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In this revolutionary diet the German researcher who discovered Omega-3 fatty acids explains to readers how to use healing essential fatty acids, the good fats, to cure themselves of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic ailments. Includes more than 150 exciting recipes and meal plans.
"Learn Dr. Budwig's complete home healing protocol against cancer, arthritis, heart disease & more, plus new science supporting the Budwig diet, clarifications and answers to your questions."
Great food for inflammation sufferers. Cut your finger accidentally and the area will swell, redden, and heat up. This type of acute inflammatory response is the body's reaction to trauma, and it's an essential part of the healing process. But inflammation can be harmful when it hangs around too long and refuses to leave. When the inflammation switch refuses to turn off, the body operates as if it is always under attack (the older we get, the more likely this is to happen). White blood cells flood the system for weeks, months, and even years. Researchers are now linking low-grade, persistent inflammation to premature aging, heart disease, M.S., diabetes, Alzheimer's, psoriasis, arthritis, and cancer. While anti-inflammatory drugs do exist, they can injure the stomach or suppress the immune system. Fortunately, the situation can be remedied by a change in diet, specifically by altering the kinds of fats you eat. Omega-3 fatty acids tend to decrease inflammation while omega-6 fats and trans-fats increase inflammation. While many foods in the standard American diet (unrefined white flour, sugar, red meat, diary, fast food, and food additives) exacerbate inflammation, a healthy diet made up of fish, nuts, seeds, oils, lean grass-fed meats, and fruits and vegetables can help lessen or prevent inflammation. Likewise, certain spices such as turmeric, cloves, and ginger have proven anti-inflammatory activity. Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Health will help those with inflammation incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into their everyday diet. Sample recipes may include French-Canadian Pea Soup, Sumac Salmon, Maple-Ginger Butternut Squash, Lime-Ginger Glazed Chicken with Fennel Relish, Green Salad with Grapes and Sunflower Seeds, Cod with Saffron Sauce, and more.
The statements about essential fats or the life threatening effects of certain fats and their significance for the cancer problem lead to a collision with prevailing opinion. Convinced of her scientific findings on the natural science level, Dr. Johanna Budwig devoted her life to the realization of the validity of her research results for sustaining human life in medicine, and in the process bring about a change in the direction of cancer research and therapy.
The preventive action of dietary fiber; the role of trace elements; the reduction of heart disease risk by reducing serum lipids; and 2 dietary associated prevention trials (Lipid Research Clinics; North Karelia Project). Two additional papers discuss the benefits of recommending the 1985 "Prudent Diet" to the general public, and summarize the dietary recommendations of Sweden. Tabular data and illustrations are presented throughout the text and extensive literature citations are appended to each paper.
A healthy and imaginative food preparation guide by a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee and Europe's foremost authority on cancer and nutrition - Dr. Johanna Budwig.
Can certain foods hijack the brain in ways similar to drugs and alcohol, and is this effect sufficiently strong to contribute to major diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and hence constitute a public health menace? Terms like "chocoholic" and "food addict" are part of popular lore, some popular diet books discuss the concept of addiction, and there are food addiction programs with names like Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. Clinicians who work with patients often hear the language of addiction when individuals speak of irresistible cravings, withdrawal symptoms when starting a diet, and increasing intake of palatable foods over time. But what does science show, and how strong is the evidence that food and addiction is a real and important phenomenon? Food and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook brings scientific order to the issue of food and addiction, spanning multiple disciplines to create the foundation for what is a rapidly advancing field and to highlight needed advances in science and public policy. The book assembles leading scientists and policy makers from fields such as nutrition, addiction, psychology, epidemiology, and public health to explore and analyze the scientific evidence for the addictive properties of food. It provides complete and comprehensive coverage of all subjects pertinent to food and addiction, from basic background information on topics such as food intake, metabolism, and environmental risk factors for obesity, to diagnostic criteria for food addiction, the evolutionary and developmental bases of eating addictions, and behavioral and pharmacologic interventions, to the clinical, public health, and legal and policy implications of recognizing the validity of food addiction. Each chapter reviews the available science and notes needed scientific advances in the field.
**** A must have book for every cancer patient **** This book provides both an introduction of Dr. Budwig's cancer research and treatment. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) who was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times was one of Germany's leading scientists of the 20th Century, a biochemist and Cancer specialist with a special interest in essential fats.Otto Warburg proved that prime cause of cancer oxygen-deficiency in the cells. In absence of oxygen cells ferment glucose to produce energy, lactic acid is formed as a byproduct of fermentation. He postulated that sulfur containing protein and some unknown fat is required to attract oxygen in the cell.In 1951 Dr. Budwig developed Paper Chromatography to identify fats. With this technique she proved that electron rich highly unsaturated Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids were the undiscovered mysterious decisive fats in respiratory enzyme function that Otto Warburg had been unable to find. She studied the electromagnetic function of pi-electrons of the linolenic acid in the membranes of the microstructure of protoplasm, for all nerve function, secretions, mitosis, as well as cell break-down. This immediately caused lot of excitement in the scientific community. New doors could open in Cancer research. Hydrogenated fats, including all Trans fatty acids were proved as respiratory poisons.Then Budwig decided to have human trials and gave flaxseed oil and quark to cancer patients. After three months, the patients began to improve in health and strength, the yellow green substance in their blood began to disappear, tumors gradually receded and at the same time the nutrients began to rise. This way Dr. Budwig had found a cure for cancer. It was a great victory and first milestone in the battle against cancer. Her treatment protocol is based on the consumption of flax seed oil with low fat cottage cheese, raw organic diet, mild exercise, and the healing powers of the sun. She treated approx. 2500 cancer patients during a 50 year period with this protocol till her death with over 90% documented success.She was nominated 7 times for Nobel Prize but with a condition that she will use chemotherapy and radiotherapy with her protocol. They did not want to collapse the 200 billion business over night. She always refused to support the damaging chemo and radio for the sake of humanity.Lothar Hirneise - Great supporter of Budwig ProtocolLothar Hirneise is founder and President of People Against Cancer, Germany. He travels a lot in search of finding most successful alternative cancer therapies. He has been student of Dr. Johanna Budwig. He is a great researcher and writer on alternative healing. He is successfully treating thousands of cancer patients at his 3-E center in Germany. In the last few years he has interviewed several hundred final stage so-called survivors, meaning patients who were in the final stage of cancer and who are all healthy again today. Based on his findings he proposed a 3 E Program - The Mnemonic of Cancer Treatment.1) Eat well2) Eliminate3) EnergyHe noticed that 100% of all survivors, did the energy work. In approximately - say 80% of all patients, He found a change in diet. And in at least 60% of all patients, took intensive detoxification rituals. This is the basis of his, so much talked about 3E Program for healing cancer.Lothar strongly supports holistic and spiritual approach and includes Visualization, Tumor Contract, Meditation, mild Yoga, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's New German Medicine (Connection of unresolved stress and cancer), Detoxification techniques (Soda Bicarb bath, Epsom bath, Colon Hydrotherapy, Coffee Enema etc.) in his so much talked about 3 E Program.
This book examines the true underlying casue of cardiovascular disease: inflammation and oxidation in the walls of arteries. Information on treatment and prevention focuses on safe alternatives to conventional drugs and surgery. The book shows readers how to stay heart healthy by making simple dietary changes, including reducing sugar intake, taking in adequate levels of B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and E, and supplementing the diet with fish oils. Heart attack and stroke do not have to be an inevitable part of aging. Learn to take charge of your own hearet health with safe and effective therapies.