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Citrus pests are a serious issue for crop growers, causing problems in yield and economic losses. This title studies mites harmful to citrus plants from various citrus growing regions around the world. It addresses methods of removal from plants, describes symptoms of damage caused by pests and discusses methods of eradication and control.
This book, which is divided into two parts, focuses on mites associated with citrus. The first part provides (i) an overview of the world's citriculture, species and varieties cultivated, and the importance of injurious mites; (ii) introduction to morphology and classification of mites; (iii) methods and techniques for collecting, preserving, preparing and rearing mites; (iv) feeding mechanisms, symptoms and plant damage; and (v) biological, chemical and integrated control. The second part consists of (i) a key to the identification of subfamilies, tribes, genera and species; and (ii) morphological characters, systematic outline, bio-ecology, natural enemies, symptomatology, damage and control of known species of Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae, Diptilomiopidae, Tarsonemidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tuckerellidae and Tetranychidae.
A field test was conducted to determine the deposition characteristics and biological efficacy of 4 different spray volumes applied at 2.4 km/h with an airblast sprayer for control of the citrus rust mite. Five acaricides and a copper tracer were applied at 4,700, 940, 470, and 235 L/ha. Copper deposition on leaves was determined by colorimetry. Mite population counts were made one week prior to application and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks after treatment to estimate residual effect. Spray volume had no significant effect on mean copper deposition and citrus rust mite control. Higher spray volumes showed more uniform coverage than the lower volumes. Acaricidal efficacy differed between compounds, yet all were superior to the untreated check.