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The Bible directly refers to curses over two hundred and thirty times. Seventy specific sins that bring about curses are enumerated in God's Word. Frank and Ida Hammond deal with the mechanisms of breaking curses and finding deliverance.
Get free and stay free! Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God (Deut. 11:26-28) Blessings or Curses? You have a role to play and a choice to make. In this book, Bob Larson shows you how to break every curse over your life and pass on a heritage of blessing to future generations. Have you ever wondered: Are curses real? Can Christians inherit generational curses? Is there a link between sin and bondage? Jesus Christ came to break the power of sin in your life—this includes the power of curses! Curse-Breaking empowers you to: Identify and break curses in your life, family, and over your children Walk in consistent victory over the devil’s strategies Use the weapons of Scripture and prayer to conquer curses effecting your emotions, finances, health, and relationship with God Through dynamic personal stories, uncompromised Bible teaching, and powerful prayers, you will learn the keys to breaking curses and walking in spiritual freedom.
The book exposes the various types of curses that try to block you from your destiny. You will learn about the curse of the Vagabond, the orphan, curses that cause infirmity, bloodline curses, word curses, and spiritual open doors. It will educate you on the biblical foundation of curses and teach you how to rise in authority to break the curses! Jesus was the ultimate curse breaker. He came to empower you to live a life of faith and victory! Additionally, this book is a much needed resource for spiritual resource students and deliverance ministries. It is a concise, profound teaching on curses and open doorways. This book will provide practical steps to break every curse and to live under an open Heaven.
Redemption from Curses Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work. No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with—financial, familial, or physical—you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.
Could you be the victim of spiritual abuse? Could other Christians have pronounced failure and defeat over your life? In order to bring to light this terrible darkness, Dennis Cramer takes you on a journey into the evil world of "christian" witchcraft, "christian" cannibalism, and "christian" curses -- where you will not only be informed, but set free!
Learn to use the mighty weapons of spiritual warfare that God has provided--weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds!
Get Set Free from What Holds You Back! Do you or a family member...Exhibit anger issues?Suffer mental illness?Have a history of abuse or chronic illness?Face failure after failure? A generational curse from your family line may be the root cause of these issues. Don’t let past sins from your family tree continue to wreak...
Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune? Does it appear as though no matter what you do, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord? You could be living under a curse.
On October 16, 1995, a million black men- sons and brothers, husbands and fathers- made a commitment to ourselves that we would not shirk our duties as fathers to our children, loving husbands to our wives, and for a serious examination of our place in the world. It was on this day, in a speech by Minister Farrakhan, that I first heard about Willie Lynch. There was something about that part of his message that stuck with me for the past ten years. Scholars would say that it is too simplistic to attribute our failings to one person- one plan- one scheme, Willie Lynch. We are not that naïve, are we? And, anyway, if true, his effort at social engineering took place 300 years ago. In this book, I will attempt to explain, in broad terms, the negative results of that social engineering project of Willie Lynch. I will also make recommendations designed to combat it. I want to tell my readers how the cornerstone of black society, the family, has been eroded to the point of despair; the mindset that caused it, and some possible basic solutions. The educational system should be the easiest to fix. We must stop putting kids in bad learning situations, and leaving them to fail. We have choices and we must exercise those choices. The economic wealth of African Americans is larger than most countries in the world today. Yet we fail to benefit from that wealth. We are Bling-Bling Broke. We are the second largest voting block in the country, yet we have marginalized ourselves by voting for anyone who will promise us civil rights (The Democrats). They don’t deliver, yet we continue to vote the same way each election. To this day, the media will rarely portray Blacks in a positive way. The media has proven to be the most effective instrument of the Willie Lynch social engineering experiment. From the days of slavery the church played a vital role in the rebuilding of the moral foundation necessary for this society to grow strong and correct. The Willie Lynch legacy is the one consistent thread that seems to affect all of us. In 2006 we still occasionally exhibit social behavior reminiscent of the Willie Lynch legacy.
How to Break Curses, Spells and Hexes... Defeating Demons and Spiritual Oppression Do you know what the Bible says about curses and spells? Did you know that you can be cursed the same way you can be blessed? Did you know that curses are referenced well over 100 times in the Bible? Today, just as in Biblical times, people with evil mindsets still willingly and unwillingly place curses, spells and hexes on other people. They have the power to impose invisible barriers in your life that can affect your health, business and relationships in deeply negative ways. Spiritual oppression can also come not only from the outside through curses and witchcraft, but also from within ourselves because we harbor hatred, bitterness, malice and unforgiveness in our hearts (Matthew 18:21-35). Such spiritual oppression can also stem from things such as involvement in the occult, false teaching and sexual immorality, or from keeping idols or magic books in the home (Deuteronomy 7:24-26). However, Christians cannot be fully and totally possessed by the Devil as Legion was because they have the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, Christians can be oppressed, hindered and harassed. They can be like the Temple in Jerusalem which, in the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, had idol worship and evil practices occurring while God's glory still dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant inside the Holy of Holies. Therefore, it is often necessary that Christians cleanse the Temple and break all association with such practices. This book discusses how to cleanse the Christian life of all things that offend God, how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and power and move from being under a curse to enjoying the blessings of Abraham and of Christ! In this book you will learn how to break free of these forces working in your life by renouncing all contact, association with and participation in evil and by following Jesus Christ fully and receiving His powerful blessings through the Holy Spirit of God. It is the Cross of Jesus Christ that will set you free. You cannot do this yourself. It is not magic; You do not counter magic with more magic. Rather you counter magic with faith and trust in Jesus Christ, through whom God created the world. If you or a loved one is in need of dealing with invisible barriers and obstacles that may be limiting receiving God's plan for your life, How to Break Curses, Spells and Hexes... Defeating Demons and Spiritual Oppression will help you or your loved ones nullify any curses to receive God's blessings in your life.