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Who is the ‘Good Indian Girl’? What does she look like? How does she dress? Is she real — or is she a myth? In this funny, wicked, touching, irreverent, poignant collection of stories, Annie Zaidi and Smriti Ravindra lift the veil (or sari pallu) on the lives and loves of girls who have been born or raised in the subcontinent. The niceties have to be observed, but the urge to subvert is often overwhelming. As they shimmy down drainpipes at midnight, or steal covert glances at the boys across the street, the real life incidents from which these stories are drawn will ring a bell with any woman who has negotiated the minefield of family love and romantic longing and desire that lies between childhood and womanhood. Fiction—but based on fact. Searingly funny—with a serious edge. Exploding stereotypes—and creating a few new ones. This is the Good Indian Girl as she has never been seen before—fiesty, imaginative, a little crazy, smart, vulnerable. Prepare to be surprised. Published by Zubaan.
Welcome to the Good Girl’s Guide to Bad Boys. In this bible, you will unlock the step-by-step guide to overcoming relationship obstacles and learn from the mistakes good girls before you have committed. You may find yourself in a similar situation. Fear not. This book provides all the solutions to your troubles. Before you know it, you will learn every relationship faux pas and find yourself a boy you rightfully deserve. This may be the most controversial book you will read, but trust me, mistakes have been made for others to learn and for history not to repeat itself. At the end of the day, no matter how many bad boys you meet, be a good girl and stay a good girl—if you can.
There’s nothing better than a bad boy... When feisty break dancer Andrea left for university, she thought she was ready to step into the real world. But she wasn’t prepared for meeting her new neighbour, Hunter. Arrogant, dangerous and a bit too sexy, Hunter’s everything Andrea knows she should resist...and can’t.
A provocative ‘sexploration’ of the cultural and political landscape of modern India.
Chapter 1: The Allure of the Bad Boy It's a tale as old as time, a story that has been told and retold in countless movies, books, and songs - girls like bad boys over good ones. But why is this such a prevalent phenomenon? Is it the thrill of danger, the excitement of rebellion, or something deeper that draws women to the bad boys? In this chapter, we'll delve into the psychology behind this attraction and explore some of the reasons why girls often find themselves irresistibly drawn to the "bad boy" archetype. Chapter 2: The Bad Boy Mystique The bad boy exudes an air of mystery and unpredictability that can be incredibly alluring. He's the guy who doesn't play by the rules, who marches to the beat of his own drum. This mystique can be intoxicating for many women, as they find themselves captivated by the idea of unraveling the enigma that is the bad boy. In this chapter, we'll explore how the element of mystery plays a significant role in why girls are drawn to bad boys. Chapter 3: Confidence and Self-Assuredness Bad boys often exude an unshakable confidence and self-assuredness that can be incredibly attractive. They don't second-guess themselves or seek validation from others. This confidence can make girls feel safe and protected, as if they're with someone who can handle any situation that comes their way. In this chapter, we'll explore the role of confidence in the bad boy allure and why it can be such a potent magnet for women. Chapter 4: The Excitement of the Unpredictable Bad boys are known for their unpredictable behavior, and for some girls, this unpredictability is a major turn-on. It can be exhilarating to be with someone who keeps you on your toes, who constantly surprises you with their actions and decisions. In this chapter, we'll examine how the thrill of the unpredictable can make bad boys seem more appealing than their more predictable, "good" counterparts. Chapter 5: The Illusion of Change One of the most significant reasons why girls often choose bad boys over good ones is the belief that they can change them. Many women are drawn to the idea of being the one who can "fix" the bad boy, to be the person who helps them leave their troubled past behind and become a better person. In this chapter, we'll explore the psychology behind this desire to change the bad boy and why it can lead to complex and sometimes destructive relationships. In these chapters, we've scratched the surface of why some girls may prefer bad boys over good ones. It's important to note that people are complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all explanation for romantic preferences. While some may be drawn to the excitement and allure of the bad boy, others may find happiness and stability in relationships with more dependable partners. Ultimately, the choice between a bad boy and a good one is a personal one, shaped by individual experiences and desires.
Can the right woman really make a bad boy change?Janelle and Outlaw's love story was birthed through struggles that neither one of them ever saw coming but just when they thought they'd reached their happily ever after, their picture-perfect love story comes crumbling down. Janelle's dreams are all set to come true when she gets the chance to become the District Attorney of New York City. The only thing making her have second thoughts is the fact that she's married to the city's ultimate bad boy, Luke 'Outlaw' Murray. With no one around who understands her ambitious goals, she finds a friend in a woman who truly only wants to bring her down. The saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' always rings true but once Janelle finally realizes that her enemy is right in front of her, will it be too late?Luke 'Outlaw' Murray is the bad boy who no one ever imagined could be tamed. Now that he's a family man, his reckless lifestyle has changed, but the savage in him is very much alive. With Janelle focused on her own dreams, he turns his attention back to running the streets... only to meet someone he would have never expected: Chloe Harvarty, the sister of Chris Harvarty, a man whose life he ended in order to protect the woman he loved. His guilt plagues him when he sees the way that his actions have utterly devastated her life and, against his better nature, he's caught up-feeling obligated to help a woman he begins to feel responsible for. When a simple friendship begins to cross the line over into a lane that he knows he shouldn't explore, will Outlaw stand strong or will he turn back into his old self and fall back into his womanizing ways?
How many times have you and your friends asked one another these questions without ever coming up with any good answers? Your girlfriends just tell you what you want to hear. At the end of the day, the only person who can give you insight into man problems is—that’s right—a man! But guys have hidden agendas. What guy would give up all his dating advantages by spilling the goods? Steve Santagati would. A self-confessed serial dater and Bad Boy, Steve is telling all for the benefit of womankind. Every guy is at least part Bad Boy, and in The Manual, this prime specimen reveals what every woman needs to know to counter Bad Boy tactics, both amateur and professional. Steve is never condescending or callous, but honest, perceptive, and street-smart. His guidance is straightforward and his insights are dead-on, giving women tools they can immediately put to work. Discover what you may not want to know but need to know about: •The Heart of the Bad Boy (i.e., the nature of the beast) •The Male Mind: how he sees you and how you can make this work to your advantage •Guys on the Hunt: the male modus operandi, from the grocery store to Home Depot •When Boy Meets Girl: how to handle dating, from flirting to “sext” messaging to learning his weaknesses •Mating: so you’ve got him . . . should you keep him? Why learn from a Bad Boy instead of, say, a psychologist? Because there’s no replacement for “in the field” experience. You’ll benefit from (and laugh at) stories of real things Steve has done in relationships with women as well as of women turning the tables on him when he least expected it. The book also includes a question-and-answer section, in which Steve explores some of the toughest dating issues. To understand Steve is to understand the Bad Boy, and that will take you a long way in understanding all men. Find out how much more fun dating can be when you get the upper hand on Bad Boys . . . for good.
It's no secret. It's not the nice sensitive guy that gets the girls. It's not the nice sensitive guys who get a woman's juices flowing. And it's not the nice sensitive guys that attract women like a magnet. No, it's the bad boy that does all of these things. It's the bad boy that takes up a woman's fantasies and is what she dreams about and goes out every night and day hoping to experience. It is the bad boy the keep her up at night.Most guys will never understand the power that bad boys have over women. And it is for this simple reason...because most guys will never be bad boys or have the traits of a bad boy. They will never have a woman addicted to them, they will never have women give up everything for their touch, they will never have women be completely enraptured just by their presence. And it's a damn shame. Every man should experience being a bad boy.I am to change all of that with this book. In addition to all of the things above in this book I will also teach you the following.- How to be a woman's fantasy.- The inseparable tie between being a good bad boy and masculinity- Practical tips for fashioning yourself into the bad boy of women's dreams- This one trait of being a good bad boy that drives women wilder than anything else- And so much more...So if anything of this sounds interesting to you then do yourself a favor and pick up the book today so you can become irresistible to women.
A very practical, but also completely hilarious, dating guide for women, written by a self-confessed 'Bad Boy' come clean.