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Air power has been an element of military power for just over a century. However, its ability to project power as part of a nation’s quest for security and protection has now been acknowledged as second to no other element of national power. Air power’s efficacy has been demonstrated time and again in the past few decades. Technology is the fundamental factor around which the development, application and sustainment of air power is built. This fundamental fact will hold true for the future. This book is a look at the possible future developments that could take place in air power. It provides considered perceptions of how air power will be driven forward by technology and examines the possibilities and pitfalls that will come with its inexorable movement forward. The only surety is that air power will continue to be a critical element of national power well into the foreseeable future.
Anne Cortez and her son Mark were on a cruise of Scandinavia and Russia, when they witnessed a shooting. Untoward violence seemed to occur around a fellow passenger, Dr. Fawzi Senawi, an Iranian nuclear physicist. Anne and Mark tried to avoid Senawi; but could they turn their back on a dying man's plea that they save his kidnapped son? Acting on a clue, Anne surmised that this was connected to the release of the Stuxnet cyberworm' by the USA. This malware was supposed to deter the Iranian nuclear program. Anne and Mark sought the help of the past counter-terrorism czar and other would be patriots, but they are drawn into a deepening web of international intrigue. Could they avert the repercussions of a cyberwar that would disrupt our financial, electrical, and defense systems; and would make possible the prediction that the Dow Jones Industrial Average would fall to triple digits in 2016?
Truly crazy people don't think to question their sanity. But then again, truly sane people aren't in insane asylums.Cassandra has an interesting gift. Somniloquy, or sleep talking. Only, she sleep talks conversations that she's going to have in the future. But she wasn't committed for that. Apparently, she also thinks she talks to God...or a god...or maybe it's just Zoltar the Universal Burger Flipper. Nobody's really sure.All they do know though, is that the voice in her head says the world's about to end and her somniloquy from the future is stopped.By the end of this book, the world will be destroyed. Or not. It's not really up to the author. The fate of the entire planet falls squarely on Cassandra Matthews, a twenty-four year old foul mouthed, sarcastic, mental patient. We couldn't be in better hands.
From President Bill Clinton's recommended reading list Publishers Weekly Bestseller Warnings is the story of the future of national security, threatening technologies, the U.S. economy, and possibly the fate of civilization. In Greek mythology Cassandra foresaw calamities, but was cursed by the gods to be ignored. Modern-day Cassandras clearly predicted the disasters of Katrina, Fukushima, the Great Recession, the rise of ISIS, the spread of viruses and many more. Like the mythological Cassandra, they were ignored. There are others right now warning of impending disasters—from cyber attacks to pandemics—but how do we know which warnings are likely to be right? Through riveting explorations in a variety of fields, the authors—both accomplished CEOs and White House National Security Council veterans—discover a method to separate the accurate Cassandras from the crazy doomsayers. They then investigate the experts who today are warning of future disasters: the threats from artificial intelligence, bio-hacking, malware attacks, and more, and whose calls are not being heeded. Clarke’s and Eddy’s penetrating insights are essential for any person, any business, or any government that doesn’t want to be a blind victim of tomorrow’s catastrophe.
Twee zusjes, een verdwijnt. Een narcistische moeder, een maniakale stiefvader, een disfunctioneel gezin. Wie weet waar Emma Tanner is? De zusjes Tanner zijn verdwenen. Emma's auto wordt gevonden, maar van haar en Cass geen spoor. Drie jaar later staat Cass ineens bij haar moeder en stiefvader op de stoep. Ze waren ontvoerd, vertelt ze, en gevangen gehouden op een eiland. Terwijl ze haar verhaal doet aan forensisch psychiater Abby Winter, onthult ze ook veel over haar leven voor de verdwijning. Een leven met een narcistische moeder, een maniakale stiefvader en een manipulatieve zus. Of is Cass juist degene die manipuleert?
Do you have Asperger's Syndrome or know someone who does? Are you looking for a reference guide about Asperger's in adults? Do you have questions you'd like to ask an expert in adult Asperger's? If your answer is Yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Clinical psychologist and Asperger's authority, Dr. Kenneth Roberson, examines the often neglected area of Asperger's in adults, covering topics such as: What causes Asperger's Syndrome? Is it different in adults than it is in children? How can you find out if you have Asperger's? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a diagnosis? What therapy is best for adults who have Asperger's? Can adults with Asperger's change? Are there benefits to having Asperger's? Can adults with Asperger's have intimate relationships? Can they be successful parents? These and many other questions are covered in this important addition to the field of Asperger's as it occurs in adults. Resources and reference material about adult Asperger's are included, along with a feature allowing readers to ask questions of Dr. Roberson.
What story would Eve have told about picking the apple? Why is Pandora blamed for opening the box? And what about the fate of Cassandra who was blessed with knowing the future but cursed so that no one believed her? What if women had been the storytellers? Elizabeth Lesser believes that if women’s voices had been equally heard and respected throughout history, humankind would have followed different hero myths and guiding stories—stories that value caretaking, champion compassion, and elevate communication over vengeance and violence. Cassandra Speaks is about the stories we tell and how those stories become the culture. It’s about the stories we still blindly cling to, and the ones that cling to us: the origin tales, the guiding myths, the religious parables, the literature and films and fairy tales passed down through the centuries about women and men, power and war, sex and love, and the values we live by. Stories written mostly by men with lessons and laws for all of humanity. We have outgrown so many of them, and still they endure. This book is about what happens when women are the storytellers too—when we speak from our authentic voices, when we flex our values, when we become protagonists in the tales we tell about what it means to be human. Lesser has walked two main paths in her life—the spiritual path and the feminist one—paths that sometimes cross but sometimes feel at cross-purposes. Cassandra Speaks is her extraordinary merging of the two. The bestselling author of Broken Open and Marrow, Lesser is a beloved spiritual writer, as well as a leading feminist thinker. In this book she gives equal voice to the cool water of her meditative self and the fire of her feminist self. With her trademark gifts of both humor and insight, she offers a vision that transcends the either/or ideologies on both sides of the gender debate. Brilliantly structured into three distinct parts, Part One explores how history is carried forward through the stories a culture tells and values, and what we can do to balance the scales. Part Two looks at women and power and expands what it means to be courageous, daring, and strong. And Part Three offers “A Toolbox for Inner Strength.” Lesser argues that change in the culture starts with inner change, and that no one—woman or man—is immune to the corrupting influence of power. She provides inner tools to help us be both strong-willed and kind-hearted. Cassandra Speaks is a beautifully balanced synthesis of storytelling, memoir, and cultural observation. Women, men and all people will find themselves in the pages of this book, and will come away strengthened, opened, and ready to work together to create a better world for all people.
Using insights from translation theory, this book uncovers the value of female prophets' riddling prophecies in Greek and Latin poetry.
The essence of this book can be found in a line written by the ancient Roman Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca: "Fortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid". This sentence summarizes the features of the phenomenon that we call "collapse," which is typically sudden and often unexpected, like the proverbial "house of cards." But why are such collapses so common, and what generates them? Several books have been published on the subject, including the well known "Collapse" by Jared Diamond (2005), "The collapse of complex societies" by Joseph Tainter (1998) and "The Tipping Point," by Malcom Gladwell (2000). Why The Seneca Effect? This book is an ambitious attempt to pull these various strands together by describing collapse from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint. The reader will discover how collapse is a collective phenomenon that occurs in what we call today "complex systems," with a special emphasis on system dynamics and the concept of "feedback." From this foundation, Bardi applies the theory to real-world systems, from the mechanics of fracture and the collapse of large structures to financial collapses, famines and population collapses, the fall of entire civilzations, and the most dreadful collapse we can imagine: that of the planetary ecosystem generated by overexploitation and climate change. The final objective of the book is to describe a conclusion that the ancient stoic philosophers had already discovered long ago, but that modern system science has rediscovered today. If you want to avoid collapse you need to embrace change, not fight it. Neither a book about doom and gloom nor a cornucopianist's dream, The Seneca Effect goes to the heart of the challenges that we are facing today, helping us to manage our future rather than be managed by it.
A bestseller on within months of its first release, Alan AtKisson's debut book quickly became a modern classic of sustainability literature. Global companies, grassroots groups, university courses, government agencies, and even the US Army ordered it by the box. Now fully revised and updated, Believing Cassandra: How to be an Optimist in a Pessimist's World is even more relevant, fresh, and motivating than when it first appeared in 1999. In a style that's refreshingly candid and vivid, with unforgettable personal anecdotes, AtKisson provides us with a bridge over the sea of despair, and shows us how to catch the wave to an enticing, sustainable future. He empowers the reader to join the pioneers who created the ideas, techniques and practices of sustainable living - the people who prove Cassandra's warnings wrong, by believing in them, and taking strategic action.