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The economic costs of frosts in agriculture and horticulture in many parts of the world can be very significant. Reports in the media include accounts on how frosts have devastated coffee crops in Brazil or in Papua New Guinea, and how frosts have seriously damaged the Florida citrus industry. Frost may cause losses in current harvests or a decline in future yields through more permanent damage to trees and bushes. Damaging frosts may occur as infrequent, short-term events with sub-zero temperatures or with unusually severe winter temperatures which extend over long periods. In this book we have aimed at providing a comprehensive review of recent advances in the area of frost research. The stimulus for writing this book has come from the recognition that there is a shortage of recent texts which deal exclusively with the bioclimatology of frost. Bioclimatology deals with the relations between climate and life and the present text is particularly concerned with the effects of low temperatures on plants. Our purpose has been to assist researchers, engineers, extension officers and students in understanding the physical aspects of frost occurrence and frost distribution as well as the biological and phenological aspects of frost damage and to provide an overview of direct and indirect methods of frost pro tection and prevention.
The economic costs of frosts in agriculture and horticulture in many parts of the world can be very significant. Reports in the media include accounts on how frosts have devastated coffee crops in Brazil or in Papua New Guinea, and how frosts have seriously damaged the Florida citrus industry. Frost may cause losses in current harvests or a decline in future yields through more permanent damage to trees and bushes. Damaging frosts may occur as infrequent, short-term events with sub-zero temperatures or with unusually severe winter temperatures which extend over long periods. In this book we have aimed at providing a comprehensive review of recent advances in the area of frost research. The stimulus for writing this book has come from the recognition that there is a shortage of recent texts which deal exclusively with the bioclimatology of frost. Bioclimatology deals with the relations between climate and life and the present text is particularly concerned with the effects of low temperatures on plants. Our purpose has been to assist researchers, engineers, extension officers and students in understanding the physical aspects of frost occurrence and frost distribution as well as the biological and phenological aspects of frost damage and to provide an overview of direct and indirect methods of frost pro tection and prevention.
Das Grundlagenwerk "Das Klima der bodennahen Luftschicht" von Rudolf Geiger ist seit den 70er Jahren vergriffen; der Autor verstarb 1981. Auch die amerikanische Ausgabe bei Harvard University Press ist seit 1986 vergriffen. Das Buch ist in USA immer noch ein Standardwerk (in Deutschland gibt es ebenfalls kein vergleichbar gutes Buch), und so konnten zwei Wissenschaftler in USA gefunden werden, die die dringend notwendige Neuauflage mit Streichung überholter und Hinzufügung aktueller Kapitel/Abschnitte in Arbeit nehmen wollten. Sie belassen den bewährten Aufbau des Werks unverändert.This revised and updated version of Rudolf Geiger's classic microclimatology text is designed to introduce readers to the nature of the atmosphere and climate near the ground. It is especially aimed at those seeking a first introduction to the field of microclimatology and thus are in need of assistance in dealing with and understanding the seemingly and ever increasing literature on the subject. The Climate Near the Ground presents the literature in a well-organized and easily understood descriptive fashion. This book is designed not only as an introduction text for students in environmental science but also as a reference for environmental scientists desiring a basic understanding of the climate near the ground.
Presenting the latest research on the effects of cold and sub-zero temperatures on plant distribution, growth and yield, this comprehensive volume contains 28 chapters by international experts covering basic molecular science to broad ecological studies on the impact of global warming, and an industry perspective on transgenic approaches to abiotic stress tolerance. With a focus on integrating molecular studies in the laboratory with field research and physiological studies of whole plants in their natural environments, this book covers plant physiology, production, development, agronomy, ecology, breeding and genetics, and their applications in agriculture and horticulture. Global Analysis of Gene Networks to Solve Complex Abiotic Stress responses, K Shinozaki, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute, Japan and K Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan, The CBF Cold Response Pathways of Arabidopsis and Tomato, J T Vogel, Michigan State University, USA, D Cook, Mississippi State University, USA, S G Fowler and M F Thomashow, Michigan State University, USA, Barley Contains a Large CBF Gene Family Associated with Quantitative Cold Tolerance Traits, J S Skinner, J von Zitzewitz, L Marquez-Cedillo, T Filichkin, Oregon State University, USA, P Szucs, Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, K Amundsen, Michigan State University, USA, E Stockinger, Ohio State University, USA, M F Thomashow, Michigan State University, USA, T H H Chen, and P M Hayes, Oregon State University, USA, Structural Organization of Barley CBF Genes Coincident with QTLS for Cold Hardiness , E J Stockinger, H Cheng, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China and J Skinner, The genetic basis of vernalization response in barley, L L D Cooper, Oregon State University, USA, J von Zitzewitz, J S Skinner, P Szucs, I Karsai, Agriculturtal Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, E Francia, A M Stanca, Experimental Institute for Cereal Resources, Italy, N Pecchioni, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, D A Laurie, John Innes Research Centre, UK, T H H Chen, and P M Hayes, Vernalization Genes in Winter Cereals, N A Kane, J Danyluk, and F Sarhan, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada, A Bulk Segregant Approach to Identify Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Cold Tolerance in Alfalfa, Y Castonguay, J Cloutier, S Laberge, A Bertrand and R Michaud, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada, Ectopic Over-expression of AtCBF1 in Potato Enhances Freezing Tolerance, M T Pino, J S Skinner, Z Jeknic, E J Park, Oregon State University, USA, P M Hayes, and T H H Chen, Over-expression of a Heat-inducible apx Gene Confers Chilling Tolerance to Rice Plants, Y Sato, National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, Japan, and H Saruyama, Hokkaido Green-Bio Institute, Japan Physiological and Morphological Alterations Associated with Development of Freezing Tolerance in The Moss Physcomitrella patens, A Minami, M Nagao, Iwate University, Japan, K Arakawa, S Fujikawa, Hokkaido University and D Takezawa, Saitama University, Japan, Control of Growth and Cold Acclimation in Silver Birch, M K Aalto and E T Palva, Viikki Biocenter, Finland, The Role of the CBF-Dependent Signalling Pathway in Woody Perennials, C Benedict, Umea University, Sweden, J S Skinner, R Meng, Y Chang, Oregon State University, USA, R Bhalerao, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, C Finn, USDA-ARS, USA, T H H Chen, V Hurry, Umea University, Sweden, Functional Role of Winter-accumulating Proteins from Mulberry Tree in adaptation to Winter-induced Stresses, S Fujikawa, N Ukaji, Hokkaido University, Japan, M Nagao, K Yamane, Hokkaido University, Japan, D Takezawa, and K Arakawa, The Role of Compatible Solutes in Plant Freezing Tolerance: A Case Study on Raffinose, D K Hincha, E Zuther, M Hundertmark, A G Heyer, Max-Planck-Institut fur Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Germany, Dehydration in model membranes and protoplasts: contrasting effects at low, intermediate and high hydrations, K L Koster, University of South Dakota,USA, and G Bryant, RMIT University, Australia, Effect of Plasma Membrane-associated Proteins on Acquisition of Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana, Y Tominaga, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada, C Nakagawara, Y Kawamura and M Uemura, Iwate University, Japan
r-------------{ Environment (Disease) Fig. 1. A schematic presentation of the interplay between the external environment, pathogen and animal, which influences resistance to infectious disease. Disturbance in equilibrium results in infection and disease skin and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. These tissues are in contact with the environment, and direct injury to them facilitate entry of pathogenic microorganisms through these important natural barriers. Sunburn and frostbite are examples of such adverse effects. Climatic factors such as heat and cold may also act as physiological stress factors which affect the specific and non-specific responses of the body to infection. 1.1.2 Pathogen Survival Climatic factors may affect dispersal, spread and survival of pathogenic micro organisms in the environment. This is also true for arthropod vectors such as mosquitos and ticks (Smith 1970; Ferguson and Branagan 1972). The density of the animal population is an important factor determining the concentration of patho gens in the environment. Population density can be influenced by weather condi tions, as animals respond to heat and cold by typical changes in behaviour. For example, in cold weather they tend to huddle together. This behaviour results in increased population density, which in turn involves an increased risk of the spread of airborne infections.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased globally from about 280 ppm before the Industrial Revolution (Pearman 1988) to about 353 ppm in 1990. That increase, and the continuing increase at a rate of about 1.5 ppm per annum, owing mainly to fossil fuel burning, is likely to cause change in climate, in primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation (managed and unmanaged), and in the degree of net sequestration of atmospheric CO into organic form. The quantitative role 2 of the latter in attenuating the increase in atmospheric CO concentration itself is 2 an important but uncertain element of the global carbon-cycle models that are required to predict future increases of atmospheric CO concentration. 2 In my experience in workshops and other multidisciplinary gatherings, argument arises in discussion of this topic among different groups of scientists such as bioclimatologists, plant physiologists, biogeochemists and ecologists. Plant concentration physiologists are often impressed by the positive effect of higher CO 2 on plant growth under experimental controlled environments and argue that this would be at least partly expressed in the field for many species and communities.