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This book is an Anthology of Gregory Lessing Garrett's writings and others on the topic of Flat Earth Plane Cosmology of all types, including Enclosed Earth, Hollow Earth, Concave Earth, Infinite Plane Earth, The Enochian Earth Model, etc... The hope is that the ideas expounded in this Flat Earth Trilogy series will provide compelling justifications for the claim that no curvature can be found on the Earth, which points to the empirical conclusion that we live on a plane and not a spinning ball in science fiction outer space. The details regarding the possible topography of the Earth are discussed in depth in this book, but ultimately, the absolute true topography of the Earth is not known by anyone. -Gregory Lessing Garrett
In the world today, there is a Luciferian Occult Epistemological Autocracy where ÒTruthÓ is allocated to a few Luciferian Elite Scientism Priests. There is a self-professed superiority amongst these hypnotized pseudo-academics, drunk on blind ambition, and hell-bent on creating a worldwide Techno Mystical Technocracy. In their eyes, they should be the supreme rulers over all others in a sterile, Brave New World, digitally manipulated and controlled tyranny. Where any sane and seasoned thinker would see inherent limitations to what Mankind can know and perceive, there are no such intrinsic limitations of empirical or epistemic reasoning within this Cult of The Luciferian Elite. This riveting book explains how this all happened, why, and what the chilling conclusion will be for Mankind as it endures the One Deception to Rule Them All.
"This enthralling page-turner breaks all the molds, and fearlessly exposes the deepest darkest intrigue in history...The Luciferian Agenda for a New World Order. In it, we learn of the Luciferian roots of Modern Science, as the reader is transported back in time to the insidious origins of modern-day Scientism, the current religion of most scientists today. Through an excursion into the roots of Scientism, Mr. Garrett deftly retraces the historical antecedents of Scientism, echoing back to The Secret Mystery Schools of Kabbalistic, Egyptian Hermeticism, onwards into the true nature of Freemason and Alchemical Occultist, Sir Isaac Newton, and then further into the nefarious Vatican Jesuit Priesthood, whose hidden hand can be linked to the creation of The Illuminati, as well as the current Luciferian New Age Religion. Finally, the serpentine path leads up into modern Freemasonic Luciferian, NASA, and then to The Jesuit Controlled Alien Deception about to take hold of the world." --Christian Chesterfield Ph.D.
"This enthralling page turner breaks all the molds, and fearlessly exposes the deepest darkest intrigue in history...The Luciferian Agenda for a New World Order. In it, we learn of the Luciferian roots of Modern Science, as the reader is transported back in time to the insidious origins of modern-day Scientism, the current religion of most scientists today. Through an excursion into the roots of Scientism, Mr. Garrett deftly retraces the historical antecedents of Scientism, echoing back to The Secret Mystery Schools of Kabbalistic, Egyptian Hermeticism, onwards into the true nature of Freemason and Alchemical Occultist, Sir Isaac Newton, and then further into the nefarious Vatican Jesuit Priesthood, whose hidden hand can be linked to the creation of The Illuminati, as well as the current Luciferian New Age Religion. Finally, the serpentine path leads up into modern Freemasonic Luciferian, NASA, and then to The Jesuit Controlled Alien Deception about to take hold of the world." --Christian Chesterfield Ph.D.
This book contains my writings, other apologetics writers, top scientists, thinkers, and scholars on the topics of Ontology, Evolutionary Theory, Theology, Biogenesis, Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Science, Physics, Scientism, and Epistemology, pertaining to the core topic of Refutations to Atheistic Materialism. Crucial to consider is the idea that it is not any one refutation or data point of evidence pointing to the plausibility of there being an Eternal Causal Intelligence that creates a case for the strong possibility of such an Eternal Causal Intelligence...a Creator. Rather, it is the summation of ALL such robust data points and proofs that culminates in an over-arching and inescapable conclusion that such a Creator is not only highly plausible, and therefore worthy of serious scientific, philosophic, and theological consideration, but moreover, to reject such a conclusion, based upon the cumulative data is tantamount to an overt confession of scientific malpractice and a glaring Naturalism biases.
Ever wondered if you're being told the whole truth about supernatural phenomena, new developments in biological and chemical warfare, and atrocities like Heaven's Gate? This all-new anthology features thirty-one provocative and engrossing articles from the pages of Paranoia, the world's most popular and respected conspiracy journal. For the first time, you'll get the real story behind the important cultural and political events that shape our world. Compelling, controversial, and featuring a wealth of documentation and sources, The New Conspiracy Reader will convince you that the truth is indeed out there and may be stranger than you ever imagined. Book jacket.
Wake Up! Preparing for the End-Times Outpouring is a trumpet calling the body of Christ to wake up to the fact that we are living in the "post defeat of the saints era" (see Dan. 7:21). Wake Up! gives the historical evidence of the defeat of the saints; in contrast it looks at the characters of Daniel and his friends and the first disciples and shows how they acted and responded to the stimulus from their culture, so they could be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. Wake Up! encourages believers to become overcomers at the end of the end-times and to learn to counteract against the defeat of the saints. Believers are called to be continually filled by the Holy Spirit, to learn to release the gifts of the Spirit to destroy the works of the Devil, and to bring in the harvest and glorify the Lord. You will learn: The defeat of the saints prophesied in Daniel 7:21 is shown with numerous historical evidences how the defeat of the saints has occurred over the past three centuries. The saints are now living in the "post-defeat of the saints era," but they are not to remain defeated. They need to be continually filled by the Holy Spirit and then demonstrate who Jesus is to the whole world. The little horn is still trying to defeat the saints through the Illuminati, whose goal it is to completely wipe out Christianity with their eugenic plans wanting to kill 90 percent of the world. The Ancient of Days has been pouring out His Spirit to help the saints to defeat the works of the Devil. Believers are to receive the Holy Spirit continually and then learn to demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit so we can bring glory to the Lord.
Few realize a New World Order plans to replace our constitution with a Single World Government, nor that our Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and is not subject to oversight by Congress or the President. Its stockholders include the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers of New York; the Rothschild's of London and Berlin; the Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Seiff of Italy; the Kuhn & Loeb Company of Germany; and the Warburgs of Hamburg and Amsterdam, earning almost two billion dollars a day in interest as they buy off our dysfunctional Congress and intentionally level this great nation. George H. W. Bush, the undisputed "Overlord" of the Shrub Dynasty, in his State of the Union Message in 1991 said: "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a new world order." Did We the People ever agree to this treasonous act of turning over our nation's sovereignty to a Single World Government? About the Author John R. Krismer, MHA-LFACHE is founder and CEO of Health Systems Institute, consulting with governments, hospitals, clinics, and professional organizations. He has conducted hundreds of educational institutes, and served as a principal investigator, researching the health record database system, which involved four major universities. He has served as CEO of several hospitals and corporations, and as a board member of two health insurance companies. He has been referred to as a visionary ahead of his time.