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New York Times bestselling author Lee Strobel trains his investigative sights on the hot-button question: is it really credible to believe God intervenes supernaturally in people's lives today? This provocative book starts with an unlikely interview in which America's foremost skeptic builds a seemingly persuasive case against the miraculous. But then Strobel travels the country to quiz scholars to see whether they can offer solid answers to atheist objections. Along the way, he encounters astounding accounts of healings and other phenomena that simply cannot be explained away by naturalistic causes. The book features the results of exclusive new scientific polling that shows miracle accounts are much more common than people think. What's more, Strobel delves into the most controversial question of all: what about miracles that don't happen? If God can intervene in the world, why doesn't he do it more often to relieve suffering? Many American Christians are embarrassed by the supernatural, not wanting to look odd or extreme to their neighbors. Yet, The Case for Miracles shows not only that the miraculous is possible, but that God still does intervene in our world in awe-inspiring ways. Here’s a unique book that examines all sides of this issue and comes away with a passionate defense for God's divine action in lives today. Also available: The Case for Miracles Spanish edition, kids' edition, and student edition.
Miracles and Supernatural Religion by James Morris Whiton is a detailed study of the Bible and the Christian church. Excerpt: "The gradual narrowing of the miraculous element in the Bible by recent discovery and discussion.—The alarm thereby excited in the Church.—The fallacy which generates the fear.—The atheistic conception of nature which generates the fallacy.—The present outgrowing of this conception. 25 II The present net results of the discussion of the miraculous element in the Bible.—Evaporation of the former evidential value of miracles.—Further insistence on this value a logical blunder.—The transfer of miracles from the artillery to the baggage of the Church."
How does God supernaturally reveal Himself? This book is a detailed introduction to the complex, controversial, but vital topic of miracles. The topic would be difficult enough, but the claims and teaching of charismaticism have made a biblical understanding of miracles even more critical, but also more complicated. In the course of this Bible study we endeavor to answer such questions as: - What is a miracle? - How do we avoid the extremes between anti-supernaturalism which claims there are no miracles, and super-supernaturalism which claims an abundance of them? - What are the different types of miracles and why is it critical to distinguish them? - What are the myriad of ways that God has miraculously "spoken" and which of these can we expect today? - What is the biblical place and attributes of dreams and visions? - What is the embarrassing history and alarming dangers of the super-supernaturalism at the heart of the "charismatic" movement?
In an age where the existence of the supernatural is often questioned, "MIRACLES: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" emerges as a comprehensive guide exploring the enigmatic world of biblical miracles. This meticulously researched work invites readers on a journey through scriptural accounts, presenting a rigorous examination of the nature, purpose, and reality of miracles as depicted in the Holy Scriptures. Through its in-depth analysis, the book confronts the skepticism of the modern era, dismantling naturalistic explanations and affirming the credibility of the miraculous. It delves into the laws of nature, scrutinizing their relationship with reported supernatural events, and provides a potent argument for the harmony between scientific understanding and biblical miracles. "Understanding the Miracles of the Bible," the opening chapter, sets the stage by addressing the compatibility of miracles with natural law and God's moral framework. "The Miracles—Did They Really Happen?" progresses the discourse by examining the authenticity of these events, with a special focus on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The contrast between naturalism and supernaturalism is critically explored, assessing worldviews and their implications on the interpretation of miracles. The narrative further challenges naturalistic ideologies, suggesting that such perspectives struggle to adequately explain the miraculous phenomena described within the pages of the Bible. "Nature and Supernature" acknowledges the defined domains while showcasing instances where nature yields to divine intervention. The subsequent chapters present a compelling argument for the possibility of miracles, countering common objections and misconceptions with scholarly insight and theological acuity. In a bold and intriguing exposition, "Unveiling Biblical Clues: The Secret Behind the Egyptian Pyramids’ Creation" ventures beyond traditional discussions, examining historical enigmas through a biblical lens. "The Bible and Science" bridges faith and rational inquiry, engaging with topics like the Flood, human longevity, and the perceived scientific errors in the Bible. The penultimate chapter, "Is Genesis’ Creation of the World a Myth and Legend?" investigates the origins of the universe as presented in Genesis, juxtaposing biblical accounts with ancient creation stories. Finally, "The Continuation of the Spiritual Gifts?" addresses the cessation of miracles, contending that while miracles served a definitive purpose during biblical times, their primary function as signs of divine endorsement concluded with the close of the apostolic age. With rigorous scholarship and thought-provoking analysis, "MIRACLES: What Does the Bible Really Teach?" stands as an essential resource for those seeking to understand the intersection of faith, history, and the supernatural. It is an invitation to explore the biblical testimony on miracles and discover their enduring message for the contemporary world.