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Ornament is currently acquiring a renewed status in architecture. As contemporary technologies of design and fabrication introduce unprecedented opportunities to intertwine the constructive logics and expressive articulations of buildings, ornament has re-emerged as a means to explore the interactions between function and decoration, volume and surface, structure and envelope. This book gives a systematic account of the technologies employed in the production of ornament and the strategies of its application today, examining a range of international built examples. Architects with particularly advanced approaches to the question of ornament contribute reports and reflections on their experiences: Sam Jacob of Fashion Architecture Taste (FAT), London; Andreas Hild of Hild und K Architekten, Munich; and Alejandro Zaera-Polo of Foreign Office Architects (FOA), London.
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The purpose of this publication is to display case studies in the novel usage of repetitious materials, geometries, and patterns towards the re-articulation of architectural surfaces. The case studies are organized into three categories:1. Triangulation - The usage of triangular elements in the production of 3-d curvilinear form2. Modular decoration - Repetitive elements used to articulate texture and transformation in an otherwise flat skin3. Planar articulation - The usage of flat rectilinear elements in the pursuit of curvilinear form.While nothing compares to seeing a project in person, most of the time we are only afforded the opportunity to see the work in small monograph images with detailed images being no larger than a 2" x 2" image amongst a field of other images. Displaying detailed photos in a larger scale presents this information in ways typically unseen.
An anthropologist and an anatomist have combined their skills in this book to provide students and research workers with the essentials of anatomy and the means to apply these to investigations into hominid form and function. Using basic principles and relevant bones, conclusions can be reached regarding the probable musculature, stance, brain size, age, weight, and sex of a particular fossil specimen. The sort of deductions which are possible are illustrated by reference back to contemporary apes and humans, and a coherent picture of the history of hominid evolution appears. Written in a clear and concise style and beautifully illustrated, An Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anatomy is a basic reference for all concerned with human evolution as well as a valuable companion to both laboratory practical sessions and new research using fossil skeletons.
In the following pages the term skeleton is used in its widest sense, so as to include exoskeletal or tegumentary structures, as well as endoskeletal structures. It was thought advisable to include some account of the skeleton of the lowest Chordata—animals which are not strictly vertebrates, but it seemed undesirable to alter the title of the book in consequence. The plan adopted in the treatment of each group has been to give first an account of the general skeletal characters of the group in question and of its several subdivisions; secondly to describe in detail the skeleton of one or more selected types; and thirdly to treat the skeleton as developed in the group organ by organ. A beginner is advised to commence, not with the introductory chapter, but with the skeleton of the Dogfish, then to pass to the skeletons of the Newt and Frog, and then to that of the Dog. After that he might pass to the introductory chapter and work straight through the book. I have endeavoured to make the account of each type skeleton complete in itself; this has necessitated a certain amount of[vi] repetition,—a fault that I have found it equally difficult to avoid in other parts of the book. SIDNEY H. REYNOLDS.
Equiping you with all the essential anatomy information you need to know, this new medical textbook lets you study efficiently while being confident in your mastery of the most important anatomical concepts.