Tammie Truong
Published: 2020-09-13
Total Pages: 228
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Tammie is a Best Selling Author. Her first book: Chân Lý Và Năng Lượngwas published Easter Day, 2020. Within three months the book reachedthe top Vietnamese bookshelves and Tammie became a best selling author ofspirituality books in Vietnam.Her two day meditation courses started May 2020 and already there is a longwaiting list. Every-one participating comes away with a greater sense of joy andenthusiasm to continue their per-sonal inner journey toward Nirvana/The ZeroPoint. Former students gather to share the mira-cles they have experienced sincethe course and reveal how it has positively changed their life and that of theirfamily toward freedom, joy, happiness, wellbeing, and even enlightenment.People from 9 to 77 years old have joined Tammie's courses and been healedbody, mind, and soul and realized Nirvana. Those who she has touched have foundgreater happiness, wellbeing, and freedom. Records are available on her YouTubechannel and can be translated to share with the world.People have been healed from ailments such as prostate cancer and diabetes.One person who suffered insomnia for more than 20 years confirmed that afterlistening only once to Tammie's channel was able to sleep normally. That personthen came to the course with her husband and both came away happily, free fromall aches and pains. The wife can even see the world with the third eye .Everyone that has come to Tammie's course is given a glimps of Nirvana. Theystart to experi-ence greater intuition, discovering their uniqueness and specialabilities. Some can even see ce-lestial beings, pasts and futures (Akashic records),and different dimensions of reality by simply discovering their true nature - whothey are at the core.Tammie's unique power to heal is even accessed by those who connect withher through her YouTube channel. Many people are healed from low self-esteem/depression. Some can see the higher self of Tammie appearing in dreams to healthem. They wake up completely healed. They share these stories on her channel.May all beings realize true freedom, true happiness, and experience a life ofuniversal energy joy, love, and bliss.I love you. You are amazing. Thank you.Words are not the best tools to communicate Tammie's amazing abilities. Sheinvites you to come to her two day meditation course and experience it yourself. Itis free of charge. Donations received during and after the course from those whohave felt the benefits are used to support future courses. Many old students whohave experienced transformations refer family members and loved ones to her.Come and see for yourself. May this book alone bring healing, activate the flow ofuniversal energy, and reveal the Nirvana that is within you. It is timeless, nameless,the zero point. It is your untouched dimension. And because it is untouched, itis your ultimate freedom. Once you have IT you can be happy and experienceunconditional love. Only when you have happiness, freedom, and love that isbeyond conditions can your life be truly fulfilled. I am experiencing that life rightnow and so are my students. May all of you in this very life be healed body, mind &soul, realizing your true freedom/true nature/Nirvana.