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The widening of political, racial, generational, and religious differences leads too often to an "us vs. them" mentality. The Sacred Overlap communicates a refreshing vision that embraces tension and shows us how to live in radical love and faithfulness between the extremes that isolate and divide people. The gospels display how Jesus was committed to crossing the either/or waters of the cultural and societal wars of his day. His miracles and parables often broke or ignored religious and political lines that seemed all important. He comforted the disturbed and disturbed the comfortable. Using Jesus' example, J. R. Briggs offers a fresh and relevant understanding of evangelism and discipleship in our present time of extreme polarization. Without sacrificing biblical integrity, The Sacred Overlap is a joyful exploration of the complexity of life in the peace of Christ. With careful discernment, Briggs: Shares creative ways to engage with God's mission of ministering to those who are intrigued by Jesus but turned off by church. Explores what it means to be joyful in the midst of heart-wrenching pain and earthly suffering. Models what it means to maintain a posture of convicted civility which emphasizes both grace and truth. The Sacred Overlap helps readers see how Christians are called to live with their feet firmly planted in two different worlds—in both heaven and earth—living naturally with both the sacred and the ordinary. Only then can a Christian be a faithful witness and disciple of Jesus.
When we reflect on how we lived for Christ, we might weep on the other side of the celestial gates. To their own detriment, many Christians have emptied the judgment seat of Christ of its meaning, living like they will never meet His knowing gaze. For this they may have tears in heaven. In this provocative book, Dr. Erwin Lutzer argues that remorse in heaven awaits those who don’t live fully for God on earth. Exploring the often-overlooked Scriptures about reward and judgment for Christians, Dr. Lutzer answers questions like: How will believers be judged? Do rewards for faithfulness vary? If heaven is perfect, why do rewards even matter? His answers are immensely practical. Your Eternal Reward will prompt you to live more faithfully, whether in your conduct, your speech, or even your use of money, that you might enjoy heaven all the more. What is sown on earth is reaped in heaven, and Dr. Lutzer will have you taking this truth to heart.
In fourth to sixth century Syria a nave-platform known as the Bema became popular in some regions before mysteriously disappearing; this study seeks to explain how these bemata functioned and which elements led to their decline.
A story about friendships and commitment to one another so incredible you wouldn't believe it if it wasn't true. Kevan is just one of the guys. It's impossible to know him and not become a little more excited about life. He is an inspiring man permeated by joy, unafraid of sorrow, full of vitality and life! His sense of humor is infectious and so is his story. He grew up, he says, at "belt-buckle level" and stayed there until Kevan's beloved posse decided to leave his wheelchair at the Atlanta airport, board a plane for France, and have his friends carry him around Europe to accomplish their dream to see the world together! Kevan's beloved posse traveled to Paris, England, and Ireland where, in the climax of their adventure, they scale 600 feet up to the 1,400-year-old monastic fortress of Skellig Michael. In We Carry Kevan the reader sits with Kevan, one head-level above everyone else for the first time in his life and enjoys camaraderie unlike anything most people ever experience. Along the way they encounter the curiosity and beauty of strangers, the human family disarmed by grace, and the constant love of God so rich and beautiful in the company of good friends. We Carry Kevan displays the profound power of friendship and self-sacrifice.
"Smith's sage advice will aid Christians in recognizing the simple joys of practicing their faith."--Publishers Weekly Western culture is in a tailspin, and Christian faith is entangled in it: we do kingdom things in empire ways. Western approaches to faith leave us feeling depressed, doubting, anxious, and burned out. We know something is wrong with the way we do faith and church in the West, but we're so steeped in it that we don't know where to begin to break old habits. Popular pastor and speaker Mandy Smith invites us to be unfettered from the deeply ingrained habits of Western culture so we can do kingdom things in kingdom ways again. She explores how we can be transformed by new postures and habits that help us see God already at work in and around us. The way forward isn't more ideas, programs, and problem-solving but in Jesus's surprising invitation to the kingdom through childlikeness. Ultimately, rediscovering childlike habits is a way for us to remember how to be human. Unfettered helps us reimagine how to follow God with our whole selves again and join with God's mission in the world. Foreword by Walter Brueggemann.
Martin Luther marked two critical days on his calendar-today and that day-the day he would graduate to heaven. Everyone who believes Jesus is God and trusts in Him alone as Savior has assurance of eternal life; but Luther understood that not all graduates experience heaven in the same way. God wants every Christian to have "a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 1:11), but a rich welcome-a hero's welcome-is not automatic. A Hero's Welcome answers questions, such as: - Do my motives affect the quality of my eternity? If so, how? - Does what I believe and teach in Scripture affect the quality of my eternity? - Does the way I treat others affect the quality of my eternity? - What rewards does Jesus give at the bema seat? Eternal rewards are one of the most neglected and misunderstood doctrines in Scripture; but when properly understood it compels every believer to pray, "Lord Jesus, help me to live this day the way I will wish I had lived this day when I stand before You on that day "
The New Testament has much to say about the day when Christ will evaluate His Bride, the Church, when all true believers in Christ will see Him just after the resurrection of dead believers and the rapture of living believers. According to the Bible, this event could even occur today! Are you ready for it? For many centuries Christians have been confused about the timing, participants, seriousness, purpose, and final outcome of this great divine evaluation of the Church. Is it the next revealed event on God's calendar? Will all Christians be involved or only leaders? Is this event distinct from God's judgment of unbelievers? Is this a judgment to determine a person's eternal salvation or eternal reward? Will this event be essentially positive or will it involve punishment for disobedience? What effects will this judgment have afterwards in Christ's kingdom? THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST was originally written as Dr. Samuel L. Hoyt's doctoral dissertation and has now been revised and updated to answer these relevant questions from Scripture with careful, balanced, and thorough exegesis. THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST addresses a vital subject of eternal significance for every Christian.
Are you spurned on by the thought of the reward that awaits you in heaven - or do you regard this as carnal and superficial? R.T. Kendall looks at various aspects of the subject of 'judgement' as it is described in the Bible. He interprets the relevant texts with sound exegesis that does not toe any particular 'party line'. He gives a clear picture of the purposes and effects of the judgement. He also explores the effect of not living with right attitudes towards other believers or zeal for Christian work. All of the subjects discussed will have an effect on our reward. Without softening the process of God's judgement Kendall shows that there will be many unexpected additions and omissions from God's book of life.
How Do You Measure Success? For a Christian there are two very different definitions of success: one is earthly and the other is eternal. One is about "things," while the other is about "fruit" ... eternal fruit. Using tightly knit prose written in clear language, this book addresses the often overlooked fact of the Bema-the judgment seat of Christ-when our eternal lives will be determined by how we lived on earth as Christians (2 Corinthians 5:10). The good news is that following these steps can guide the earnest seeker through a successful life today, on his or her journey to meet Christ face-to-face. A must-read for believers old and new, A Christian Road Less Traveled sheds a fresh light on God's highest standard for Christians as He intended.