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We all have the capacity to self-transform. We all have the capacity to attain better realities. It is our right, and it is part of our infinite choices. Self-transformation is a normal process in our life and in our nature. We are different from any one of the natural kingdoms in the sense that we have conscious awareness. If we take advantage of our uniqueness and our ability to consciously transform ourselves, we will be able to accelerate the journey to higher states of well-being in our self-transformation. Through amplifications and deeper understanding of ourselves, we will be able to recognize who we are and how we can self-transform. In this book, you will find tools, techniques, and a sense of care for yourself to help you become the one you always wanted to be. Now is the time to self-transform in accordance with our individuality and free will. As in his previous books, Dr. Llanos offers a concise and unique way to satisfy your deep need for more well-being through the art of self-transformation. The more we transform ourselves, the more joy, security, love, and fascination will be available on our journeys.
The more grateful we are for our existence, the more we will recognize the gratitude and have reverence for it. In Consciousness and Well-Being, author Dr. Raul Llanos helps you become more conscious of the awareness and expansion of your unique way of experiencing your well-being. He helps you find more well-being by exploring who you are, where you are, and what your role in life is. Llanos shows you why it’s important to stop living in the constrictions of the past and concentrate on the cocreation of more amazing futures. Consciousness and Well-Being teaches you to tap into hope, gratitude, joy, beauty, and other nourishing energies and become fascinated with life. Llanos offers you concepts, ideas, and awareness so you can become more grateful of your free will, power, authority, and dominion. He gives you the opportunity to open yourself to new realities of more well-being.
Are you searching for more well-being? Are you searching for who you are, trying to find the meaning and significance in your life and in yourself? In Let Us Be Aware, author Dr. Raul Llanos provides answers and understandings to these questions and more. With insights and practical tips, he offers an integrative approach to achieve more well-being in your lives and create your own reality. Llanos communicates that everything begins and ends in our imagination; it is part of who we are. He bases his teachings on the exploration of spirituality, recommendations on well-being, Ayurveda, Modern Quantum Reality and the Pillars of our lives. Through lessons and discussions Let Us Be Aware creates an opportunity to wake up into more well-being and reflect and meditate on the desirable expansion of our well-being. Llanos helps us to find more well-being in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
This book is an expression of the maturity of my vocation as a healer and my profession as a medical doctor, that has given me the tools and the opportunity to find and to share more wellbeing in our lives. If we become more conscious of our awareness, we will be able to get in touch with an infinite capacity to create richer stages of being. During the passages of my book I will share with you, spiritual truths that I consider very important to be conscious in the pursue of higher stages of wellbeing. Throughout the chapters of the book, we will get in touch with our capacity to always expand our conscious reality. I include concepts that will help us to be conscious of who we are, and how to experience with more easiness and elegancy our holographic reality. We explore concepts of the importance of been more in charge of our day and night dreams, but mainly to be able to accept that we are experiencing a real illusion reality. The power of forgiveness, the love, and the celebration of the gifts of life are also included with the main goal of helping us to be more aware of our capacity to consciously create our own reality. To expand it in an un-limited way, all at our disposition. You will be able to understand that always will be more and that we are a precious conscious gem who co-creates precious gems realities.
The Art of Living Consciously Is an Operating Manual for Our Basic Tool of Survival In The Art of Living Consciously, Dr. Nathaniel Branden, our foremost authority on self-esteem, takes us into new territory, exploring the actions of our minds when they are operating as our life and well-being require -- and also when they are not. No other book illuminates so clearly what true mindfulness means: * In the workplace * In the arena of romantic love * In child-rearing * In the pursuit of personal development Today we are exposed to an unprecedented amount of information and an unprecedented number of opinions about every conceivable aspect of life. We are thrown on our own resources as never before -- and we have nothing to protect us but the clarity of our thinking. In The Art of Living Consciously, Branden gives us the tools with which to draw out the best within us.
A must read that is astonishing, profound, timeless, and transforming. If there is one book you read on, higher consciousness, karma, the now, divine love, and personal and spiritual transformation, this is it. Feel the shift as you read this work as it helps to increase your awareness to become the consciousness transformers and change agents for our New Golden Age of Spirituality. 12 informative chapters, inspired from the traditional and contemporary eastern philosophy and spirituality of the Wisdom of the Great Saints and mystics with some western flavor. Here is a unique blend of east meets west for the curious and sincere seeker to the more advanced and experienced aspirant traveling on the journey of (inner) light and sound. This inspired work is designed to help and encourage you to tap within to obtain self- love and inner peace so that one by one we obtain global peace and love in preparation for entering our New Golden Age.
Interpretation is the primary intervention of psychoanalysis. Until now it has been discussed almost exclusively from a technical standpoint, rather than its relationship to the mind, human life, and how it affects the personality. This book explores the intrinsic nature of interpretation in psychoanalysis. For that purpose, two streams of thought are brought into dialogue with one another: Anglo-American psychoanalysis and Continental European philosophical hermeneutics, the study of meaning and interpretation. This book celebrates and makes explicit the value of interchanges between the paradigm of science and philosophical hermeneutics. It is divided into three sections, preceded by a discussion of the relationship between psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, and the sciences, with psychoanalysis at a crossroads seeking a new path. Part 1 starts with a consideration of Freud's methodology in The Interpretation of Dreams, moving to a review of ancient, romantic, and modern theories of interpretation as they relate to psychoanalysis.
Living Intelligence or the Art of Becoming By Dr. Rimaletta Ray and Xenia Gazarkh The highest system of learning is how we live our lives, and the hardest Job in the world is to create oneself!(Dalai Lama) The work on self-formation is the art of making each life have more sense in terms of intellectual self-realization that each and every one of us is striving hard to accomplish. Revolutionizing our knowledge in the coming more electronically-charged years is the first stage of the process of rationalization of our lives. There is only one good - knowledge and one evil ignorance (Socrates) The book Living Intelligence or the Art of Becoming is an attempt to pinpoint the Modus Operandi of a personal evolution through expanding ones intelligence and raising the consciousness. Unfortunately, it is downright impossible unless we uplift ourselves in all the five main dimensions of life: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal holistically by practicing what we preach, by developing intuition that is our adult barometer, and by turning our bad life habits into transformative Living Intelligence skills. At the new electronically-advanced times holistic, integral, and conscious self-development becomes a priority At the time of rapid evolution of Electronic Intelligence, we need people that are well-rounded holistically, on all the above mentioned levels. And if our education system does not provide that, the mission of every intelligent person is to obtain the education that makes ones unique personality shine against all odds. We need to help it happen so any one could become his own cheer-leader in life, cut his mechanical living, and start living consciously The book is an attempt to present a simple blueprint of self-development and self-realization as our main mission in life. Thesis 9)If you are not headed to a destination with a map to guide you, then your intelligence and ambition are going to waste. (Dr. Phil) We are mapping out the ten stages of Living Intelligence ( Introduction, Thesis 9) that, in our understanding, are to be followed as our intellectual quest on the basis of the specifically developed talents and the intelligence that we might be granted by God. It is a holistic picture of the most critical intelligences that comprise living intelligence and sculpture a person on his way to attaining spiritualized intelligence (John Baines) and Living Consciousness. It is a new, much more reasoned out self-awareness, guided by rational thinking, speaking and acting that a human mind needs to master on five philosophical levels: Mini, Mata. Mezzo. Macro, and Super, and in five main dimensions: physical, emotional, mental spiritual, and universal. We are developing the super conscious mind on these levels holistically. This being said, self- modification and self-regulation need to be consciously practiced in the following direction: Unconscious Conscious Superconscious Mini Level - (Physical dimension) - General Intelligence (Physical Intelligence +, Cognitive Intelligence + Digital Intelligence) + Language Intelligence - We personalize ourselves mentally, verbally, and psychologically. Meta Level (Emotional dimension) - Emotional Intelligence + Psychological Intelligence - We intellectualize our emotions and become better masters of ourselves psychologically Mezzo Level (Mental dimension) - Professional Intelligence (Creative Intelligence +, Financial Intelligence) - We individualize and self-realize ourselves professionally! Macro -Level (Mental Dimension)- Cultural and Social Intelligences We acculturate and socialize yourself! Super Level (Spiritual and Universal Dimensions), Spiritual and Universal Intelligences We spiritualize ourselves by transcending our religious differences, committing to the Universal Intelligence that we all call God holistically, servicing God and life at large on the interpersonal level and extra-terrestrial levels. Each of the intelligences, outlined above, makes up a strategic plan of action for self- creation. They are all interrelated by the principle of the Russian dolls, when the top doll encompasses all the rest into one dependable structure.( Introduction, Thesis 9) The outline of the direction for the self-quest that we present in this book as the know-how of a self-training program had been verified by the author for the life time of academic teaching young people from all over the world.. They have all learned to defy the gravity of common thought and fly in their mind, no matter what! Finally, the book is also promoting self- suggestive psychology based on the premises that if you want to be inspired, you need to be self-inspiring! We believe that besides obtaining a more rationalized attitude to life, the mind of each person on earth needs to be inspired and enthused for such a holistic mission statement willfully. Inspiring oneself is the process of forcing ones resisting mental, emotional, and psychological make-ups to do the self-transformation of the whole body system. The book is disarmingly simple to grasp for everyone, an adult or a teenager, just stepping on the path of self-formation. Simplicity, as the primary component of the book, prompted that its extremely broad topic be presented in small, very digestible Chunks of information that can always be enriched through numerous sources on the Internet With a clear-cut idea about what they are seeking and where they are channeling themselves with the book as a compass in self-quest and self-realization, readers can get oriented in the intelligence that they need to develop. It will also inspire them to stay on the path of self- creation with the help of suggestive inspirational boosters that preview every stage of intelligence , on the one hand , and a wide choice of auto-suggestive mind-sets that rhyme to boost the will-power, on the other.. In sum, the aim of the book Living Intelligence or the Art of Becoming is to expand on the circumference of being to becoming, systematizing the living skills, or rather the mix of living skills to attain basic intelligences for self-regeneration and self-creation to a better full- realization in life. Its the first book on the market of this overwhelmingly holistic value, and it has undoubtedly a great potential to be read and studied by everyone who feels a void inside for self- realization to finally accomplish the excessive happiness that everyone is striving for. Living intelligence becomes consciousness in action, the consciousness that cultivates a new culture of thinking and living. We must make sense with our lives, each and every one of us!(Leo Vygotsky) Someday is Now!
Ditch the negative mental habits that derail conversations and destroy projects, and discover a framework for forging authentic, enduring, and productive connections. We live in conversations like fish live in water-we're in them all the time, so we don't think about them much. As a result, we often find ourselves stuck in cyclical patterns of unproductive behaviors. We listen half-heartedly, react emotionally, and respond habitually, like we're on autopilot. This bookis a practical guide for thoughtfully reflecting on conversations so we can avoid the common pitfalls that cause our relationships and work to go sideways. Chuck Wisner identifies four universal types of conversations and offers specific advice on maximizing the effectiveness of each: Storytelling-Investigate the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and others Collaborative-Explore the way our stories and other people's stories interact Creative-See new possibilities and discover unforeseen solutions Commitment-Make promises we know we can keep These conversations unfold sequentially: our awareness of our and others' stories transforms our ability to listen and collaborate, which opens our thoughts to creative possibilities, guiding us toward mindful agreements. Our conversations-at home, at work, or in public-can be sources of pleasure and stepping-stones toward success, or they can cause pain and lead to failure. Wisner shows how we can form a connection from the very first conversation and keep our discourse positive and productive throughout any endeavor.
Jawara D. King is back with another classic and has written "the greatest self-help book of all-time" with TRANSFORM YOUR WORLD THROUGH THE POWERS OF YOUR MIND, which is a classic and spiritual masterpiece leading the world into manifested mind power. This transformational life-changing manual full of life-changing principles will help you make the proper mental adjustments needed to experience the full manifestation of thought power. A trained and directed mind disciplined to think the right thoughts will help you manifest the life you want through the power and possibility of faith. Learn how to not limit yourself in your thinking and allow the energy of thought to create the circumstances you desire. The only limits are our beliefs, which make the possible impossible, while everything is possible, including the impossible, using mind over matter to overcome impossibilities. Through persistence, will, and daily commitment, you will be able to change or manifest anything within the realm of the possible through applied action. The beliefs you hold within are always repelling or attracting success, and your thoughts and spoken words will manifest. Building on the success of his first book WORLD TRANSFORMATION, Dr. Jawara D. King returns with a spectacular effort full of techniques that will make dramatic positive changes for you if practiced, and help you see and imagine yourself being what you affirm to be. A decision backed by action is the root of all change, along with a change in your thinking. You have to believe it before you see it. Images of what you want in your mind begin the creative process. You attract situations that match the images of your daily thoughts and what you mostly focus upon. Through mind power, your new life will reflect your new thoughts and habits.