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Assessing the legal and practical questions posed by the use of artificial intelligence in national security matters The increasing use of artificial intelligence poses challenges and opportunities for nearly all aspects of society, including the military and other elements of the national security establishment. This book addresses how national security law can and should be applied to artificial intelligence, which enables a wide range of decisions and actions not contemplated by current law. James Baker, an expert in national security law and process, adopts a realistic approach in assessing how the law—even when not directly addressing artificial intelligence—can be used, or even misused, to regulate this new technology. His new book covers, among other topics, national security process, constitutional law, the law of armed conflict, arms control, and academic and corporate ethics. With his own background as a judge, he examines potential points of contention and litigation in an area where the law is still evolving and might not yet provide clear and certain answers. The Centaur's Dilemma also analyzes potential risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence in the realm of national security—including the challenges of machine-human interface, operating (or not operating) the national-security decision-making process at machine speed, and the perils of a technology arms race. Written in plain English, The Centaur's Dilemma will help guide policymakers, lawyers, and technology experts as they deal with the many legal questions that will arise when using artificial intelligence to plan and carry out the actions required for the nation's defense.
A disturbing element exists, O'Connell determines, in both the texts of the Rabbit novels and in the critical community that examines them. In the novels, O'Connell finds substantial evidence to demonstrate patterns of psychological and physical abuse toward women, citing as the culminating example the mounting toll of literally or metaphorically dead women in the texts.
Leon Surette's new study of T. S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens, The Modern Dilemma, challenges the received view that Stevens' poetry expresses a Humanist world view, and - more surprisingly - documents Eliot's early Humanist phase when Eliot and his bride shared Bertrand Russell's tiny London flat, and later rented a country house together (1914-17). Eliot's poetry of that time - up to The Waste Land is seen to reflect his Humanist phase, closed by his conversion, poetically documented in Ash Wednesday. Where Eliot's poetry is dominated by cultural, religious and philosophical angst, Stevens' is bright, witty, and playful - and commonly dismissed as superficial. The Modern Dilemma challenges this view, demonstrating the seriousness of Stevens' life-long engagement with the modern dilemma of disbelief, and also that, like Eliot, he rejected the Humanist resolution, characterized by Russell in "The Free Man's Worship" as man worshiping "at the shrine that his own hands have built." The study proceeds by juxtaposing the two poets' responses in poetry and prose to the same texts and events: Marianne Moore's poetry; the Great War; Humanists and anti-Humanists; the Franco-Mexican Humanist, Ramon Fernandez; Pure Poetry; and finally the gathering war clouds in the late 'thirties. The strategy is to put the two men in juxtaposition so as to highlight the differences and similarities of their responses to the same issues or the same works. Among the issues under examination is the nature and status of poetry, religious belief or disbelief, and political engagement or the lack thereof.
Oliver Hamilton, Jason Garrett, and Jessica Thomas started out as your average high school students (well sort of). Oliver is a school fanatic, Jessica is obsessed with the universe and Jason's world revolves around movies. But otherwise the three teenagers live pretty normal lives. Then one evening they run into a strange being from another world. After an unforeseen accident, Oliver finds himself trapped in a magical world of centaurs, fauns, and mermaids and it is up to his friends to help him escape before it's too late.
The NovoMyth series is a new child- and science- friendly mythology for the post-modern era that reworks old stories to teach rational ethics, democratic values, free inquiry, doubt-based spirituality and the power of creative expression. Eve's Dilemma and the Juice of Wisdom, the first entry in the NovoMyth series, is a radical new take on the Judeo-Christian creation myth, in which the primordial paradise is an egalitarian society existing in a distant macrocosm of our 'bang-i-verse,' and "the fall of man" is a devolution into authoritarianism following an unlucky nightmare experienced by Adam. The events that unfold provide a fanciful, allegorical explanation of our own Big Bang and elevate the (at least) centuries-old culture war between egalitarian democracy and authoritarian fear-hierarchy to the scale of grand cosmic struggle.
Discover the Hidden Lessons of Centaurs in this Captivating Exploration! Have you ever felt torn between two worlds? Feel like you're a bit of a centaur yourself—part wild, part wise? Embark on a mythological journey that uncovers the deep, resonating truths behind the mythical centaur in our latest ebook, "Centaur: The Horseman's Dichotomy." What's Inside? The Origins: Explore where the enigmatic myth of the centaur first began! The Dichotomy: Dive deep into the dual nature of these creatures—both wild and wise. Cultural Impact: How do these myths echo in our society? Discover how the Greek perspective on centaurs reflected ancient values and fears. Modern Interpretations: From Hollywood movies to video games, see how centaurs are making a comeback! Mirror to Humanity: Unveil what the centaur’s dual nature reveals about our own internal struggles. Why Read This Book? Gain Wisdom: Understand how centaurs embody the constant battle between chaos and reason. Stay Relevant: Learn why the symbol of the centaur is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. Unlock Secrets: Decode what centaurs can teach us about embracing our own dichotomies and living a balanced life. Engaging Tone: Enjoy a friendly, accessible tone that makes learning about mythology feel like a conversation with an old friend. Don't miss this chance to explore the dichotomies within you and in the world around you, guided by the lessons from this mythical creature.
The authors of this volume look into the origins of gender based violence as well as ways to tackle this issue. They link systematic reflections unfold-ing a socio-cultural viewpoint and depictions of concrete action with psychological tools regarding the effect of interventions. The book is a result of the European project “Empower”, which is part of the Daphne III Programme (2007-2013) and whose goal is to realize the objectives defined by European policy aimed at preventing and fighting all forms of gender based violence.
Supplemented by seventy-five photographs, Centaur will engross specialists and general readers interested in biography, cultural history, art, architecture, politics, and Russian/Soviet studies."--BOOK JACKET.
The lands of the four centaur lords are never at peace for long. A greatstorm called the Faulnis, ravages the lands of two centaur lords. The lord of the Northern centaurs, Woden, flees the flooding from the Storm River into the lands of a treacherous Southern centaur, Lord Valgus. This unscrupulous centaur attempts to take over the northern lands. Woden escapes to a friendly centaur lord to the west, Neries. From across the eastern marshes comes the growing menace. This story leads the reader through four centaur kingdoms and their leaders, across mountain passes where danger from other beasts loom each step, into the cavern of a great mountain, and onto wind swept plain. Battles of conquest, suprise and deceit keep the reader spellbound. This story has a cast of characters from centaurs to trolls, giant berzerkers, reavers and several others. The climax will keep the reader hurrying to turn the page, guessing possible outcomes.