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This is the first English translations of one of the most popular manuals of Islam ever written. It is divided into seventy-seven chapters, each dealing with a major aspect of Islam, giving the relevant Quranic verses and authentic Hadiths for each. The book is an essential tool for all English-speaking Muslims.
The Branches of ?m?n is a translation of Mukhta?ar Shu?bul ?m?n by Im?m Qazw?ni . It is an abridgement of the Branches of ?m?n by Im?m Bayhaqi which in reality is a commentary of a single ?ad?th of Rasulull?h ? in which he taught that "?m?n has sixty-odd, or seventy-odd branches, the highest and best of which is to declare that there is no one worthy of worship except All?h, and the lowest of which is to remove something harmful from the path. And that modesty is a branch of ?m?n."Rasulullah ? captured and placed in the heart of his ummah the beauty of ?m?n. There are high branches and low branches. He mentioned three in the ?ad?th but indicated that there are many more.Im?m Bayhaqi endeavoured to compile all the narrations related to ?m?n and its branches. This compilation reached six volumes and out of the grasp of the layman and more suited to the research scholars. Imam Qazw?ni abridged the original into the short treatise before you which is accessible to all.When a Muslim strives to become a true and complete Mu?min, then he must learn and recognise within himself the signs of ?m?n or the lack thereof. All?h Ta??la and his Messenger ? has told us these signs so we can struggle and pray that he blesses us with a perfect faith before we die.Branches of ?m?n is also a presentation of the fundamental beliefs of Isl?m and can be utilised for teaching Aq?da without resorting to historical polemical debates. Finally, Im?m Qazw?ni masterfully quotes from the greatest ??li??n of this ummah where required to show the spiritual significance of these branches.
The Abridgement of the Branches of Faith is the concise work based on the book Shu'ab al-Iman originally written by Imam Bayhaqi. Imam Qazwini was born in Tabriz in the year 653/1255 and began acquiring knowledge from some local scholars, subsequently travelling to many cities. He arrived in Damascus accompanied by his brother, and studied in some of their schools. He was an expert in Islamic Jurisprudence and qualified as the chief justice. He had a sound character, numerous good deeds, and he had the best of conduct. A summative text which encapsulates the various aspects of faith evidenced by verses of the Qur'an and/or sound hadith. It shows the multi-faceted understanding of one's faith which covers attitudes, words and actions. An invaluable work as a resource for hadith and reflection which will suit both public lecturers and private study circles.
What every Muslim must know about his religion.The author has discussed thoroughly the five pillars of Islam (Aqidah, Salat, Saum, Zakat and Hajj) according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. He also covers the other important topics like Taharah, the life of the Prophet, Hadith studies, etc., with references to Quranic text and Sunnah of the Prophet. This is a highly valuable book for every Muslim.
This book discusses the common principles of morality and ethics derived from divinely endowed intuitive reason through the creation of al-fitr' a (nature) and human intellect (al-‘aql). Biomedical topics are presented and ethical issues related to topics such as genetic testing, assisted reproduction and organ transplantation are discussed. Whereas these natural sources are God’s special gifts to human beings, God’s revelation as given to the prophets is the supernatural source of divine guidance through which human communities have been guided at all times through history. The second part of the book concentrates on the objectives of Islamic religious practice – the maqa' sid – which include: Preservation of Faith, Preservation of Life, Preservation of Mind (intellect and reason), Preservation of Progeny (al-nasl) and Preservation of Property. Lastly, the third part of the book discusses selected topical issues, including abortion, assisted reproduction devices, genetics, organ transplantation, brain death and end-of-life aspects. For each topic, the current medical evidence is followed by a detailed discussion of the ethical issues involved.
The Book of Good Manners - Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Messenger of Allah came to me while I was playing with the boys. He greeted us and sent me on an errand. This delayed my return to my mother. When I came to her, she asked, "What detained you?" I said; "Messenger of Allah sent me on an errand." She asked, "What was it?" I said, "It is a secret." My mother said; "Do not disclose to anyone the secret of Messenger of Allah." Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said to Thabit (May Allah be pleased with him): By Allah, were I to tell it to anyone I would have told you.