Paul and his wife Shayla withdrew charges because they pity Lily. Lily is mentally ill and lost her career. But Paul and Lily forgive Lily. They support Lily because Lily is the mother of their new baby. The philosophy behind this novelette is based on Christian existentialism. And the narrating character of the story is inspired by Camus's The Stranger and Dante's Inferno. Imagine an existentialist thinker walking through Dante's Inferno. Mature theme.
The Clown from Another Planet is the third installment to the Clown at the End of the World trilogy. You do not have to read the trilogy in order (The Clown at the End of the World, Jessica Alvarez, and The Clown from Another Planet) because each book contains independent short stories and novelettes, which tie together under the theme of existentialism. The trilogy is a romance comedy in tribute to the Twilight Zone genre. What if Lily Cho did not commit suicide, because Starbuck the Clown was asked by God to re-write history into alternate realities in my sequel Jessica Alverez. Also included is Resurrect-or. A homeless amnesiac discovers that he is a god.
Step right up for the Greatest Book on Earth! For more than 70 years, Clowns International—the oldest established clowning organization—has been painting the faces of its members on eggs. Each one is a record of a clown's unique identity, preserving the unwritten rule that no clown should copy another's look. This mesmerizing volume collects more than 150 of these portraits, from 1946 to the modern day, accompanied by short personal histories of many of the clowns. Here are Tricky Nicky, Taffy, Bobo, Sammy Sunshine, the legendary Emmett Kelly, and Jolly Jack, clowning since 1977 and still performing today with a penguin puppet named Biscuit. A treasure just like the eggs it enshrines, The Clown Egg Register is an extraordinary archive of images and lives of the men and women behind the make-up.
Shalimar the Clown is a masterpiece from one of our greatest writers, a dazzling novel that brings together the fiercest passions of the heart and the gravest conflicts of our time into an astonishingly powerful, all-encompassing story. Max Ophuls’ memorable life ends violently in Los Angeles in 1993 when he is murdered by his Muslim driver Noman Sher Noman, also known as Shalimar the Clown. At first the crime seems to be politically motivated—Ophuls was previously ambassador to India, and later US counterterrorism chief—but it is much more. Ophuls is a giant, an architect of the modern world: a Resistance hero and best-selling author, brilliant economist and clandestine US intelligence official. But it is as Ambassador to India that the seeds of his demise are planted, thanks to another of his great roles—irresistible lover. Visiting the Kashmiri village of Pachigam, Ophuls lures an impossibly beautiful dancer, the ambitious (and willing) Boonyi Kaul, away from her husband, and installs her as his mistress in Delhi. But their affair cannot be kept secret, and when Boonyi returns home, disgraced and obese, it seems that all she has waiting for her is the inevitable revenge of her husband: Noman Sher Noman, Shalimar the Clown. He was an acrobat and tightrope walker in their village’s traditional theatrical troupe; but soon Shalimar is trained as a militant in Kashmir’s increasingly brutal insurrection, and eventually becomes a terrorist with a global remit and a deeply personal mission of vengeance. In this stunningly rich book everything is connected, and everyone is a part of everyone else. A powerful love story, intensely political and historically informed, Shalimar the Clown is also profoundly human, an involving story of people’s lives, desires and crises, as well as—in typical Rushdie fashion—a magical tale where the dead speak and the future can be foreseen.
Bram Stoker Award Winner for Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel In Adam Cesare’s terrifying young adult debut, Quinn Maybrook finds herself caught in a battle between old and new, tradition and progress—that just may cost her life. Quinn Maybrook and her father have moved to tiny, boring Kettle Springs, to find a fresh start. But what they don’t know is that ever since the Baypen Corn Syrup Factory shut down, Kettle Springs has cracked in half. On one side are the adults, who are desperate to make Kettle Springs great again, and on the other are the kids, who want to have fun, make prank videos, and get out of Kettle Springs as quick as they can. Kettle Springs is caught in a battle between old and new, tradition and progress. It’s a fight that looks like it will destroy the town. Until Frendo, the Baypen mascot, a creepy clown in a pork-pie hat, goes homicidal and decides that the only way for Kettle Springs to grow back is to cull the rotten crop of kids who live there now. YALSA’s Best Fiction for Young Adults Nominee