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Story of the three million acre XIT ranch.
“A veritable Who’s Who of pioneer cattlemen.” —Elmer Kelton, from the ForewordJohn and Mahlon Thatcher were two of the many pioneers looking to begin a new life in the great open spaces of the West. In the 1860s, the brothers began a small mercantile in the town of Pueblo, Colorado. From a safe in the corner of their new store, the brothers founded what was to become the First National Bank of Pueblo, Colorado—and the beginnings of a financial empire that would encompass cattle companies from New Mexico to Canada.Together with such legendary figures as Frank Bloom, Henry Cresswell, O. H. Perry Baxter, William Anderson, Burton Mossman, and Mahlon T. Everhart, they created a cattle empire, financing and directing the Bloom Land and Cattle Company, the Diamond A Cattle Company, and the Hatchet Cattle Company. Their herds of cattle, horses, and sheep ranged on some eleven million acres of land. Great Plains Cattle Empire tells their stories, spanning the years from just after the Civil War through World War II.
"This thundering book by the author of Old Jules is the story of the vast cattle industry of the American West; stupendous in length, concept, and achievement, it is the result of a lifetime of knowledge and research. . . . The whole story is here, long but never dull, written with humor and understatement."—Kirkus Service "Here, tough as whang leather, nourishing as pemmican, turbulent as Dodge City on a Saturday night in the late 1870s, is what time may well decide is the definitive history of the founding and flourishing of the cattle industry on this continent. . . . This splendid book says more (and says it better) about the most romantic figures of the old West than dozens of other books that have ranged over this familiar ground. Mari Sandoz has given herself room to move with tremendous drive and scholarship."—Victor P. Hass, Chicago Sunday Tribune "Drawing the fullest flavor from her expert descriptive technique, Mari Sandoz has written a regional history to stand among the best of its kind."—Library Journal
The purpose of this publication is to show how, when, and where the cattle empire started. It's real start was when small herds were driven to Louisiana from Texas. The real start of the empire was when Thomas Jefferson did the Louisiana Purchase. This was the real start because there were thousands of wild cattle roaming in what is now Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Colorado. These were the cattle being driven to Louisiana some forty years before the civil war ended and the trail drives began. The book has all the breeds of cattle and horses used in the trail drives and the cowboys-their clothes, equipment, and their workdays. It tells of the cow towns that started and grew, and when the trail drives ended, they dried up and became ghost towns, of which a few still exist. But most are copies, or movie sets. The towns in Kansas with a railroad became famous, and the most famous was Dodge City. It grew fast and was a wild place. It was a place where many legends were born. In the book, you can see where the trails were and how the cattle were driven. The cowboys faced danger continually-for instance, rustlers, Indians, snakes, stampedes, and river crossings, and for some, the danger was at trail's end. It was a sad time for some, and a time for some to become rich. An example is a cow in Texas was worth $1.50, maybe, but that same cow driven one thousand miles north to a railhead would bring as much as $20 plus, depending on demand. If a man drove four thousand heads from Texas to Kansas, and sold them at $20 each, he had $80,000 and was wealthy. The problem was getting home without getting robbed. The early cattle industry was responsible for thousands of jobs in these cow towns, and advanced the railroad much sooner than if they weren't started. The cattle drives were also responsible for most of the Wild, Wild West legends. Dodge City being the most famous. The book has a running outline of dates of ranching growth and the inventions that provided both food and water for all livestock. In closing, Hollywood has made cowboy's life and work look easy and romantic, with clean clothes, singing, and smiles. It wasn't like that at all, just the opposite. Another wrong example was Hollywood's Red River. To drive 10, 000 heads, it would take 100 cowboys, 300 horses, and the trail line would be two miles long. The average was 1,500 to 5,000 head. I hope you enjoy the book.
The history of the Western United States is full of self-made men who came from meager circumstances and metamorphosed into rich and powerful tycoons. The engaging and gritty novel Reed Anthony, Cowman is a fictionalized but exceedingly realistic account of one such figure who rose through the ranching ranks to became a formidable businessman. CONTENTS I IN RETROSPECT II. MY APPRENTICESHIP III. A SECOND TRIP TO PORT SUMNER IV. A FATAL TRIP V. SUMMER OF '68 VI. SOWING WILD OATS VII. "THE ANGEL" VIII. THE "LAZY L" IX. THE SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE X. THE PANIC OF '73 XI. A PROSPEROUS YEAR XII. CLEAR FORK AND SHENANDOAH XIII. THE CENTENNIAL YEAR XIV. ESTABLISHING A NEW RANCH XV. HARVEST HOME XVI. AN ACTIVE SUMMER XVII. FORESHADOWS XVIII. THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOM XIX. THE CHEYENNE AND ARAPAHOE CATTLE COMPANY XX. HOLDING THE FORT XXI. THE FRUITS OF CONSPIRACY XXII. IN CONCLUSION "The war had developed a restless, vagabond spirit in me. I had little heart to work, was unsettled as to my future, and, to add to my other troubles, after reaching Missouri one of my wounds reopened. In the mean time my brother had married, and had a fine farm opened up. He offered me every encouragement and assistance to settle down to the life of a farmer; but I was impatient, worthless, undergoing a formative period of early manhood, even spurning the advice of father, mother, and dearest friends. If to-day, across the lapse of years, the question were asked what led me from the bondage of my discontent, it would remain unanswered. Possibly it was the advantage of good birth; surely the prayers of a mother had always followed me, and my feet were finally led into the paths of industry. Since that day of uncertainty, grandsons have sat upon my knee, clamoring for a story about Indians, the war, or cattle trails. If I were to assign a motive for thus leaving a tangible record of my life, it would be that my posterity--not the present generation, absorbed in its greed of gain, but a more distant and a saner one--should be enabled to glean a faint idea of one of their forbears. A worthy and secondary motive is to give an idea of the old West and to preserve from oblivion a rapidly vanishing type of pioneers."
Examines the role of the ranchers in shaping the American West and probes their contributions to the nation's cultural development