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The sixth volume in Foucault's prestigious, groundbreaking series of lectures at the Collège de France from 1970 to 1984.
Foucault continues on the theme of his 1978 course by focusing on the study of liberal and neo-liberal forms of government and concentrating in particular on two forms of neo-liberalism: German post-war liberalism and the liberalism of the Chicago School.
Foucault’s late work on biopolitics and governmentality has established him as the fundamental thinker of contemporary continental political thought and as a privileged source for our current understanding of neoliberalism and its technologies of power. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of Foucault scholars examines his ideas of biopower and biopolitics and their relation to his project of a history of governmentality and to a theory of the subject found in his last courses at the College de France. Many of the chapters engage critically with the Italian theoretical reception of Foucault. At the same time, the originality of this collection consists in the variety of perspectives and traditions of reception brought to bear upon the problematic connections between biopolitics and governmentality established by Foucault’s last works.
In Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human Joseph Pugliese examines the concept of the biopolitical through a nonanthropocentric lens, arguing that more-than-human entities—from soil and orchards to animals and water—are actors and agents in their own right with legitimate claims to justice. Examining occupied Palestine, Guantánamo, and sites of US drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, Pugliese challenges notions of human exceptionalism by arguing that more-than-human victims of war and colonialism are entangled with and subject to the same violent biopolitical regimes as humans. He also draws on Indigenous epistemologies that invest more-than-human entities with judicial standing to argue for an ethico-legal framework that will enable the realization of ecological justice. Bringing the more-than-human world into the purview of justice, Pugliese makes visible the ecological effects of human war that would otherwise remain outside the domains of biopolitics and law.
Michel Foucault’s notion of “biopower” has been a highly fertile concept in recent theory, influencing thinkers worldwide across a variety of disciplines and concerns. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Foucault famously employed the term to describe “a power bent on generating forces, making them grow, and ordering them, rather than one dedicated to impeding them, making them submit, or destroying them.” With this volume, Vernon W. Cisney and Nicolae Morar bring together leading contemporary scholars to explore the many theoretical possibilities that the concept of biopower has enabled while at the same time pinpointing their most important shared resonances. Situating biopower as a radical alternative to traditional conceptions of power—what Foucault called “sovereign power”—the contributors examine a host of matters centered on life, the body, and the subject as a living citizen. Altogether, they pay testament to the lasting relevance of biopower in some of our most important contemporary debates on issues ranging from health care rights to immigration laws, HIV prevention discourse, genomics medicine, and many other topics.
Michel Foucault's death in 1984 coincided with the fading away of the hopes for social transformation that characterized the postwar period. In the decades following his death, neoliberalism has triumphed and attacks on social rights have become increasingly bold. If Foucault was not a direct witness of these years, his work on neoliberalism is nonetheless prescient: the question of liberalism occupies an important place in his last works. Since his death, Foucault's conceptual apparatus has acquired a central, even dominant position for a substantial segment of the world's intellectual left. However, as the contributions to this volume demonstrate, Foucault's attitude towards neoliberalism was at least equivocal. Far from leading an intellectual struggle against free market orthodoxy, Foucault seems in many ways to endorse it. How is one to understand his radical critique of the welfare state, understood as an instrument of biopower? Or his support for the pandering anti-Marxism of the so-called new philosophers? Is it possible that Foucault was seduced by neoliberalism? This question is not merely of biographical interest: it forces us to confront more generally the mutations of the left since May 1968, the disillusionment of the years that followed and the profound transformations in the French intellectual field over the past thirty years. To understand the 1980s and the neoliberal triumph is to explore the most ambiguous corners of the intellectual left through one of its most important figures.
Foreword - Introduction - 11 January 1978 - 18 January 1978 - 25 January 1978 - 1 February 1978 - 8 February 1978 - 15 February 1978 - 22 February 1978 - 1 March 1978 - 8 March 1978 - 15 March 1978 - 22 March 1978 - 29 March 1978 - 5 April 1978 - Course Summary - Course Context - Index of Notions - Index of Names.
The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon is a reference tool that provides clear and incisive definitions and descriptions of all of Foucault's major terms and influences, including history, knowledge, language, philosophy and power. It also includes entries on philosophers about whom Foucault wrote and who influenced Foucault's thinking, such as Deleuze, Heidegger, Nietzsche and Canguilhem. The entries are written by scholars of Foucault from a variety of disciplines such as philosophy, gender studies, political science and history. Together, they shed light on concepts key to Foucault and to ongoing discussions of his work today.
Foreword: François Ewald and Alessandro Fontana Introduction: Arnold I. Davidson One: 7 January 1976 What is a lecture? -- Subjugated knowledges. -- Historical knowledge of struggles, genealogies, and scientific discourse. -- Power, or what is at stake in genealogies. -- Juridical and economic conceptions of power. -- Power as repression and power as war. -- Clausewitz's aphorism inverted. Two: 14 January 1976 War and power. -- Philosophy and the limits of power. -- Law and royal power. -- Law, domination, and subjugation. -- Analytics of power: questions of method. -- Theory of sovereignty. -- Disciplinary power. -- Rule and norm. Three: 21 January 1976 Theory of sovereignty and operators of domination. -- War as analyzer of power relations. -- The binary structure of society. -- Historico-political discourse, the discourse of perpetual war. -- The dialectic and its codifications. -- The discourse of race struggle and its transcriptions. Four: 28 January 1976 Historical discourse and its supporters. -- The counterhistory of race struggle. -- Roman history and biblical history. -- Revolutionary discourse. -- Birth and transformation of racism. -- Race purity and State racism: the Nazi transformation and the Soviet transformation. Five: 4 February 1976 Answer to a question on anti-Semitism. -- Hobbes on war and sovereignty. -- The discourse on the Conquest in England: royalists, parliamentarians, and Levellers. -- The binary schema and political historicism. -- What Hobbes wanted to eliminate. Six: 11 February 1976 Stories about origins. -- The Trojan myth. -- France's heredity. -- "Franco-Gallia."--Invasion, history, and public right. -- National dualism. -- The knowledge of the prince. -- Boulainvillier's "Etat de la France."--The clerk, the intendant, and the knowledge of the aristocracy. -- A new subject of history. -- History and constitution. Seven: 18 February 1976 Nation and nations. -- The Roman conquest. -- Grandeur and decadence of the Romans. -- Boulainvilliers on the freedom of the Germans. -- The Soissons vase. -- Origins of feudalism. -- Church, right, and the language of State. -- Boulainvilliers: three generalizations about war: law of history and law of nature, the institutions of war, the calculation of forces. -- Remarks on war. Eight: 25 February 1976: Boulainvilliers and the constitution of a historico-political continuum. -- Historicism. -- Tragedy and public right. -- The central administration of history. -- The problematic of the Enlightenment and the genealogy of knowledges. -- The four operations of disciplinary knowledge and their effects. -- Philosophy and science. -- Disciplining knowledges. Nine: 3 March 1976 Tactical generalization of historical knowledge. -- Constitution, Revolution, and cyclical history. -- The savage and the barbarian. -- Three ways of filtering barbarism: tactics of historical discourse. -- Questions of method: the epistemological field and the antihistoricism of the bourgeoisie. -- Reactivation of historical discourse during the Revolution. -- Feudalism and the gothic novel. Ten: 10 March 1976 The political reworking of the idea of the nation during the Revolution: Sieyes. -- Theoretical implications and effects on historical discourse. -- The new history's grids of intelligibility: domination and totalization. -- Montlosier and Augustin Thierry. -- Birth of the dialectic. Eleven: 17 March 1976 From the power of sovereignty to power over life. -- Make live and let die. -- From man as body to man as species: the birth of biopower. -- Biopower's fields of application. -- Population. -- Of death, and of the death of Franco in particular. -- Articulations of discipline and regulation: workers' housing, sexuality, and the norm. -- Biopower and racism. -- Racism: functions and domains. -- Nazism. -- Socialism. Course Summary Situating the Lectures: Alessandro Fontana and Mauro Bertani Index.
This book offers an original analysis and theorization of the biopolitics of development in the postcolonial present, and draws significantly from the later works of Michel Foucault on biopolitics. Foucault’s works have had a massive influence on postcolonial literatures, particularly in political science and international relations, and several authors of this book have themselves made significant contributions to that influence. While Foucault’s thought has been inspirational for understanding colonial biopolitics as well as governmental rationalities concerned with development, his works have too often failed to inspire studies of political subjectivity. Instead, they have been used to stoke the myth of the inevitability of the decline of collective political subjects, often describing an increasingly limited horizon of political possibilities, and provoking a disenchantment with the political itself in postcolonial works and studies. Working against the grain of current Foucauldian scholarship, this book underlines the importance of Foucault’s work for the capacity to recognize how this degraded view of political subjectivity came about, particularly within the framework of the discourses and politics of ‘development’, and with particular attention to the predicaments of postcolonial peoples. It explores how we can use Foucault’s ideas to recover the vital capacity to think and act politically at a time when fundamentally human capacities to think, know and to act purposively in the world are being pathologized as expressions of the hubris and ‘underdevelopment’ of postcolonial peoples. Why and how it is that life in postcolonial settings has been depoliticized to such dramatic effect? The immediacy of these themes will be obvious to anyone living in the South of the world. But within the academy they remain heavily under-addressed. In thinking about what it means to read Michel Foucault today, this book tackles some significant questions and problems: Not simply that of how to explain the ways in which postcolonial regimes of governance have achieved the debasements of political subjectivity they have; nor that of how we might better equip them with the means to suborn the life of postcolonial peoples more fully; but that of how such peoples, in their subjection to governance, can and do resist, subvert, escape and defy the imposition of modes of governance which seek to remove their lives of those very capacities for resistance, subversion, flight, and defiance.