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The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs on all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It is addressed to advanced students and research mathematicians, and may also serve as a guide for lectures and for seminars at the graduate level.
Comprehensive and self-contained text examines the axiom's relative strengths and consequences, including its consistency and independence, relation to permutation models, and examples and counterexamples of its use. 1973 edition.
Working within the Zermelo-Frankel Axioms of set theory, we will introduce two important contradictory axioms: Axiom of Choice and Axiom of Determinacy. We will explore perfect polish spaces and games on these spaces to see that the Axiom of Determinacy is inconsistent with the Axiom of Choice. We will see some of the major consequences of accepting the Axiom of Determinacy and how some of these results change when accepting the Axiom of Choice. We will consider 2-player games of perfect information wherein we will see some powerful results having to do with properties of the real numbers. We will use a game to illustrate a weak proof of the continuum hypothesis.
Michael Potter presents a comprehensive new philosophical introduction to set theory. Anyone wishing to work on the logical foundations of mathematics must understand set theory, which lies at its heart. Potter offers a thorough account of cardinal and ordinal arithmetic, and the various axiom candidates. He discusses in detail the project of set-theoretic reduction, which aims to interpret the rest of mathematics in terms of set theory. The key question here is how to deal with the paradoxes that bedevil set theory. Potter offers a strikingly simple version of the most widely accepted response to the paradoxes, which classifies sets by means of a hierarchy of levels. What makes the book unique is that it interweaves a careful presentation of the technical material with a penetrating philosophical critique. Potter does not merely expound the theory dogmatically but at every stage discusses in detail the reasons that can be offered for believing it to be true. Set Theory and its Philosophy is a key text for philosophy, mathematical logic, and computer science.
This is an expository account of work on strong forms of the Axiom of Determinacy (AD) by a group of set theorists in Southern California, in particular by W. Hugh Woodin. The first half of the book reviews necessary background material, including the Moschovakis Coding Lemma, the existence of strong partition cardinals, and the analysis of pointclasses in models of determinacy. The second half of the book introduces Woodin's axiom system $mathrm{AD}^{+}$ and presents his initial analysis of these axioms. These results include the consistency of $mathrm{AD}^{+}$ from the consistency of AD, and its local character and initial motivation. Proofs are given of fundamental results by Woodin, Martin, and Becker on the relationships among AD, $mathrm{AD}^{+}$, the Axiom of Real Determinacy, and the Suslin property. Many of these results are proved in print here for the first time. The book briefly discusses later work and fundamental questions which remain open. The study of models of $mathrm{AD}^{+}$ is an active area of contemporary research in set theory. The presentation is aimed at readers with a background in basic set theory, including forcing and ultrapowers. Some familiarity with classical results on regularity properties for sets of reals under AD is also expected.
This book, Consequences of the Axiom of Choice, is a comprehensive listing of statements that have been proved in the last 100 years using the axiom of choice. Each consequence, also referred to as a form of the axiom of choice, is assigned a number. Part I is a listing of the forms by number. In this part each form is given together with a listing of all statements known to be equivalent to it (equivalent in set theory without the axiom of choice). In Part II the forms are arranged by topic. In Part III we describe the models of set theory which are used to show non-implications between forms. Part IV, the notes section, contains definitions, summaries of important sub-areas and proofs that are not readily available elsewhere. Part V gives references for the relationships between forms and Part VI is the bibliography. Part VII is contained on the floppy disk which is enclosed in the book. It contains a table with form numbers as row and column headings. The entry in the table in row $n$, column $k$ gives the status of the implication ``form $n$ implies form $k$''. Software for easily extracting information from the table is also provided. Features: complete summary of all the work done in the last 100 years on statements that are weaker than the axiom of choice software provided gives complete, convenient access to information about relationships between the various consequences of the axiom of choice and about the models of set theory descriptions of more than 100 models used in the study of the axiom of choice an extensive bibliography About the software: Tables 1 and 2 are accessible on the PC-compatible software included with the book. In addition, the program maketex.c in the software package will create TeX files containing copies of Table 1 and Table 2 which may then be printed. (Tables 1 and 2 are also available at the authors' Web sites:$\sim$jer/ or$\sim$phoward/.) Detailed instructions for setting up and using the software are included in the book's Introduction, and technical support is available directly from the authors.
This book giving an exposition of the foundations of modern measure theory offers three levels of presentation: a standard university graduate course, an advanced study containing some complements to the basic course, and, finally, more specialized topics partly covered by more than 850 exercises with detailed hints and references. Bibliographical comments and an extensive bibliography with 2000 works covering more than a century are provided.
The main body of this book consists of 106 numbered theorems and a dozen of examples of models of set theory. A large number of additional results is given in the exercises, which are scattered throughout the text. Most exer cises are provided with an outline of proof in square brackets [ ], and the more difficult ones are indicated by an asterisk. I am greatly indebted to all those mathematicians, too numerous to men tion by name, who in their letters, preprints, handwritten notes, lectures, seminars, and many conversations over the past decade shared with me their insight into this exciting subject. XI CONTENTS Preface xi PART I SETS Chapter 1 AXIOMATIC SET THEORY I. Axioms of Set Theory I 2. Ordinal Numbers 12 3. Cardinal Numbers 22 4. Real Numbers 29 5. The Axiom of Choice 38 6. Cardinal Arithmetic 42 7. Filters and Ideals. Closed Unbounded Sets 52 8. Singular Cardinals 61 9. The Axiom of Regularity 70 Appendix: Bernays-Godel Axiomatic Set Theory 76 Chapter 2 TRANSITIVE MODELS OF SET THEORY 10. Models of Set Theory 78 II. Transitive Models of ZF 87 12. Constructible Sets 99 13. Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis 108 14. The In Hierarchy of Classes, Relations, and Functions 114 15. Relative Constructibility and Ordinal Definability 126 PART II MORE SETS Chapter 3 FORCING AND GENERIC MODELS 16. Generic Models 137 17. Complete Boolean Algebras 144 18.