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This book covers the eighteen treatises of the original scripture of Vibhanga, the second book of the Theravada Abhidhamma corpus. A total of 273 tables, 30 diagrams, and lucidly-defined outlines of points and summaries are used extensively throughout this book to present the contents of the original text as lively as possible to readers. The treatises are divided into three distinct groups. The first group containing the Five Aggregates, Twelve Sense-Bases, Eighteen Elements, Four Noble Truths, Twenty-Two Controlling Faculties, and Dependent Origination, are the fundamental requisites for developing our right views and wisdom. The second group contains the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Four Right Strivings, Four Means to Accomplishment, Seven Factors of Enlightenment, Noble Eightfold Path, and Jhana, provide the basis for practicing wisdom using the different approaches, all of which are interdependent modular functions connecting one to another. The third group contains the Illimitables, Precepts, Analytical Insight, kinds of Knowledge, numerical list of defilement, and kernel of the Buddha's teaching - provide supplementary information illuminated in extensive details not apropos to being dealt with in the preceding twelve Chapters.
This book is an depth study and word by word translation of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha, the Code of Discipline of Buddhist monks which is recited bimonthly in Buddhist monasteries. It is mainly intended for Buddhist monks, but it will also be of interest of those who are studying Pali or Buddhist monastic law. The main part of this book is a word by word translation of the Pali text of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha; also included are a critical edition of the Pali text, a translation, discussions of technical terms and procedures, an analysis of the structure of the Pātimokkha, and comparisons with rules in the Prātimoksasutras of other early Buddhist schools.
The Abhidhamma, the third great division of the early Buddhist teaching, maps out with remarkable rigor & precision the inner landscape of the mind to be crossed through the practical work of Buddhist meditation. In this groundbreaking book, Venerable Nyanaponika Thera penetrates Abhidhamma's formidable face to make its principles intelligible to the thoughtful reader of today.
The author of this volume, an accomplished philologist, historian and philosopher, analyzes the relevant earlier and later texts and traces the epistemological foundations of Pali canonical thought from the Vedic period onwards. Originally published in 1963, it sheds new light on later developments and elucidates from the Indian point of view some of the basic problems of the conflict between metaphysics and logical and linguistic analysis.
This book provides an effective guide to especially Buddhist practitioners for gauging their daily progress as to path cultivation. It begins with a schedule, enumerating conventional Abhidhamma groups of the 5 aggregates, 12 bases, 18 elements, Truth, 22 faculties, follows by the exposition of individual-types by units, twofold, threefold, up to descriptions under tenfold. Nearly all of its designations are identical parallels drawn from the ten Nipatas of the Anguttara Nikaya with only some minor variations and omissions. Other designations are also found, sometimes as fragmentary descriptions, sometimes with different meanings, in the various suttas of the Nikayas. For the benefit of the readers, I have referenced these relevant suttas in the schedule, and I have also given necessary exposition to these referenced suttas in the subsequent Chapters. This book analyses 390 types of individual, or more specifically, types of monks and nuns, although some of the designations do overlap. These are unequivocal norms of measurements drawn up as a yardstick for providing advice to the declining monastics as well as a good manual for advancing progress of the assiduous monastics.
This book examines the states in question based on four principles: including, not-including, association, dissociation. There are 371 states of inquiry which consist of 105 internal states, are taken from the first 13 Chapters of the second book, Vibhanga; and 266 external states, are taken from triads and dyads in Dhammasangani. These 371 states are first examined in Chapter 1 whereby states of inquiry from the subsequent thirteen chapters are later based on. These states are examined using fourteen methods, through the different combinations of states and different combinations of the four principles, for answers in terms of aggregates, bases, and elements. These fourteen methods end with 2453 states of inquiry which allow us to examine all conceivable mental phenomena with reference to the three schemata of aggregates, bases, and elements. I have included a chart and analytical answers, not whole numbers but in specifics, for every of these states of inquiry. I have also provided 35 charts by various other classifications in appendixes as references to the contents and as supplementary guide.
Demonstrates how the four noble truths are used thorughout the Pali canon as a symbol of Buddha's enlightenment and as a doctrine within a larger network of Buddha's teachings. Their unique nature rests in their function as a proposition and as a symbol in the Theravada canon.