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Relationships between people are frequently compromised as a result of religious viewpoints, but appropriate spiritual care requires bridges to understanding that will allow for trust and justice to become visible. The pattern for this book is shaped on the recognition that, while religious expressions differ markedly in their presentation, we can discern at the core of all religious expressions a supposition of sacred presence. It is therefore helpful for us all, in the daily events of our lives, that we approach people of other faiths with a degree of humility, recognizing that neither we, nor they, have a final answer to the question of faith. The book is divided into four parts, each part containing some chapters, in which elements of interfaith care are considered. Part one explores the complexities of interfaith engagement. Part two discusses ways for caring for each other in the search for meaning. Part three claims that spirituality is most difficult, if not impossible to define, but can be visible in a variety of experiences. The fourth part explores ways in which all that has gone before may be put into practice as spiritual care.
The Art of Spiritual Care across Religious Difference equips spiritual caregivers to offer competent care amid religious pluralism. This book presents theory and practices to help caregivers think reflexively about their own religious locations and how these locations impact relational dynamics with care seekers across diverse cultural contexts.
The United States is witnessing a rise in the religiously unaffiliated. Participation in traditional religious settings is in decline. But everyone inhabits a location relative to religion, whether or not they practice or identify with a religious tradition. People engage in religious encounters and relationships in myriad ways, and their religious location is one part of their intersecting identities. This shifting religious landscape challenges spiritual caregivers to provide competent care and counsel that honors how persons' religious locations intersect. Jill Snodgrass argues that without a theoretical understanding of religious location, chaplains, counselors, and other spiritual caregivers are left without sufficient tools to navigate this relational terrain. In The Art of Spiritual Care across Religious Difference, she gathers practices and insights from experienced spiritual caregivers and scholars to explore the concept of religious location--a term initially coined by pastoral theologian Kathleen Greider--as an aspect of an individual's intersecting identity. Snodgrass presents a compilation of essays that help spiritual caregivers think reflexively about their own religious locations and how these locations influence relational dynamics with care seekers within a diversity of cultural contexts. This vigorous compilation advances the fields of pastoral and practical theology as well as spiritual care and counseling by developing a robust, interreligious theory of religious difference grounded in insights from Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam. As such, The Art of Spiritual Care across Religious Difference presents a well-timed resource for the training of religiously competent caregivers to serve in hospitals, prisons, places of worship, community mental health centers, offices of campus ministry, and more. Scholars and practitioners will quickly discover that this book will serve as an enduring resource to meet the training needs for spiritual caregivers in ways that will help them to build enduring competencies.
Encouraging a broad, compassionate, humanistic approach to spirituality, this book shows how patients' spiritual needs can be communicated well within interdisciplinary teams, leading to better patient wellbeing. This book describes the art of charting patients' spiritual perspectives in an open way that will help physicians and nurses to better direct medical care. It includes practical information on how to distil spiritual needs into pragmatic language, helping to demystify spiritual experience. Drawing on his extensive practical experience, the author also suggests key points to emphasise that will enrich chart notes for medical records, including brief, relative narratives, trusting one's own impressions, reflecting holistically on the patient's life, patient attitudes towards treatment and recovery, and describing families' opinions on the health care situation of their loved one. The book shows healthcare professionals of all disciplines how to engage in a shared responsibility for the spiritual care of their patients.
Across the helping professions, and as a compassionate response to human suffering, spiritual care is a special process of companioning. Furthermore, all forms of spiritual care always consist in connecting diverse wisdom traditions with care receivers’ spiritual resources, longings, and struggles in socio-cultural and contextually pertinent ways. This book thoroughly explicates such understanding with interdisciplinary lenses. Its main purpose is to offer a comprehensive response to the new challenges and opportunities for excellent care presented by increasing cultural and religious-spiritual pluralization. Practical guidelines and case studies are connected with models of spirituality, spiritual toxicity and injury, communication strategies for engaging difference, patterns of caregiving work, and profiles of professional competence. In addition to offering an overarching orientation to the field, the contents of this book invite further reflection, dialogue, and collaboration among clinical pastoral education and psychospiritual therapy students and supervisors; chaplains, pastors and other religious caregivers; counselors; psychotherapists; and others interested in spiritual care in our multifaith world. It thus reflects the shared hope and, indeed, the expectation that spiritual care theory and practice across traditions and disciplines will continue to be enhanced in the days ahead.
An essential textbook for beginning spiritual directors. Noticing the Divine utilizes wisdom from the religions of the world to teach the basic skills needed to offer spiritual direction to people of all traditions. It introduces the foundational concepts and techniques needed to responsibly and professionally practice the art of spiritual guidance. Among the religious traditions covered are Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
Weaving together insights from social psychology, theology, and experiences of interfaith religious leaders, Dagmar Grefe develops practical strategies that support interreligious contact at a grassroots level. She shows that by working together, religious communities can more effectively address global and local problems that all people face: poverty, environmental destruction, and armed conflict. Grefe describes interreligious cooperation at work in local communities. She develops tools that equip religious leaders with the interreligious competence needed for spiritual care and counseling with individual persons in crisis. Cooperation is not only effective in the care for communities and persons in crisis, it also heals distant and strained interreligious relationships. In the process of working together, perceptions of each other can transform.