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Overview: Many of the millions who read their daily horoscopes want a better understanding of astrology-and here is the perfect, comprehensive, and great looking guide to teach them. Written by one of the world's most popular contemporary astrologers, and filled with magnificent illustrations, it covers both traditional and modern forms in a way that beginners can easily understand. The zodiac, elements, qualities, polarities, planets, house, and aspects all receive detailed attention, along with advice on putting it all together and creating a chart. There's plenty of practical guidance for every aspect of life: on how to live in harmony with a particular zodiac partner, identify the career that fits an astrological personality, and use astrology to recognize health problems and find appropriate remedies.
1907 the Bible Founded on Astrology. "The old testament and astrology or religion keeps pace with the sun through the great zodiac. the story of the Sun God and the story of the Son of God are one and the same. Man made in the image of his creator, th.
Why do people accept ideas that are contradicted by science or logic? In Implausible Beliefs, Allan Mazur offers a comparative look at the nature of irrational belief systems, their social roots, and their cultural and political impact. He begins by providing standards for judging beliefs implausible and assessing the impact of such belief systems onpolitics and social policy in the US. Mazur describes and defends commonsense criteria for establishing that certain views should not be sustained in the face of present-day understanding. He presents a statistical portrait of implausible beliefs rampant in the US, and who tends to accept them. Mazur applies criteria for implausibility to the Bible, astrology, and visitation to Earth of intelligent beings from other worlds. Pointing out that everyone "knows" the Bible but few actually read it, the author scrolls through the first five books of the text, noting points that undermine the scripture's natural history and moral guidance. Working on the assumption that implausible religious views are fundamentally no different from implausible secular views, he critiques secular beliefs in astrology and UFOs. Mazur concludes the volume with an attempt to explain why most people accept implausibility—some more than others—despite evidence and logic that refute them. Looking to mainstream sociology and psychology, Mazur shows how children are socialized into such beliefs, and how adults are influenced by spouses and friends. Personality is also a factor, sometimes abetted by stressful or lonely life situations. Lucidly written, this is a provocative and informative contribution to social psychology, sociology, religion, political science, and American studies.
The Secret Astrology of the Bible by Michael Ledo is a landmark book that will change the way the scholarly community and the general public views the Bible, history and myth. Epic in scope, this provocative book explores the connections between religious belief and cosmic theory, even as it attempts to explain contradictions and irregularities in the text. The Bible, states Ledo, was constructed as a living document, with much of its text expanded as time went on. If readers stripped away this added material, they could actually be left with an Early Bronze Age text, over a thousand years older than what is currently accepted by scholars. This text, suggests Ledo, would be a veritable cosmic myth which follows the constellations with stories in a contiguous fashion that combine both history and myth. Originally sold as "On Earth as it is in Heaven, The Cosmic Roots of the Bible."
This comprehensive guide to traditional and modern astrology is a treasure trove that brings together everything you need to know about the subject, including its meaning, correspondences and how to practise it. If you are a beginner, this book will help you to use astrology to choose the right path in life, understand yourself and others, find love or select a career. If you already have astrological skills, it will deepen and expand your knowledge of zodiac lore.
Written by a leading authority on the history and practice of Chinese astrology, this comprehensive new entry in the continuing Bible series brings together all the basics on this ancient form of divination. Filled with color photographs and beautiful illustrations, it covers everything from the 12 animals of the zodiac to calculating your sign to creating a detailed analysis of your chart based on the exact time of your birth. There’s also advice on developing your horoscope further, as well as using Chinese astrology in conjunction with Eastern medicine and feng shui.
In the present era of Jewish rejection of Jesus Christ, see how the stars themselves, in their ancient Paleo Hebrew names, declare him as their Jewish Messiah. The stars teach Christ as the fulfilling the Genesis 2:15 proto-evangelism (first gospel), the Old Testament Coming Branch and Seed prophecies, the sacrificial Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the promised virgin-born Messiah, and the Coming Seed of King David doctrine. Likewise - in the rise of Islamic and Muslim rejection of Jesus Christ's Deity - see how the ancient Arabic names of the stars declare Jesus Christ as Immanuel to the pro-generations of Ishmael, Esau (Edomites), Lot (Moabites and Ammonites), Ham (Egypt), etc. Furthermore, in the rise of Atheism and Evolutionism, marvel at the intelligence, order, relevance, and harmony in the astrological record. All of these premises make the stars a powerful gospel appeal to the Jewish, Arabic, and Atheistic communities in 2017.-Is there a Messianic Image of Jesus Christ in the Hebrew Names of the Stars?-Is there a Middle-East Connection to Jesus Christ in the Arabic Names of the Stars?-Is there Intelligent Design in the Stars?In this book, we journey through the oldest stories within the human race. These stories concern God's Son and his arch-enemy, Satan. Witness Christ high and lifted up in the Heavenly Tabernacle, and behold Calvary as never before. Envision the doctrines of Christ's Incarnation, Deity, Kingship, Sacrifice, Redemption, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Descent, Ascension, First and Second Advents, and his Millennial and Eternal Reigns in the starry portraits. Of which, Christ is seen as the Shepherd, the King, the Deliverer, the Judge, the Lamb and the Victor over sin, the world and Satan. Christ, as displayed by the stars, reveals why Christ has all power, deserves all glory, and is worthy of humanity's all. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge." (Ps. 19:1-6) For All Who Seek To Know!
Traces the history of Chinese astrology, explains its principles, and interprets its portent with numerous horoscopes
Tracing the roots of astrology from Abraham through the life of Christ and the surrounding Roman Empire, this book provides astonishing evidence that astrology once held an essential position within early Christian beliefs and traditional monotheistic Hebrew culture. Powerful proofs from history and the Bible are examined, and the reasons behind the unfounded defamation of astrology by Roman church authorities are presented, finally legitimatizing astrology for Christians today. Applicable to the seasoned astrologer, yet easy to understand by those with little knowledge of astrology, detailed historical and astrological evidence behind the Star of Bethlehem, the biblical nature of wisdom, and the wise men are explored. Original horoscopes for King David and the eclipse preceding the birth of Jesus are described, with astounding implications for modern understanding. The final messages are clear: God is real. The story of Jesus Christ is real. The manifestation of God's will is real, and nowhere in the Bible is there a condemnation of astrology.
How to use your astrological sign's birth horoscope to transform every area of your life. Learn how to interpret the positions of the zodiac signs, sun, moon and other planets to better understand yourself and your place in the world around you. The ebook outlines the key principles of astrology and pinpoints ways you can use it as a form of self-help. This ancient art can help you improve many different areas of your life--from your personal and professional relationships to your health, wealth, and well-being. You'll also see how astrology can help you when you need it most, with practical advice about handling life's key moments, including changing jobs, starting a family, coping with financial difficulty, or facing retirement. Written in plain language and with sample case studies and beautiful graphics, Astrology is your essential e-guide to navigating all of life's challenges and opportunities.