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When Mike Inglis, who consults for Springer, ? rst asked me to write a Caldwell book in their “and How to Observe Them” series I admit I did need some time to think the suggestion over. I am a fan of Patrick’s Caldwell catalog as are most of the amateur astronomers I know, but could a new book be justi? ed when the massive, compreh- sive, and wrist-spraining Caldwell tome by Stephen O’Meara covers the subject fully anyway? That other book was researched and written over a 5-year period in the pre-9/11 world from 1996 to 2001, and its 484 pages of descriptive text and background data are a joy to peruse, as are Stephen’s impressive sketches. OK, the book is far too heavy for the binding and after a few trips outside half the pages in my copy fell out, but apart from that it is an excellent book and surely impossible to improve upon, or even equal, especially in a smaller format book with only half the pages available; at least, that was my initial impression when I mulled over writing another Caldwell book. However, I changed my mind, because a number of events of astronomical signi? cance have occurred in the last 10 years. First and foremost backyard imaging of deep sky objects, especially color im- ing, has come on in leaps and bounds in the twenty-? rst century.
The objects listed in the Caldwell Catalogue supplement Messiers famous catalogue of 110 non-stellar objects, and include some of the most fascinating objects for amateur astronomers. This comprehensive guide has been produced specially for observers, with each object conveniently shown on a double-page spread. There is a photographic image of every object and full technical data including position and NGC number. It also includes a finder map showing TelradTM circles, a star-hopping guide, a visual description of each object as seen through amateur telescopes, and a physical description of the object itself. Finally, there is a fold-out map showing the location of all the Caldwell objects in the sky. A practical and essential guide.
Amateur astronomers are always on the lookout for new observing challenges. This exciting book retraces the steps of the greatest visual observer and celestial explorer who ever lived. This is a practical guide to locating and viewing the most impressive of Herschel’s star clusters, nebulae and galaxies, cataloging more than 600 of the brightest objects, and offering detailed descriptions and images of 150 to 200 of the best.
Planetary Nebulae and How to Observe Them is for amateur astronomers who want to go beyond the Messier objects, concentrating on one of the most beautiful classes of astronomical objects in the sky. Planetary nebulae are not visible to the naked eye, but they are a fascinating group of telescope objects. This guide enables a user equipped with an average-sized amateur telescope to get the best out of observing them. Topics covered include their astrophysical make-up, history of their discovery, classification and description, telescopes to use, filters, and observing techniques - in short everything anyone would need to know to successfully observe planetary nebulae. The book describes the various forms these astronomical objects can take and explains why they are favorite targets for amateur observers. Descriptions of over 100 nebulae personally observed by the author using telescopes of various sizes are included in the book. Readers can create their own observing program or follow the list of these captivating objects, many of which are found within our own Milky Way Galaxy.
Some time ago, the renowned astronomer Patrick Moore - best known for his BBC TV programme The Sky at Night which has screened continuously for 42 years - devised a catalogue of 109 deep space (galaxies, nebulae, clusters) objects to which he has lent his middle name Caldwell. Thus Caldwell objects, numbered C1 to C109.Why Caldwell and not Moore? The most famous of all catalogues of astronomical objects was created by Charles Messier in 1774, and these are designated by M1 to M109, so Patrick Moore could not use his own surname, but instead elected to use his middle name Caldwell. And Patrick Moore chose 109 object to match Messier, though it is important to understand that not one of Patrick Moore's objects overlaps with Charles Messier's.Messier was in fact a comet hunter - in the eighteenth century comets were not understood at all and had huge significance when they appeared blazing across the clear skies, as yet free from the light pollution we experience. He catalogued galaxies, nebulae and clusters not because he was particularly interested in those objects, but because he did not want these objects to be confused with ne
Faint Objects and How to Observe Them is for visual observers who are equipped with a 10-inch or larger astronomical telescope and who want to "go deep" with their observing. It provides a guide to some of the most distant, dim, and rarely observed objects in the sky, supported by background information on surveys and objects lists - some familiar, such as Caldwell, and some not so familiar. This book not only provides a wealth of experience compiled from several sources, but it also gives an historical background to surveys whose names may or may not be familiar to most amateur astronomers. Finally, it includes a listing of the many galaxy clusters out there, from "nearby" ones such as Stefan's Quintet to some of the most distant groups observable through the largest telescopes.
The Caldwell Catalogue, compiled by the late Sir Patrick Moore (1923–2012), has delighted amateur astronomers worldwide since its publication in 1995. Twenty years on, Stephen James O'Meara revisits his guide to these 109 deep-sky delights, breathing new life into them and the 20 additional observing targets included as an appendix. This second edition retains O'Meara's detailed visual descriptions and sketches, accompanied by stunning new images taken by amateur photographer Mario Motta and observations by Magda Streicher. The astrophysical descriptions have been updated to account for the many advances in our understanding of the objects, not least due to an armada of space-borne observatories and the new technologies used in large ground-based telescopes. Ideal for observers who have completed the Messier objects and are looking for their next challenge, Deep-Sky Companions: The Caldwell Objects is a fitting tribute from a renowned visual observer to one of astronomy's most famous personalities.
Steve O'Meara's guide to the Herschel 400 for amateur astronomers.
The Messier Catalogue is a list of one hundred and ten galaxies, star clusters and nebulae, and includes many of the brightest and best-known objects in the sky. Amateur astronomers who find all the objects on the list in one night have successfully completed the Messier Marathon. The Observing Guide to the Messier Marathon contains over 90 easy-to-use star maps to guide the observer from one object to the next, and provides tips for a successful night of observing. Don Machholz also tells the story of the eighteenth-century astronomer, Charles Messier, and how he came to compile his extensive catalogue. His complete guide to the Messier Marathon will help the amateur astronomer to observe the Messier Objects throughout the year, using a small telescope or even a pair of binoculars. Don Machholz is an engineer in Auburn, California. Interested in astronomy since childhood, he is a renowned comet hunter, having discovered nine comets that bear his name. He writes articles for local California newspapers and radio stations for special astronomical events. Between 1988 and 2000, Don Machholz was the Comets Recorder for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Recorders.
Stephen O'Meara's new and exciting observing guide spotlights an original selection of 109 deep-sky objects that will appeal to sky-watchers worldwide. His 'hidden treasures' include a wonderful assortment of galaxies, open clusters, planetary nebulae and more, all of which have been carefully chosen based on their popularity and ease of observing. None of these objects are included in either the Messier or the Caldwell catalogs, and all are visible in a 4-inch telescope under dark skies. Stunning photographs and beautiful drawings accompany detailed visual descriptions of the objects, which include their rich histories and astrophysical significance. The author's original finder charts are designed to help observers get to their targets fast and efficiently.