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THE CLIQUE is back ... Massie Block: With her glossy brunette bob and Whitestrip smile, Massie is the uncontested ruler of The Clique and the rest of the social scene at Octavian Country Day, an exclusive private school in Westchester County, New York. Claire Lyons: Has finally arrived! But will she be able to stay in Massie's inner circle? Alicia Rivera: Would love to take Massie's throne one day. Just might do it. Dylan Marvil: Massie's second in command, who divides her time between sucking up to Massie and sucking down Atkin's shakes. Kristen Gregory: Will insult you to tears faster than you can say "scholarship kid." THE CLIQUE ... The only thing harder than getting in is staying in.
THE CLIQUE is back... Massie Block: With her glossy brunette bob and Whitestrip smile, Massie is the uncontested ruler of The Clique and the rest of the social scene at Octavian Country Day, an exclusive private school in Westchester County, New York. Claire Lyons: Has finally arrived! But will she be able to stay in Massie's inner circle? Alicia Rivera: Would love to take Massie's throne one day. Just might do it. Dylan Marvil: Massie's second in command, who divides her time between sucking up to Massie and sucking down Atkin's shakes. Kristen Gregory: Will insult you to tears faster than you can say "scholarship kid." THE CLIQUE...The only thing harder than getting in is staying in.
Just as the Pretty Committee is getting bored with being expelled and Massie begins worrying about losing her spot as the most popular girl, Claire is cast in a Hollywood film, and as Massie and Alicia report live from the set, Kristen and Dylan keep them posted on events in Westchester County.
Just as the Pretty Committee is getting bored with being expelled and Massie begins worrying about losing her spot as the most popular girl, Claire is cast in a Hollywood film, and as Massie and Alicia report live from the set, Kristen and Dylan keep them posted on events in Westchester County.
After being expelled from Octavian Country Day, Massie Block and friends travel to Hollywood where they audition for a movie and learn about celebrity lifestyles, while Dylan and Kristen stay in Westchester dieting and flirting with the Briarwood boys.
A tragic haircut leaves Kristen looking manlier than a New York Jets linebacker. Will she be condemned to a season of trying to find cute hats when, as everyone knows, hats are so over? Meanwhile, Claire got everything she wants -- new camo Converse high-tops, bag and bags of gummies, and best of all, her first ever cell phone, from Massie. Although Claire's now an official member of the Clique, presents don't matter to her -- all she really wants is her first kiss from Cam, of course!
Massie Block: Getting back into Octavian Country Day was a piece of sugar-free cake, compared to Massie's next goal-finding the key that unlocks an ah-mazing legendary secret room at OCD! Alpha eighth grader Skye Hamilton and her clique have stashed the key in the bedroom of one mystery Briarwood boy, but who? Whoever finds the key gets access to the secret room for an entire year and the prestige that comes along with it. But what happens when LBR Layne seems to be getting closer? This is way more than a matter of life or death, it's a matter of in or out! Kristen Gregory: Always been a star on the soccer field, but her style gets majorly cramped when her friends are forced to join the team. They better start kicking those soccer balls or Kristen's going to start kicking some . . . ! Alicia Rivera: Uses her skills as a gossip reporter to scheme her way into the rooms of all the Briarwood hotties! Dylan Marvil: Heard depression makes people lose weight. Is hoping for some sad news soon because she's popping donut holes the way some people pop Tic-Tacs. Claire Lyons: Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be! Her agent confiscates her gummies, and forces her to do some very bad things to make her more "edgy." Worst of all, her constant meetings with lawyers and movie execs are eating into her time with the P.C. and with Cam! Is being a Hollywood starlet worth the Gucci-high price tag?
Mean Girls meets Middle School in The Clique... The only thing harder than getting in, is staying in. Enter Claire Lyons, the new girl from Florida in Keds and two-year-old Gap overalls, who is clearly not Clique material. Unfortunately for her, while they look for a new home, Claire's family is staying in the guesthouse of the one and only Massie Block -- Queen Bee of Octavian Country Day School. Claire's future looks worse than a bad Prada knockoff. But with a little luck and a lot of scheming, Claire might just come up smelling like Chanel No. 19. Meet the rest of the Clique: Massie Block - With her glossy brunette bob and laser-whitened smile, Massie is the uncontested ruler of The Clique and the rest of the social scene at Octavian Country Day School, an exclusive private girls' school in Westchester County, New York. Massie knows you'd give anything to be just like her. Dylan Marvil - Massie's second in command who divides her time between sucking up to Massie and sucking down Atkins Diet shakes. Alicia Rivera - As sneaky as she is beautiful, Alicia floats easily under adult radar because she seems so "sweet." Would love to take Massie's throne one day. Just might. Kristen Gregory - She's smart, hardworking, and will insult you to tears faster than you can say "my haircut isn't ugly!"
The Clique is back ... Massie Block - Still gorgeous. Still trendsetting. Still ruling the social scene at school… she hopes. To keep her spot at the top, Massie decides to throw the school’s first boy/girl Halloween party. But her parents are making her invite the entire grade AND share the party with Claire. She’s not sure which is scarier… Dylan Marvil - Lost the weight. Kept the attitude. Plans to use her new look to snag a cute guy. Kristen Gregory - Clothes are for sharing. Guys aren’t. Likes the same guy Dylan does. Will do whatever it takes to get him. Alicia Rivera - With the Clique unravelling faster than last season’s Burberry sweater, is it time for Alicia to stage her takeover? Claire Lyons: Still out. Wants in. Seriously needs to lose those Keds.
Massie Block: The Briarwood boys have invaded OCD and are taking over everything. Worse, the soccer boys have become so popular that the Pretty Committee's alpha status is in serious jeopardy. So Massie lays out a New Year-New Pretty Committee rule: Anyone caught crushing on a boy will be thrown out of the NPC-forever. But will she be able to follow her own decree when she sees that Derrington has ditched his shorts-obsession in favor of ah-dorable jeans? Alicia Rivera: Is the opposite of onboard with the boyfast. Her crush, the Ralph Lauren-luh-ving Josh Hotz, is more irresistible than crème brûlée fro-yo. But is he worth losing her spot in the NPC? And taking on the wrath of Massie? Dylan Marvil: Is so ready for the boyfast. She's straightened her unruly red hair and permanently pressed boys out of her life. If only she could do the same with curly fries and caramel popcorn. Kristen Gregory: Has traded her sporty-chic Pumas for Billabong board shorts and a shark tooth necklace. She claims she's sworn off boy-crushes, so what's with her Blue Crush makeover? Claire Lyons: Spent all summer thinking about Cam's one blue eye and one green eye. But now he's moved on to a new girl faster than you can say cuh-yutest couple. At least Claire finally has a secure spot in the NPC-unless jealousy-flirting breaks the boyfast. . . . The Clique: The only thing harder than getting in is staying in.