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It was 2am on the 16th June 1915 and dawn was slowly breaking over Bellewaarde. It was exceptionally quiet, the troops of 3rd Division were situated on the western edge of Railway Wood and shrouded in a thick mist which reduced visibility and gave the illusion of safety. Across the few yards of no man's land, the German troops of Reserve Infantry Regiments (RIR) 248 and 246, and Unter-Elsssisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 132 were also blanketed in the thick damp mist. It swirled round their trenches, deadening sound and reinforcing the illusion that all was secure. Fifty minutes later the planned British artillery bombardment began. By the end of the day more than 4,000 men would be casualties on a field approximately half a mile square. At the close of the 2nd Battles of Ypres, the German trenches between the Menin Road and the Ypres-Roulers railway formed a salient. From Bellewaarde ridge, situated on the eastern side of the lake, they were able to overlook the greater part of the ground east of Ypres. In early June it was decided to attack the salient, and take possession of Bellewaarde ridge. The attack was to be carried out by the 9th Brigade of the 3rd Division, with 7th Brigade in support.The book is a tribute to those who fought and died at Bellewaarde on the 16th June 1915 and author royalties will be donated to a fund to help raise money for a memorial.
It was 2am on the 16th June 1915 and dawn was slowly breaking over Bellewaarde. It was exceptionally quiet, the troops of 3rd Division were situated on the western edge of Railway Wood and shrouded in a thick mist which reduced visibility and gave the illusion of safety. Across the few yards of no man's land, the German troops of Reserve Infantry Regiments (RIR) 248 and 246, and Unter-Els_ssisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 132 were also blanketed in the thick damp mist. It swirled round their trenches, deadening sound and reinforcing the illusion that all was secure. Fifty minutes later the planned British artillery bombardment began. By the end of the day more than 4,000 men would be casualties on a field approximately half a mile square. ??At the close of the 2nd Battles of Ypres, the German trenches between the Menin Road and the Ypres-Roulers railway formed a salient. From Bellewaarde ridge, situated on the eastern side of the lake, they were able to overlook the greater part of the ground east of Ypres. In early June it was decided to attack the salient, and take possession of Bellewaarde ridge. The attack was to be carried out by the 9th Brigade of the 3rd Division, with 7th Brigade in support.??The book is a tribute to those who fought and died at Bellewaarde on the 16th June 1915 and author royalties will be donated to a fund to help raise money for a memorial.
The British Expeditionary Force The 1915 Campaign is a thorough account of the BEF's actions during the battles of 1915 and early 1916, starting with the success at Neuve Chapelle in March and the nightmare gas attack at Ypres in April. It follows their
This is a comprehensive and highly emotive volume, borne of years of intensive research and many trips to the battlefields of the Great War. It seeks to humanize the Menin Gate Memorial (North), to offer the reader a chance to engage with the personal stories of the soldiers whose names have been chiseled there in stone. Poignant stories of camaraderie, tragic twists of fate and noble sacrifice have been collated in an attempt to bring home the reality of war and the true extent of its tragic cost. It is hoped that visitors to the battlefields, whether their relatives are listed within or not, will find their experience enriched by having access to this treasure trove of stories.
1915 Revised and re-edited 2nd Edition 1915 is the third book in the Secret Lives series set in England and Europe before and through the Great War. England With Eddie at war Francis is finally free to be herself again and busies herself making plans for the future. Henrietta is terrified of telling Thomas the truth, but his reaction astonishes her. Austria Rosa cannot believe the war has dealt her such a terrible blow and seeks solace at a spiritualist meeting where she is given a strange message that will change her life for ever. Germany While Max faces danger on the front lines, food shortages make life difficult at home and Steffi is torn between managing on her own or accepting help. Italy Lucrecia’s new talent has changed her life completely but not in the way she hoped. All books contain adult content
This is a comprehensive and highly emotive volume, borne of years of intensive research and many trips to the battlefields of the Great War. It seeks to humanise the Menin Gate Memorial (South), to offer the reader a chance to engage with the personal stories of the soldiers whose names have been chiseled there in stone. Poignant stories of camaraderie, tragic twists of fate and noble sacrifice have been collated in an attempt to bring home the reality of war and the true extent of its tragic cost. It is hoped that visitors to the battlefields, whether their relatives are listed within or not, will find their experience enriched by having access to this treasure trove of stories.
Do you have an ancestor who served at Ypres in the First World War, during the four years in which the city was in the front line? Perhaps you have thought of visiting the battlefields nearby and the monuments that commemorate them, and want to find out exactly where your ancestor served and what part he played in the four great battles that took place there?So many British soldiers served in Flanders during the long struggle to defend the Ypres Salient and to break out of it that there is a good chance that your ancestor was there at some stage of the war. This practical and informative handbook is an ideal guide to the struggle for the city and the stories of the men who took part in it. It is also a fascinating introduction to researching the Great War as a whole.Simon Fowler outlines the course of the fighting around the city and he introduces the most important historical resources that you can use to explore the history for yourself. The book identifies the key sources for family historians, including at The National Archives and the Imperial War Museum, together with the many resources online that researchers can turn to. There is also advice on the literature, archives, museums and monuments that may help you to gain an insight into your ancestor's story.
A guide to daily life and experiences for British servicemen in World War I, from recruitment and training to the battle and its aftermath. Geoff Bridger’s Great War Handbook answers many of the basic questions newcomers ask when confronted by this enormous and challenging subject of World War One—not only what happened and why, but what was the Great War like for ordinary soldiers who were caught up in it. He describes the conditions the soldiers endured, the deadly risks they ran, their daily routines and the small roles they played in the complex military machine they were part of. His comprehensive survey of every aspect of the soldier’s life, from recruitment and training, through the experience of battle and its appalling aftermath, is an essential guide for students, family historians, teachers and anyone who is eager to gain an all-round understanding of the nature of the conflict. Praise for The Great War Handbook “The book contains a wealth of information on a diverse range of topics within its 200 pages. The Great War Handbook does an excellent job of bringing together concise explanations of a number of key areas. It always amazes me just how much there is to learn about the war, and novice and seasoned researchers alike will find something of interest here, and I know it is a book I will continue to refer to in the future.” —Firetrench Reviews
Jimmy Corbin has always wanted to join the RAF, so when his wish is granted in 1940, and he learns to fly his beloved Spitfire, Jimmy is delighted. But the Battle of Britain is about to begin. When Charlotte’s twin sister is murdered during a bombing raid, she vows revenge on the German pilot she believes is responsible. But someone helped him escape the country and her search for justice will lead her in directions she could never have foreseen. Fred Corben (same family, different spelling*) was delighted to be asked to work for the RSS, the Radio Security Service, but working in the shadowy environment of the listening services he soon learns that everything is not as it seems. Frederick Farmer fought and was injured in the Great War so when war loomed again he was one of the first to volunteer for the Home Guard. But Frederick’s life is not all it appears, he has a secret that could affect the outcome of the war. Geoffrey Maund is a member of the RAF Air Sea Rescue Service based in Singapore, but it is his other activities that occupy his every waking thought. Why won’t anyone listen to his warnings? John Perriman, a Telegraphist on HMS Cleopatra, joined the Royal Navy in 1921, aged 16, but nothing in his past had prepared him for bomb alley. Hunting Shadows. A Family at War is a mix of fact and fiction, inspired by the true story of five members of the same family who fought for their country during the Second World War. The real story of the family members and photos are at the end of the book. Jimmy Corbin was awarded the DFC John Perriman was awarded the DSM, Atlantic and Mediterranean stars, the RN Long Service and Good Conduct medal *The reason for the different spelling is in the book.