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Printed boldly on the back of the United States currency is the motto "In God We Trust." We have seen it so often that it may have lost its meaning to us. But found in these words is the secret to national and personal greatness.Webster's Dictionary defines the word trust as "a firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability and justice of another person or thing."When our founding fathers put their names to the Declaration of Independence, they believed that God was the only sure foundation upon which to build a nation that would endure. These men knew that this unique experiment in freedom would only stand the test of time by God's grace. George Washington stated it simply, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."Reliance upon God was deeply rooted in our country's important documents and institutions from the beginning. But today confidence in God and His Word is no longer the foundation of society.In our schools the God of Creation has been replaced by the "god" of evolutionary chance. Truth has been replaced by relativism. Morality has been replaced by expediency.In our homes we nightly view things that were unimaginable on television and in movies only a decade ago. Violence, sexual perversion and obscene language spill off the screen.In the political arena God's principles of truth and justice have often given way to expedience, personal profit, and compromise.As we have departed from God, life has been devalued. The lives of unborn children are snuffed out in abortion clinics and the number of robberies, rapes and murders increase daily.It is time that we return to the values of God's Word in our public and private lives so that He will heal our land. We must begin person by person on our knees, confessing our failure to trust God fully in our lives.Today you can affirm your trust in God if you will: Acknowledge that you need salvation: The Bible says, "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Recognize God's love for you: "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Receive Jesus and His forgiveness, the only basis for encountering God. "As many as received Him (Jesus), to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12).God is calling you to put your trust in Him today! Don't ignore His call!
American evangelicals are known for focusing on the family, but the Quiverfull movement intensifies that focus in a significant way. Often called "Quiverfull" due to an emphasis on filling their "quivers" with as many children as possible (Psalm 127:5), such families are distinguishable by their practices of male-only leadership, homeschooling, and prolific childbirth. Their primary aim is "multigenerational faithfulness" - ensuring their descendants maintain Christian faith for many generations. Many believe this focus will lead to the Christianization of America in the centuries to come. Quivering Families is a first of its kind project that employs history, ethnography, and theology to explore the Quiverfull movement in America. The book considers a study of the movement's origins, its major leaders and institutions, and the daily lives of its families. Quivering Families argues that despite the apparent strangeness of their practice, Quiverfull is a thoroughly evangelical and American phenomenon. Far from offering a countercultural vision of the family, Quiverfull represents an intensification of longstanding tendencies. The movement reveals the weakness of evangelical theology of the family and underlines the need for more critical and creative approaches.
Concepts embody our knowledge of the kinds of things there are in the world. Tying our past experiences to our present interactions with the environment, they enable us to recognize and understand new objects and events. Concepts are also relevant to understanding domains such as social situations, personality types, and even artistic styles. Yet like other phenomenologically simple cognitive processes such as walking or understanding speech, concept formation and use are maddeningly complex. Research since the 1970s and the decline of the "classical view" of concepts have greatly illuminated the psychology of concepts. But persistent theoretical disputes have sometimes obscured this progress. The Big Book of Concepts goes beyond those disputes to reveal the advances that have been made, focusing on the major empirical discoveries. By reviewing and evaluating research on diverse topics such as category learning, word meaning, conceptual development in infants and children, and the basic level of categorization, the book develops a much broader range of criteria than is usual for evaluating theories of concepts.