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This book is a study of the Habad Hasidism movement, an influential part of the Hasidic Movement, which originated in the eigteenth century. Habad was founded by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1813) who established a Hasidic community in Belorussia and who set forth the new Habad doctrine in a book entitled Tanya (Likutey Amarim). This doctrine expounded the mystical ideas underlying the quest for God. Its essential innovation lay in the formulation of a religious outlook which concentrated upon perceiving the divinity: its essence, its nature, the stages of its manifestation, its characteristics, its perfection, its differing wills, its processes, the significance of its revelation and the possibilities of its perception. This conception generated a profound transformation of religious worship and was the cause of great controversy throughout the Jewish world.
Called as pope, St. John Paul II emerged onto St. Peter’s balcony proclaiming, “Do not be afraid!” What theology and mystery inspired this surprising proclamation? John Paul II’s quest for holiness was grounded in the mystical insight that we participate in God. We seek the Beatific Vision, the Face of God, through which we are transformed in theosis or divinization. This infusion of grace perfects and unites us. In this book readers will find engaging theology intermixed with spiritual direction and lectio divina meditations. Utilizing Aquinas’ method of scriptural interpretation, we are offered ways of seeking spiritual fulfillment to behold the Beatific Vision. Fr. Tom Kuffel shares personal experiences from his time studying and working in Rome, Nebraska, and Alaska. Reflecting on his own priesthood, his fascinating narratives encourage our own spiritual growth. Readers find fresh ways of engaging Scripture through St. John Paul II’s New Pentecost, encouraging new interpretations of Vatican II.
The Ascent of the Mind to God, stands apart from Bellarmine's Apologetic works. Written after a retreat in 1614, he christened it his "Benjamin", because it was born in old age, and the first of many other spiritual works which have been popular for centuries. The Ascent proposes 15 steps of a ladder, beginning with man, the microcosm of all creation, being a development of Homo creates est which are found in the first principle of St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises. Moving the microcosm, he turns his attention to the macrocosm, nature, the elements, the heavens, and then the heavens above, the angels and the very nature of God. St. Robert stops at each step to search out the vestige of God within creation, and to challenge the soul to consider its final end at each turn. Every movement up this ladder is a lesson in itself of holy wisdom, drawn from the pages of Sacred Scripture, assisting men in being more prayerful, and assist them in finding time for contemplation in their busy lives. St. Robert draws on his own experience, as he was a contemplative mystic in spite of his very busy life, and exhorts the reader to overcome struggles of prayer and focus on God, which he undoubtedly had to fight back at every turn. Published here in a new translation, the Ascent of the Mind to God by the Ladder of Creation will help the reader: -to contemplate God in everyday things; -to challenge their life, habits, and vices; -to fight distraction in prayer; -to see in all things the power, beauty, wisdom, mercy, and also justice of God. This books is ideal for personal prayer and meditation, or for making a visit to the blessed Sacrament, whether in a Church or an hour of adoration.
HE that desires in earnest to erect a Ladder by which he may ascend as high as to God Almighty, ought to make the first Step, from the Consideration of himself. For every Individual amongst us, is both the Creature and Image of God, and nothing is nearer to us than our selves. Moses therefore with good reason thus advises, Attend to, or narrowly observe thy self. Upon which words Basil the great compos’d a notable Discourse. For he that shall carefully survey the outward, and diligently inspect the inner Man, will find himself to be a fort of Epitome, and Abridgement of the Universe, and hence easily take his Rise to the Creator of all things. Aeterna Press
The redemptive story of one man's agonizing journey from the depths of Satanism to a radical new life in Christ. A life of difficulty and disappointment set 33-three year old Michael Leehan up for the worst decision of his life—to make a deal with the Devil to follow and serve him. Practicing the dark arts that include ritualistic cuttings and blood sacrifices, while fine tuning his manipulation and control skills, Michael launched into a twenty year downward spiral that included job loss and detachment from loved ones, and even jail time. But God had another plan that included a group of Christian men to love him and pray for him—even when it became evident his assignment from Satan was to kill their pastor, Craig Groeschel. The life Michael Leehan lives today is an incredible testimony of the transforming power of God's mercy and grace, but is also a wakeup call to the church to be fully aware of the spiritual war that is going on all around them, and to the ultimate battle for their souls. "I am sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me." Acts 26:18
The author of The Seven Storey Mountain explores the mysticism of Saint John of the Cross. The only thing that can save the world from complete moral collapse is a spiritual revolution. . . . The desire for unworldliness, detachment, and union with God is the most fundamental expression of this revolutionary spirit. In Ascent to Truth, author and Trappist Monk Thomas Merton makes an impassioned case for the importance of contemplation. Drawing on a range of thinkers—from Carl Jung to Pope Pius XII—Merton defines the nature of contemplative experience and shows how the Christian mysticism of sixteenth-century Spanish Carmelite Saint John of the Cross offers essential answers to our disquieting and troubling times. “For any who have the desire to look into meditation and contemplation . . . this is the book for which they have waited.” —New York Herald Tribune Book Review “For those who may be curious about mysticism, and for those who may be called to a life of contemplation, this is an excellent book.” —Catholic World
When we think of Inanna, she is usually envisioned as the descending Goddess--and often, it is her time spent in the Underworld that most alluded to. While the Underworld, or the "shadow" is vital, it is equally important to remember what happens after the time spent in the darkness, the void, or the long dark tunnel. We descend our entire lives it seems--only coming up for brief moments of respite. Patriarchy pushes us down repeatedly--and sometimes, we just stay there. Inanna's Ascent examines how women can rise from the underworld and reclaim their power. All contributors are extraordinary women in their own right, who have been through some difficult life lessons--and are brave enough to share their stories.
It's essential to the Gospel, but we rarely talk about it. The good news of Jesus includes his life, death, resurrection, and future return--but what about his ascension? Though often neglected or misunderstood, the ascension is integral to the gospel. In The Ascension of Christ, Patrick Schreiner argues that Jesus' work would be incomplete without his ascent to God's right hand. Not only a key moment in the Gospel story, Jesus' ascension was necessary for his present ministry in and through the church. Schreiner argues that Jesus' residence in heaven marks a turning point in his three-fold offices of prophet, priest, and king. As prophet, Jesus builds the church and its witness. As priest, he intercedes before the Father. As king, he rules over all. A full appreciation of the ascension is essential for understanding the Bible, Christian doctrine, and Christ's ongoing work in the world.
In brief but powerful reflections for the 40 days of Lent, Father Hays has created a thought-provoking adventure, taking us on a sacred mountain climbing expedition--the mountain being a universal symbol of God's presence, the place of awe-inspiring encounters with God. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, we are led to successive heights on the way to the summit of the Easter Mystery. A rich collection of parables and stories, prayers and paradoxes for turning the challenge of the Lenten ascent into a joyful adventure.
The Hackett edition of this classic of medieval philosophy and mysticism--a plan of pilgrimage for the learned Franciscan wishing to reach the apex of the mystical experience--combines the highly regarded Boehner translation with a new introduction by Stephen Brown focusing on St. Francis as a model of the contemplative life, the meaning of the Itinerarium, its place in Bonaventure's mystical theology, and the plan of the work. Boehner's Latin Notes, as well as Latin texts from other works of Bonaventure included in the Franciscan Institute Edition, are rendered here in English, making this the edition of choice for the beginning student.